Friday, June 29, 2018

Still Feeling It...

My son and I were surprisingly sore from Wednesday's lunges. He thought it was the hip stretch, but I knew better. It's been a long time since I've been sore enough to hesitate walking down the stairs. That's sore. And surprising, since it was a simple body weight exercise that didn't leave us breathless (like burpees). My son tells me that we should just do lunges on Wednesdays, and today we won't do the Step Mill. Fine with me. Today we warm up on the Recumbent Bike and then trot off to the Treadmill. It's a beautiful sunny day and there's not a lot of people here. Great!

My son has forgotten the headphone adapter for his iPhone 7 so his phone is useless. I show him how to watch TV with the close captioning on at the various cardio machines. He knocks out 5 more pull ups. Once he's more comfortable, I'll nag him about getting his hands actual shoulders width apart. It took me a while to get that part figured out as well. The Mayor is ridiculously loud today. I'm glad when he finally leaves because the gym is suddenly quieter in spite of the piped-in music. I turn my tunes off after cardio is done so I can be more responsive. Another regular big guy stares at my son for a long time. I don't feel threatened otherwise I'd be in his face in a heartbeat. I think the guys are just confused for some odd reason that I can't figure out. Not my problem. Don't really care. Just don't get in my way.

The big blue mats have disappeared from the stretch area. Ugh! No doubt they're being tossed since holes and rips have been patched more than once with blue duct tape. My son and I use the classroom. There's no one in it at the moment. We pull out the small squishy body mats to use for cushioning against the wood floor. My son groans at the mention of push ups so I give him a choice: 20 regular push up or 10 T-push ups. He opts for the Ts because there's less of them. Then we do our elbow planks, bird dogs and side planks. It's helpful that he can see his form in the big mirrored walls. I add back the bicycles and crunches. They feel easy.

I show my son the Breaker Bench. I know he'll be fine with just the bar since he's benched 50 lbs at the Smith. He's surprised at how much harder it feels though. I explain how it's a whole body exercise because he needs to stabilize the bar. Today's his first time so we stick with sets of just the bar. Next time I'll add maybe 5 or 10 lbs. Again, it's his arms that feel tired. Still, I have him do a few sets of DB Presses. They're only 10 lbs for each arm, but come directly after benching. Eventually he'll build up some muscle stamina. (He actually had a Fair Life® chocolate shake this morning with 15 grams of protein. I, on the other hand, had coffee and nothing else because I was in a rush to get stuff done. So he's fine, but I'm actually hungry. Ugh.)

Time for "the back" and I realize that I've skipped one of the most popular back exercises: the lat pull down. He looks at the station perplexed. I move the pin to 20 lbs, the lowest setting, and stand up on the seat, explaining to him "this is what short people do." I've already adjusted the knee pads so that I don't pop out of the seat once I sit down. Hands shoulder's width on the bar handle, pull down and arch into it, as if you were trying to pull the bar onto your upper chest. I explain that this is like a practice pull up. We start at 50 lbs and move up each set. The handle is weird with rubber grips only on part of the bar. My son complains that gnarly bits are painful to hold so I tell him he can just switch handles. The smooth bars in the handle rack are so light I suspect they're aluminum. My son stands on the seat and wrestles with the big D-ring to make the exchange. It's good for him to know how to do these things. When he's older, he'll be able to walk around like he owns the place.

"Where do you feel it?" I ask him. "Arms" has become his stock reply. We move on to Seated Cable Rows. He's not sure he can do more than 50 lbs so I tell him to do sets of 12. For the last set, he knocks out 15. Well, that's obviously too light for him and now he knows it, in spite of having his arms feel tired. Next time we'll start with 60 and see how many reps he gets. He wants to know if we're done yet. Yeah. We do hip stretches and shoulder rolls. I ask one of the staff if Gym Owner will be replacing those big blue Mats. She says Yes, even though he didn't want to. He argued that everyone can just use those squishy body mats, but she pointed out that those are useless for foam rolling and lots of other movements. I told her that I totally agreed. I'd have to give up my Mat stretch routine! And I don't want to do that. (Doing splits on a wood floor is quite painful. I'm always impressed when I see dancers performing routines where they land flat on the hard ground. Yes, I've been watching episodes of "So You Think You Can Dance" on Hulu lately.)

Ignore Step3 for waterproofing eye
The gym scale tells me 110.4 lbs. Kind of weird. I'm not burning the calories like I usually do, so I'm not quite sure what my body is doing. I do feel bloated and out of shape. Ugh. But at least I've figured out how to keep my left eye waterproof: skip Step3 when applying the Transparent Dressing. Step2 affixes the sticky film to your skin. Step3 removes the paper backing and allows the dressing to be soft, flexible and transparent. But over the eye hollow, the dressing works better if it's stiff, as it is with the paper backing. The stiffness seems to allow water to run off your face (like a good roof line) instead of having it seep inside the edges of the bandage. So weird, right? But I've done this twice with identical results so skip Step3!

