Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Baby Steps

I skipped the gym yesterday and actually tried to get a flu shot from my local CVS. You'd think that with all the signs and voice-over recordings telling everyone how simple and easy it is to do, that there'd actually be flu shots available. But there are not. Sold out and delivery of the next shipment is uncertain. It's not the staff's fault. It's not the scheduler's fault. Or the fact that the company has switched delivery vendors. And the new guys are always late and can't stick to the schedule. I tried again today after being told that yes, delivery on Wednesday. But they're MIA. And no one at CVS can tell me when they'll have the vaccine in stock. Time to look elsewhere.

At the gym, I warm up with 30 plus minutes on the elliptical and then some pullups. Feeling much better. I skipped the black elderberry tonic I've been taking every morning only because I've been uncharacteristically light-headed. I've read that black elderberry can, in some people, lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. While lower cholesterol is always welcome, low blood sugar is not, especially before exercising. Instead, I'll take it after I've ingested something more than coffee with sugar and cream.

It's a Pull Day so I start with Smith RDLs and increase the weight a tiny bit to 110 lbs. There're huge colored patches all over the walls, and brand new sheetrock under the mirror in front of the Smith. I hope Gym Owner armors that spot with plexiglass or something because the chucklehead (that made those holes to begin with) hasn't learned anything new about not damaging his surroundings. Big white swathes of plaster and compound certainly make the gym seem brighter. Staff at the front desk believe that there'll be some metal plating protecting the walls, probably the same aluminum diamond plate that lines the bottom 3 feet of wall in the CF area. Errant kettlebells cracked a few mirrors there.

I'd like to say that everything is easier after taking yesterday off, but the Seated Cable Rows surprise me with how heavy even just 70 lbs feels. Of course, I get over that quickly and increase the weight in small, reasonable amounts. No leaping 15 lbs at a stretch for me. I'm inching my way toward 100 lbs, without risking injury to my lower back. Even the rep crazy Reverse Grip BB Curls aren't horrible. I can feel my forearms working, and I should probably do forearm movements every day if I want to see improvement, but I haven't set that as an actual goal. It's more of a passing thought.

I climb the StepMill for my second cardio leg. It's a change of pace. All the recumbent bikes are occupied by seniors. Most of the treadmills are busy as well. And then I think, well, it's a Pull Day. Maybe one more set of pullups. I'm a little worried that tired forearms will impede the count, but everything is fine. Whew! The Nexersys machines are permanently dark, and Gym Owner confirms that the pair of them are destined for the rubbish heap. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted. But I'll not be whacking the heavy bag. That's not fun at all.

Tomorrow I'll do a bit of cardio and some shoulders. I have a chimney sweep coming late morning. Because it's that time of year! There's pumpkin spice everywhere. Not just in donuts, coffee, and ice cream. I manage to try a bottle of Leinenkugel's limited-edition Harvest Patch Shandy without committing to an entire 6-pack. I enjoy their Grapefruit Shandy but none of their other flavored weiss (wheat) beers. What does Harvest Patch Shandy taste like? Why pumpkin spice, naturally.

Bleary Wednesday Pull

30 elliptical + 5cd
Program 3
Miles 2.90
Calories 325
HR 143-202 (96, 89, 97)

Cage Stretch

Elbow Plank 60s
Crunches Legs Up 60
Horizontal Scissors 60
Crunches knees bent 60
Bicycles 60
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s

Smith RDLs
Bar (30) x 15
80 x 12
110 x 12, 12, 12

Smith RG BB Rows
80 x 25 x 3

Seated Cable Rows
70 x 12
77.5 x 12
85 x 12
90 x 12
95 x 12

RG BB Curls
40 x 25 x 3

20 Step Mill
Level 3
Calories 112
Total steps 708
Floors 44
HR 130


Quick Mat Stretch

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