Monday, January 27, 2020

Playing Not Playing

Having two skittish pups is exhausting and time-consuming, especially since I can't walk them simultaneously. Not yet anyway. Eventually, they'll calm down and learn their names as well as basic commands. Right now the only words they understand are "No!" and "In the House!" I'm not even sure if "Good boy" or "Good dog" is in their vocabulary yet. Patience and persistence will win out. Eventually.

I get to the gym and sit in the parking lot sipping coffee (I had the foresight to pour into a travel cup) while reading emails on my phone. I'm not motivated to leave the warmth of the car even though the weather is mild for a New York winter. Eventually, I get on an elliptical and pedal for 35 minutes, program 1, my least favorite of the four I will actually consider. There are other programs, but they're categorized as Weight Loss or Fat Burning and require that you keep your heart rate in an antiquated version of "the zone." Even if I tried, I would fail miserably every time because my HR seems independent of my pedaling efforts. This zone is based on age, no matter your fitness level, so being in the zone (a ridiculously low number) doesn't afford me any cardiac benefits as far as I can tell. Here's a standard guideline from


I knock out my standard hammer grip pull-ups, stretch and do basic core exercises. I'm not even tempted to do a Push Day routine and I scan the gym for other available cardio equipment. The StepMills are both occupied. The cross-trainers are too. I don't really want to pedal the elliptical again, and the recumbent bike is for the ancient and medically incapacitated. Even the Expresso Bikes are busy. I'm stuck with the Octane. I adjust the lateral motion to spare my knees. And I only pedal 17 minutes. Even with my "good sneakers" on, the 6.5 2E NB that actually fit, this movement causes discomfort and eventually pain in the pinky toe of my afflicted foot. I guess I wouldn't have this problem if I had just stuck to the Monday routine: Inclined Bench Press, DB Laterals superset with DB Reverse Inclined Flys, Rip Skulls. But I'm not in the mood...

Actually, I'm tired and don't want to push myself too hard. Lifting weights is a stressor that leaves me feeling great, and exhausted. Lots of people seem to be coughing and I don't want to catch a respiratory infection. Yes, I take 2 tsp of Sambucol black elderberry syrup every morning, but I'm still cautious. I can still catch the flu, or whatever else is out there, even having been vaccinated.

The only place I challenge myself is at the Stretch Cage for a second time. I've already done a set of pull-ups. This time I place my hands further apart but still maintain a neutral grip. I can get a dozen before I'm not able to get my face to the bar. I have no idea if I've even gotten my chin there because of how the Stretch Cage is angled. Maybe tomorrow I'll do a push routine. At least I feel better about my hammer grip pull-ups, having researched their benefits: works both lats and biceps. Of course, normal wide-grip pull-ups have other benefits: works lats and all the small surrounding shoulder muscles. Those would be the same muscles I target with the Reverse DB Inclined Flys, so I don't think I'm missing that much.

Wednesday, I have a dog trainer coming to meet the pups. Maybe I can get the runaway dog to stop pooping in the house.

Minimal Monday

30 min elliptical + 5cd
Program 1
Miles 2.92
Calories 328
HR 144-189 (77, 88)

Cage Stretch

Elbow Plank 60s
Sideway Scissors 60
Crunches 60/60
Bicycles 60
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s

15 Octane +2 CD
Manual lateral 3
Calories 106
Miles 1.03
Total steps 2076 / 34 floors
HR 101-147

Wide HGPU 13
Mat Stretch

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