There's a scary heatwave warning for this weekend. We had plans to go visit Caramoor's percussion celebration, but I'm prone to heat stroke so better for me to be inside with the A/C. Which is kind of a bummer because it sounded really interesting, and on a nice summer day, say in the 70s, it could be a whole lot of fun. My hubs thinks he's going to make it to his kali fighting class, but they don't have A/C in their classroom so I think he's being overly optimistic. We'll see... forecast is for it to be in the 90s but feel like it's in the 100s. Ugh. Monday, maybe I'll show Max the Inclined Breaker Bench...

Heatwave Friday

15 Recumbent Bike + 3 cd
Manual Level 1
Calories 73
Miles 1.95
AHR 105 (63%)

30 Treadmill
Speed 3
5% Incline
Calories 202
Miles 1.48
Ft Climbed 456
Average Heart Rate 109 (66%) / 122 max (73%)

Max pull ups 5
Max T push ups 10

Elbow Plank 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bicycles 50
Crunches 30/20

Max Flat Bench
Bar (45) x 12 x 3

Max DB Press
10lbs each hand x 12 x 3

Max Lat Pull Downs
12 x 50, 60, 70

Max Seated Cable Rows
50 x 12, 12, 15


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Ramping It Up

My son and I went to the gym Wednesday morning. He asks if we can do the Step Mill, and I agree, once we warm up with 30 minutes on the treadmill. He likes to watch YouTube videos on his phone while not quite running. He eventually ramps up his speed. I glance over and it's at 3.5. I'm doing my leisurely 5% incline and speed 3 brisk walk. I put my hands on the heart rate sensor and it immediately jumps to over 200! What the hell? It drops immediately down to 109. I'm not sure what's going on, but for the duration of the "run" it stays between 109 and 118. I'm okay with that. Then we do 15 minutes on the Step Mill. My son is still watching his phone.

We're both sweating when time is up and we head to the Stretch Cage. I see other people with their kids. Again, fathers and sons and mothers and daughters. I see a few regulars look over at me and my son. The Mayor is there with Square Jaw, but he doesn't have his son in tow. The Mayor spends most of his time, when he has his son, gabbing with his cronies, as if his son didn't even exist. His kid probably has better things to do this summer.

I get him to do pull ups with his body straightened. His hands are still a bit closer than shoulders width but I'm only going to correct one aspect at a time. I tell him that he only needs to do one, but he knocks out his 5. For a big kid, that's pretty good. He's not one of those skinny, wiry boys like a lot of his friends. He's got definite mass, and if he ever got mad enough to punch you, it would hurt. But he's not that kind of boy. When he's done, I have to fight the urge to do some pull ups myself. It's been 3 weeks since my eye surgery but it seems like years now. Except my eyes itch.

He has trouble with the leg stretches in the Stretch Cage. When he was little, he was much more flexible. I don't think it's his thickness. I think it's lack of practice. Even in his kung fu class, he's not as flexible as I think he could be. But I'm extremely flexible, so perhaps I have unreasonable expectations. Of course, there's a NYTimes book review of a Japanese guide to doing splits at any age and stiffness, and of course, instructional YouTube videos (in Japanese). I'm sure American versions exist if I look hard enough.

We go to the Mats to do push ups. He gets his 20 done, but his back is not ramrod straight so I know his core needs work. In a way, it's good that I haven't been cleared to do these movements because no one wants to be shown up by their mother. Seriously. When he can do a clean 20 push ups, I'll try having him do T-push ups, or spiderman planks. He's shown me that he already knows what they are at home so this shouldn't be too hard. It's just getting him to do it for more than 5 reps. We do elbow planks and bird dogs. When we start side planks, he suggests we do the hard part first. Great idea! We start with the top leg extended for 15 seconds, then keep our legs together for the remaining 45 seconds. So much easier that way. Which means I'm going to extend the leg up time to 30 seconds.

Monday he developed a throbbing headache. Today he's better. The Smith is free and there's an Inclined Bench so I show him how to set up for Inclined Presses. Friday I plan to show him how to bench at the flat Breaker bench to change things up slightly. I get him to do sets of 12 at 50 lbs. He's okay with it, but his arms are tired. Arms are his weak link. And that's actually why I don't waste time doing "arm exercises"... except for Rip Skulls. I may have my son try that.

