Monday, October 21, 2019

Out of Sync

I am horribly over-tired when I get up this morning, mostly because my husband and I are on totally different sleep schedules. He's working nights and I have to get up at 6 am. Since I'm not a morning person, this is extra hard when I'm sleep-deprived. I'm a light sleeper and tv noises leaking from the living room keep me awake for what feels like all night. Add a stressful past week and you can see why I'm less than cheerful.

The dog is finally in control of his bowels, but only after I added some Healthy Gut dog probiotics to a teaspoon of plain yogurt and mixed that into a tablespoon of pumpkin puree. He likes yogurt enough to eat that mix along with most of the kibble it sits atop. Yesterday we left him home with just a water bowl. He enjoyed the quiet solitude and his gut needed a rest. Last night he ate his kibble and the tummy mix. I'm so happy not to have to clean up a stinky wet mess in the middle of the night!

He got more tummy mix this afternoon. With a full belly, he looks more relaxed. I'll need to keep a few cans of plain pumpkin puree in the house just for such digestive issues! It's apparently a well-known home remedy for diarrhea and constipation (endorsed by the AKC aka American Kennel Club) due to the high fiber content, vitamins, and minerals that promote healthy intestinal bacteria, and its ability to lower the gut pH. Now I wonder if this works as well on people?

The one pleasant thing about my morning was discovering that the IOS update to my ancient iPhone 6 gave me an alarm setting that rouses you with cheerfully noisy chirping birds. That's actually so much nicer than it sounds. Unfortunately, I can't apply it to any of my other alarm settings. Oh well...

I get to the gym and run into B in the locker room. I'm not a happy, chatty talkative person even when I'm wide awake. I don't feel the need to express sighs and moans with every motion I make. When a woman leaves the faucet running after washing her hands and toweling them dry, I call after her. It's not just that the water is running. It's open full tilt. I don't understand people who leave a motion uncompleted. Open the faucet to rinse and wash. Close the faucet. Who the hell leaves the faucet rushing torrents of water while drying their hands?

B questions me, as if I'm the one at fault. As if I'm having a bad day. I'm not. I'm just tired and have no tolerance for stupid people. This isn't the first time this woman has done that. My problem is that I see this from both the gym member AND the staff/gym owner's point of view. The town charges businesses for water usage. I don't know what type of profit margin this business operates under but I know it's hard owning a small business, especially with gross customers and fixtures that constantly need repair. (The Nexersys is down again and it's too costly to buy a new version of it. Oh well. I had wanted to whack the machine tomorrow, but maybe I'll just take a rest day.) All throughout the rest of the morning, I feel B giving me the side-eye. Whatever. I don't have much to say to someone who's only conversant in manicures, hair treatments and shopping.

After my routine 30 minutes on the elliptical, pullups and core exercises, I wander past the Smith machine. B's on it and I don't give it any pause. I can warm up on the Breaker Inclined Bench although my left forearm reacts oddly when I bring the bar down. I see a few regulars including the ultra-polite, nicely bearded fellow. Nice Beard does all sorts of sets in the Squat Rack, from BB Rows/Shrugs to flat Benching. I'm not paying a whole lot of attention but maybe he even performed Squats.

I do my sets on the Smith and then move back to the DB area for DB supersets. I've been creeping my reps up on the Reverse Inclined Flys. If I can consistently hit more than 20 reps per set on those, I'll increase the weight to 25s. But just for that movement. Laterals are okay at 20. 25s will strain my elbows. A newbie grabs the 40 lb solid BB and I'm stuck with slapping two of the larger magnets on each side of a 30 lb one. That brings the weight up to 40 lbs. The newbie does several sets of skull crushers. I'm content to stick to my Rip Skulls. Then back to the ellipticals for 20+ minutes of cardio. I feel wide awake now!

When I get home, I'm really happy to find no messy poop anywhere in the house. My hubby is just getting ready to leave, and he tells me he was worried that the dog was wasting away, so he refilled the water bowl and added more kibble. I'm the only one who's actually seen the dog outside of his crate, so I guess he's not being unreasonable. I put more yogurt/pumpkin/probiotic mix on the kibble and when I leave the room, I hear the dog eating. But I should probably buy stock in wee-wee pads.

Sleepless Monday Push

30 elliptical + 5cd
Program 1
Miles 2.85
Calories 316
HR 145-195 (87, 95)

Cage Stretch

Elbow Plank 60s
Crunches 60/60
Bicycles 60
Horizontal Scissors 60
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s

Breaker Inclined Bench
Bar (45) x 15 (left forearm)
55 x 15
65 x 15

Smith Inclined Press
Bar (30) x 15
50 x 12
70 x 25 reps x 3 sets

DB Laterals s/s Rev Inclined Flys
20 lbs x 12/16 reps x 3
20 x 12/20reps

Rip Skulls
40 x 12, 10, 8

20 elliptical + 5 cd
Program 1
Calories 223
Miles 2.01
HR 136-170

Mat Stretch

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