I try to show him two more movements at the Smith: RDLs and RG BB Rows. He has a hard time understanding how to make his body do what I want: keeping his back straight and bending at the hip, pulling up straight without pulling his shoulders into a shrug, clenching his butt and thrusting his hips out slightly. He doesn't know where he should feel it because it's his arms that are tired. We add two light plates to the bar because pulling with a bit of weight feels different than pulling an empty bar. It's worse with the Reverse Grip Barbell Rows. Eventually, I have him do the rows with an overhand grip. His inclination is to stand up which makes it more of an Upright Row. Not what I want him to do. He's a little frustrated, but I tell him good job and we move on to the Seated Cable Rows. He knows how to do this.

I still haven't figured out how to do 5 lb increments on this new system so we just jump in 10 lb increments. I tell my son that he can stop at 6 or 8 if it's hard. He knocks out 12. Because he really doesn't know how strong he is. I stick to the 3 set plan so that he doesn't get too tired before we're finished. He keeps asking me where he should be feeling it, and I touch his lats and back. He says that only his arms are tired. Yep. We're going to keep increasing the weight each time until we get to the set where he can only do 6-8 reps. That might not be until the end of next week but I'm in no hurry.

I'm not a Squat or Leg Press person so we do Walking Lunges in the empty classroom. I'm looking for easy to do, full body movements. His stride is longer than mine so he makes it across quicker. Back and forth. Whoa! I can actually feel my hamstrings and quads tire doing this! (We can add DBs if this becomes too easy, but I always like to start with just the form.) Then we go back to the big Mats and stretch. It's here that my son tells me that he has issues with sitting flat on the floor with his legs splayed out. His left glute gets painful in this position and he attributes it to the surgery he had when he was 3 years old. The doctors had to operate to drain an abscess, which was hidden on the side of his butt crack. It turned out to be vancomycin-resistant staph. He was in the hospital for 2 weeks.

I suspect he contracted it because tots always scratch their butts, but this particular time, he'd been sitting in a wading pool that my hubs had just purchased. It was a blistering summer and my hubs didn't want to go down to the lake with our son. But like a lot of men, my hubs saw no need to clean the little plastic pool before filling it with water. Straight out of the box and onto the lawn. No doubt with dust and dirt from whatever factory it was manufactured in. I wash everything before use, before wearing. Try it on and it fits? Okay, take the tags off and toss it in the wash. New towels? Into the wash! New pots, cups, water bottles? Wash first! These instructions are actually printed on the damn labels.

The only thing I can think of is the piriformis stretch to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve bundle that originates in the lower back and runs under the glute muscles. So we do that. And we do a lot of leg and hip stretches. My son is unsure on how to bend at the hips. Like many people, a toe-touch stretch results in him having a rounded back. Not good, not safe. He asks me how to do more hip stretches to loosen this all-important joint. We do two more movements, then proceed to shoulder rolls and extensions. Done. Thursday I promised he could sleep in. Because it's summer vacation.

Wednesday with Max

30 treadmill
Speed 3
Incline 5%
Calories 188
Miles 1.47
Ft climbed 384
Average Heart Rate 113 / max HR 216!

15 Step Mill
Total steps 551
Floors 34
Calories 86

Max pull ups 5
Max push ups 20

Elbow Plank 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s

Max Smith Inclined Press
Bar x 12
50 x 12 x 3
Max Smith RDL
50 x 12 x 3
Max Smith BB Rows
50 x 15
Max Seated Cable Rows
12 x 40
12 x 50
12 x 60

2 x 20
Max 2 x 16

Monday, June 25, 2018

Mondays with...

I didn't actually bust a sweat today so that's a tad disappointing, but not really unexpected since I spent most of the time keeping an eye on my son. He's finally old enough to have his own gym membership, at least for the summer. It's $99 for two and a half months, which isn't a great deal, but at least I don't have to put any money down. I could get him a student membership for $159 for the year, but he has no intention of coming here during school holidays. When there's no school, he'll be sleeping in. My intention is to bring him 3 times a week except during those weeks when he's at Boy Scout camp. The day rate for guests is $10. That works out to roughly $240 to $210 if I were to pay for each visit.

We do the recumbent bike and the treadmill. I didn't think my son could handle the step mill and then everything else I had planned, in spite of me considering this a light and easy workout. He got 5 chin ups but I've got to work on his form. He curls himself up so his knees are up to his chest while he pulls himself up. I suppose that's because he's not quite comfortable with the actual movement yet. There are other teens at the gym, some with their dads. I see a woman with both her daughters. I'm the only mom with her son. It's okay as long as my son is okay with it.

On the Mat, we do some basic core moves followed by push ups. My son can knock out 20. I'll have to prod him to do more. Twenty is good for now. I do neither push ups or pull ups because I haven't cleared it with my doc yet. And yes, I'm seriously worried about having to start from scratch once I get the A-okay. I move him to the free weight area because I'm not going to have him play around with machines. Nope. I know he's not used to doing this type of routine so I figure today he'll do just three basic exercises. Now that he's warmed up.

I have my son do benching on the Smith because I can control the basics here. I know the bar is only 30 lbs and I know he can handle that. I give him pointers on his form. After a set of 12 reps, we add a 10 lb plate to each side. That's 50 lbs. He does 2 sets of 12 reps. Now I know I can put him on a regular flat bench with an Olympic bar next time. He'll have to balance the bar but at least he'll know where his hands, shoulders, butt and feet should be. To mix things up a tiny bit, we move over to the DB area for Shoulder Presses. Just 3 sets of 12 with 10 lbs in each hand. He says the last set was a little hard. I push him to finish because he's not struggling at this weight. It's more his mind telling him he's a little uncomfortable.

The last movement is Seated Cable Rows. We increase the weight with each set since I'm not sure what's reasonable for a 13 year old boy who's bigger than I am. He follows directions conscientiously, but he also tires quickly. I know he wasn't pedaling or walking as quickly as I was during our cardio warm up. But he also did pull ups, and push ups. Of course, normally I would too. He says he's tired so I tell him to go change his T-shirt and wait for me. I need to do some shoulder warm ups and then shower. Between the hair and the eye, changing takes over 20 minutes. My son is content to stare at his phone in clean clothes. He says the Mens Locker Room smells weird, like yeast. Ewww! I tell him he doesn't have to shower there, just use some deodorant and change his clothes so I don't have to smell the gym in my car as we drive home.

Tomorrow we're going to see The Incredibles 2, probably the first showing of the day either at 11:10 or noon. My son tells me that because the original movie came out 13 years ago, the only people who are excited to see the sequel are the adults who were children back then. We've watched it several times, but he was about 5 then. He suggests we rent it tonight and watch it again since he barely remembers the first movie. That's a good idea.

I am however, toying with the idea of going to the gym super early tomorrow and getting a semi-real workout in. As in, a workout where I actually feel worked out. I can't wait until my doc gives me the all-clear to resume my exercise routine. Seriously.

Monday with My Son

15 recumbent bike
(am I just phoning it in today?)
Calories 62
Miles 1.80

30 treadmill
Speed 3
Incline 5%
Calories 191
Miles 1.50
Average Heart Rate 109 (65%), Maximum HR 118 (70%)
394 ft climbed

Max Pull ups 5
Max push ups 20

Elbow Plank 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s

Max smith Bench press
1 x bar
2 x 12 @ 50lbs
Max DB Shoulder press
3 x 12@ 10 each
Max Seated cable rows
12 x 30
12 x 40
12 x 50

T, Y & I Raises
3lbs x 15
5lbs x 15

Mid Band Pulls 15
High Band Pulls 15

Friday, June 22, 2018

Eye of the Beholder

I wake up with my left eye aching slightly. It's hard to clear because I can't just splash water in my face like I used to do. The bruise on my forearm (where the IV was inserted) has faded considerably, but the area is still sore when I press on it. It's been 17 days since I had the surgery! I administer all my eye drops except for the saline ointment. Nothing will stick to my face if I use that in the morning. (I have a new water proof bandage to try out and I can't degrease before my shower at the gym.) The ketorolac drops sting the most, which is ironic considering they're prescribed as a NSAID used to relieve swelling, pain and itching.

I'm starting to ramp up my workouts just a little. My doc won't be happy about it, but I'm not actually going to return to lifting until she gives me the OK. The issue is controlling intraocular pressure, so no headstands! That's also why I don't do push ups with my feet raised. No Intervals or HIIT cardio either. I do the same routine I did yesterday, and then add back a few non-strenuous movements, like the shoulder warm ups from physical therapy with super light DBs, and the band pulls. I feel like I'll be okay if I put my head down briefly for stretches.
The only exercise I do that I have second thoughts about afterwards is the Elbow Plank. I sort of just fell into it out of habit. Followed by some Bird Dogs and Side Planks. Which aren't as stressful as a plain elbow plank (which I'm not planning to do again for at least another week). I can tell I've been away too long because my whole body started shaking from holding these positions. That's so unlike me! Ugh. I'm so out of shape!

I'm happy to find that the CVS waterproof wound care actually sticks to my face. It's large enough so I can affix it above my eyebrow and down my nose, forming a sort of waterproof tent over my eye. The entire surface is sticky (there's no gauze pad) so I have no problem sealing the area, but I worry about getting my eyelashes stuck. Luckily, even though they're the longest I've ever had, they're not long enough to cause any issues. Whew! I've been studiously avoiding getting water in my left eye because my doc told me horror stories of patients who'd gotten infections and lost part of their vision. And I know from past experience that if I were to get water in my eyes, it'd be the left one.

I've gotten shampoo in my left eye and had it red and irritated for hours afterwards. More than once. And only my left eye. Perhaps just a peculiarity of the shape of my brow or how I'm positioned in the shower. Regardless, today was the first actual success! The websites mostly state that patients should close the afflicted eye and face their back to the shower to keep water out. Sorry to say but that's not very effective. Seriously. Maybe if I had super quick short hair, but I don't...

Afterwards I'm at the grocery because I need to get milk and a few items I forgot yesterday. A big guy (well over 6 ft tall) with white hair comes up to me while I'm looking at the strawberries. I vaguely recognize him from the gym. Yesterday a woman in the checkout line also said she knew me from the gym. She looked vaguely familiar and she had very strong features, but I couldn't actually place her on any of the equipment or in the locker room. Of course, I'm not usually paying any attention at all to other people. (Unless they piss me off.)

The guy says, "I see you at the gym."
Uh oh.
He continues, "I really like watching you work out because you're so intense."
I think I have a perplexed look on my face. He walks away quickly.

I go back to looking at the strawberries which I don't actually buy because the organic ones are on the verge of going bad, probably before I get to my car. I tell my hubs about this when I get home. He says, "Well, that's kind of creepy that he's watching you work out." No kidding.

I admit I tend to bop along with my music, oblivious to everyone else and I set the pace of my workout to the beat of the music. (Yes, at concerts I'm the one standing on my seat dancing.) But maybe that's not what everyone else does? It'll get more interesting once I start bringing my son with me. I see fathers bring their sons, and mothers bring their daughters. If mothers bring their sons, it's because it's the weekend and the boys are children. But I'm different. Always will be. 

Adventure Friday

15 Recumbent Bike + 3 cool down
Level 1 Manual
Calories 87
Miles 3.39
Av Heart Rate 126 (75% max hr)

30 treadmill
Speed 3
Incline 5%
Miles 1.49
Calories 190
Climbed 390
Average Heart Rate 115 68%
Max HR 127

15 StepMill
Speed 3
Total steps 543
Floors 33
Calories 86
Average Heart Rate 129

T, Y & I DB Raises
3lbs x 15
5lbs x 15

Mid Band Pulls 15
High Band Pulls 15

Elbow Plank 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s

Mat stretch

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Stubbornly AMA

More than 1/2 size longer!
New boots flanked by originals
I skipped the gym yesterday and attempted to get some reading done, but actually just took my son shopping for pants. He's at that hard-to-fit age/size: too big for boys XL, but too small to wear men's Sm. Ugh. I had also ordered some black short boots for him (for school next term) from Zappos, but they arrived too narrow and too long. The description of the Rockports said 8.5 EE but a side-by-side comparison of those shoes with his current (beat-to-hell and probably won't survive the summer) LL Bean 8W boots shows the older boots are wider. The same happened with the shiny new black Ariat Fatbaby boots I ordered. I sent both pairs of boots back via UPS yesterday morning. Hours later, I got an email from Zapppos telling me they'd received my returns and had credited me the total amount. Wow, I'm impressed! That was so fast, it was almost instantaneous! I can get used to instant gratification, but I probably shouldn't.

AMA is an acronym for Against Medical Advice. I'm good at following rules, but only so I can figure out how to get around them. (My parents were right; I should've been a lawyer.) I'm always really grumpy when I go to the gym. I can feel myself growling inside, like I want to bit the head off of someone. While I pedal the recumbent bike, I decide to google the recovery time for cataract and glaucoma surgeries, specifically, when I can return to my normal exercise routine. Contrary to what my doc's been telling me, online resources state that mild exercise like stationery bikes, stairs, treadmills and ellipticals should be encouraged. More strenuous exercises like weight lifting and jumping can occur after one week. Huh?!

I know my surgery took longer than normal because I have such small eyeballs. I know that my doc is just being cautious to get a good outcome from the surgery. And I hate arguing with my doctors, but I have been known to do just that. I can be a difficult patient because I do my own research, and docs usually hate that. Because it questions their authority as medical professionals. But a good doctor will address patient concerns, no matter where they originated, especially if they're valid. Most of my doc's patients (that I see in the waiting room) are elderly, and not in great physical condition. It's nothing for them to not do anything strenuous because I don't think it's something they normally do. I'm different. Yes, I'm guilty of that "the rules don't apply to me" sort of thinking. But I'm not impulsive or rash either.

So, AMA, I'm doing more than just walking on the treadmill. Because I don't see the point. My shoulders and back have started to develop knots from sitting at the computer and reading all day. Ugh. I'm missing getting hot and sweaty, and limber. I'm having trouble sleeping. All these things are solved with vigorous exercise. I figure I'd add the kickboxing back in last since that involves impact. I don't mind not lifting if I can get the body weight exercises done, specifically pull ups, push ups and core work, if I can do Intervals and other HIIT routines. (I tried on some of my old shorts and the waist is feeling uncomfortably tight! Aaarg!)

I feel my dour mood melt away the harder I pedal the recumbent bike. I get on the treadmill, and against the doctor's orders, I raise the incline to 5%. I'm still just walking fast at speed 3, but not so fast that I can't sing along (just barely) to my tunes. Little beads of perspiration well up on my forehead. I feel better. The screen, which I capture with my phone, gives me stats. For the last 5 minutes I hold the handles where the heart rate monitors are embedded. The stats include a heart rate of 128, which, according to all the heart rate gurus, is 79% of my max heart rate. That seems suspiciously low. I'm not even vaguely winded. Apparently, I'm suppose to take the number 220 (I'm not sure what this number is suppose to mean) and minus my age to get my max heart rate. So no matter who you are, the older you get, the lower your max heart rate. Mine calculates to be 162.

Am I killing myself by "running" on the elliptical and my heart rate jumps up to 155-159? Websites affiliated with The Mayor Clinic and LiveStrong state that studies show people die from cardiac problems when sustaining max heart rates for long periods of time. However, at least LiveStrong presents an alternative formula for max heart rate: 208 minus 70% age, which gives me 208 minus (0.7 x 58 = 40.6) equals 167.4. It's a few points higher. That give me 30 minutes on the treadmill at 76% of my max heart rate. It still doesn't feel like much of a workout. Seriously.

I get on the Step Mill for 15 minutes. Level 3 feels like riding a department store escalator. I keep boredom at bay by changing my footwork a minute at a time. Side step. Other side. Rock up at the edge of the step. Step across with each ascending leg. The only thing I don't do is walk backwards up the stairs because I don't feel coordinated enough. And I'm too short to hold the handles in that position. My heart rate registers 135 which is 80% of 167.4. This feels closer to a real workout. I'm actually sweating doing this slow-motion Chaplin routine!

front of a Life Is Good T-shirt
I stretch out at the Cage. To prevent me from giving in to the temptation to do a pull up, I've consciously left my lifting gloves back in my gym bag, in the locker. I do all of the Mat Stretch today. And I'm so tempted to do Bird Dogs and Side Planks that I actually type them into my phone before thinking the better of it. I can start doing them tomorrow. Yes, I plan to ease back into my routine with the least stressful moves. I might hold off on push ups and pull ups until next Wednesday, when it'll have been 3 weeks. I'll also have my son with me because school is over tomorrow, and he's told me I can be his personal trainer. There's no one else I'd rather help anyway.

Grumpy Thursday Summer Solstice

15 Recumbent Bike + 3cd
Level 1 Manual
Calories 81
Miles 2.76

30 Treadmill
5% Incline
Speed 3
Ft Climbed 385
Miles 1.47
Calories 188

15 StepMill
Speed 3
Total steps 542
Floors 33
Calories 85
Heart Rate 135

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Try and Try Again

I admit that I look like some weird sort of hospital pirate when I affixed tape over the super large water proof patch atop my left eye. I haven't been to the CVS yet to see if they have eye patches for kids with lazy eye. The tape and band-aid does a reasonable job of protecting the eye, but I still feel water leak in while I shower. Ugh. Try and try again.

Of course, I probably should've worn goggles this morning when I went out with the hedge clippers to snip back low-hanging vines from our hedges. There's been so much rain that the whole area has literally exploded in jungle-like greenery. It wasn't actually raining, but there was enough water on all the foliage that made the likelihood of being splashed in the face a good possibility. Especially since I was under the overhanging vines and branches, and reaching up to snip them off. It was also still really hot, and humid. Goggles, like my sunglasses, tend to fog up and be rendered useless when I get over-heated.

I did a bevy of cardio machines and eventually broke a light sweat. I didn't incline the treadmill but gradually increased the speed every few minutes until I was back up to 3, which is still walking. Just not strolling. Besides the recumbent bike and the step mill, I also stretched out on the mat, and did a partial routine, or anything that didn't have me putting my head down. After showering and changing, I head to my car because I have my annual Ob/Gyn appointment. As I'm walking, I hear The Mayor and his bud SquareJaw. The Mayor is even louder outside the gym, which surprises me. Worse, the only part I hear is (and perhaps I mis-heard, but probably not) him saying "...that fucking broad..." I'm not shocked by expletives. I'm not a prude. But I haven't heard anyone call anyone "a broad" except maybe in old movies. Which makes me more certain than ever that he's someone to avoid.

Now, of course, I'm wondering if I can do some DBs as long as they're under 20 lbs total weight. Yes, always looking for a way around this "strenuous exercise ban"... I know it's temporary, but 4-6 weeks is a really long time. It's most of the summer. Ugh.
Looks totally normal Day 14

Boring Tuesday

15 Recumbent Bike + 3 cd
Level 1 Manual
Calories 79
Miles 2.61

30 treadmill
No Incline
Speed 3.0
Calories 113
Miles 1.41

15 Step Mill
Speed 3
Total steps 558
Floors 34
Calories 87
Average Heart Rate 125

Monday, June 18, 2018

Wrongful Assumptions

The saline ointment made the skin around my eye greasy. Which meant that I couldn't actually tape my eye shut in the shower today because nothing would stick to my skin. Ugh. I had chosen to try the smaller waterproof bandage, and left the larger ones at home. Yes, I'd assumed that these would actually stick. Wrong! I barely had time for 15 minutes on the Recumbent Bike and another 15 on the treadmill. I cranked the incline to 10° and the speed to 3 (it increases in increments of 1/10). A quick stretch and then off to shower.

Because there's so much road construction, I wasn't actually paying attention and missed the turn off from 301 (aka Hudson River Turnpike) to Dixon Road. That meant I had to take Route 301 all the way into Fahnestock State Park to pick up the Taconic Parkway. That's not one, but three hairy exits from where I'd normally get on to the highway. Not doing that again! I got to my appointment 7 minutes late and the waiting room is full of old blind people. I guess I'm one of them now. Kidding.

My eye pressures are all over the place with the left reading an elevated 16, while the right is down a point, to 16. My left eye reads the eye chart and they pronounce me 20/20. That's the bad eye, the eye that sees faint fuzzy type in low light that my right eye can read okay. Ugh. I ask how long I have to tape my eye shut and they tell me that because they used the Femto laser, at least 3-4 weeks. Ugh. So, I can discontinue the antibiotic eye drops, but still can't risk getting bacteria in my eye just yet. I ask about exercise, and they tell me at least 4-6 weeks. I tell them I'm on the treadmill. They say, No inclines. Ugh. I tell them I'm fast walking, but not actually running. They tell me I'm trouble. They can't offer me any better tape for my eye but suggest I go to the drugstore and see about those patches for kids with lazy eye. Those have to be waterproof. Okay... I'll check that out tomorrow.

Today might see highs near 100 degrees and I want to get home to make sure our old pup is okay. I've left two fans on and the windows open. Our house is normally fairly cool due to all the surrounding foliage, but heat is not a friend to the elderly, people or pups.

The doc's office is seeing a rep about new devices tomorrow and I wonder if they'll be discussing the iStent Inject® since it can be implanted without cataract surgery. I'm not sure if I, with my tiny eyeballs and narrow angles, would actually qualify, but I'm loathe to give up my right eye natural lens. I'm a visual artist. And while corrected vision always takes preference over blindness, perfect uncorrected vision is a no-brainer. Of course, the key word is VISION.

In the waiting room, I glance at a story about faux celebrities and get annoyed by the lack of pertinent information. Mama June (of HoneyBooBoo fame) has regained 25 lbs because she's lost sight in her right eye. What?! That makes absolutely no sense. She's suffered from untreated childhood cataracts which have led to complications, and suffered a partially detached retina in the left eye. So she spends a lot of time laying down and can't exercise. Okay, I totally understand that. What I don't understand is how being blind in one eye (assuming it's not a sudden thing) makes you gain 25 lbs. Ugh. I'm constantly annoyed at the sloppy quality of articles these days, and then wonder if I apply for a remote writer's job, will I become one of these schmucks too? Double ugh.

I'm planning on going to the gym tomorrow. More super boring cardio... no inclines... Just as I'm starting to feel sorry for myself, I think, well, it can always be worse. So boring is okay. But not sure how I'm going to get my mood enhancing, depression-lifting high without a bit of exertion. Is it possible to exercise muscles without doing it strenuously? Is that even worth it? I'm going to be a sack of jelly by the end of the summer. Just in time for glaucoma treatment in the other eye...

Another Boring Monday

15 Recumbent Bike
Level 1 Manual
Calories 84
Miles 3.06

15 treadmill
Speed 3
Inclined 10%
Calories 130
Miles 0.74
Climbed 384

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Sunday Musings on Glaucoma

Day 11 post-surgery
The more I read, the more questions I have. Most of the devices and procedures currently used to alleviate high IOP are for open-angle glaucoma. There are a surprising amount of glaucoma subsets that involve other diseases (such as diabetes). I have narrow-angle glaucoma, and the literature states that one has a greater disposition towards this type of glaucoma if one is Asian, and female. Ugh. Which of course makes me wonder what the standard treatments are for narrow-angle glaucoma, considering half the world's population is women, and there are billions of Asian people.

from National Taiwan University
Hospital glaucoma treatments
I narrow my search to Taiwan because 1) I'm looking for literature written in English and 2) there will be a greater likelihood of pertinent literature in an Asian country with high economic standards. So, that of course means, I'm not looking for research coming out of the People's Republic of China (because it'll probably all be in Mandarin), or Thailand (even thought they have a thriving medical tourism trade, among other types of infamous services, it's mostly cosmetic). What I find is not reassuring because there's no mention of MIGS (minimally invasive glaucoma surgery), which granted, is relatively new. There's lasering holes in the trabecular mesh work, shunt implantation, and finally, the drastic destruction (via laser) of the cells that produce eye fluid (called the ciliary body).  Nice to know what the other options are, right?

My eye looks nearly normal, with just a faint mesh of broken capillaries. I'm not sure if that's where the incisions were made to remove my lens and insert the iStent. A Femto laser was used because it is not only quicker, but more precise. Unfortunately, health insurance companies don'tsee it that way. (Seriously! They'll cover hand-made incisions but not the laser cuts!) This particular stent is meant to be positioned so that fluid drains into the normal meshwork of the eye via Schlemm's canal.

There is a new device, the mushroom-shaped iStent Inject, being tested that appears to be easier to install, and can implant multiple stents which, theoretically, will lead to a greater lowering of IOP. I could use that in my right eye since it has maintained a 3-4 point increase over the past year. While not at a critical level, it is alarming that having had laser iridotomy (first line of treatment for narrow-angle glaucoma after eye drops), and SLTs twice on both eyes, my eye pressures have never dropped to the "safe" level of <10 mmHg (millimeters of mercury). Last week my left eye measured 14, the same as it was prior to surgery, and my right eye maintained a pressure of 17.

There are more drastic devices that would lead to greater reduction in pressure, but those shunts also require blebs, or pockets under the surface of the sclera that can clog, become infected and suffer other serious malfunctions. I'm convinced that implanting a shunt will totally kill my gym rat days. That is unacceptable for me. It's not just vanity, but sanity that's at stake. If I can't work out, I really think that my mental health as well as physical well-being will suffer. Exercise is more than just stress-relief. It's also a mood enhancer, with the added benefit of preserving mental acuity. I can't give it up.

new iStent Inject
I seem to see just as well out of my left eye as my right, so that's reassuring and makes me less nervous about replacing my natural lens with an artificial one. I don't think my doctor has used the newer iStent Inject yet. It might be worth waiting for, depending on how the right eye progresses or maintains. According to a glaucoma specialist at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, this device is being tested in Armenia. (Admittedly, that's not a place I would expect to see in an article about new devices.) I see my doc tomorrow. Wednesday will be two weeks and I can stop using the antibiotic eye drops, which suggests (to me, but I'll double check) that I'll be able to shower without having to tape my eye shut. That will be such a relief!

I've added another treatment, as per my doc's instruction sheet: it's an OTC saline ointment (Muro 128) applied twice a day. It's suppose to reduce edemas, although I'm not sure I have any... and because it's basically salt in a greasy format, it stings a bit, makes my vision blurry and tends to goo up my lashes. It's also ridiculously expensive. I bought the store brand version, and it was still $22 for a tiny tube. (The cashier told me that they stopped carrying the name brand item because it was so pricey!) Luckily I had some coupons to knock the price down $5. But still! Ugh. And no matter what stent I have implanted in my right eye, I'll probably still have to do this routine again...

Day 12 post eye drops and goo

Friday, June 15, 2018

Cardio Cure for the Blahs

Having 6 different eye drops to administer requires time management and organizational skills that start to lapse as the day wears on. I went to bed much too late last night. Consequently, I had a dull headache this morning and found myself to be less than enthusiastic about hitting the gym. Plus, it was downright cold at 50F (I packed a flannel shirt to change into once I was done).

My eye looks loads better, with just a fraction of redness. But it still aches a bit and itches after I do my drops. Worse, it's difficult to clean all the sleepies out of your face if you can't splash water on it. The clear eye shield leaves edge indents on my skin no matter how lightly I tape it to my face. I'll be glad when I don't have to do this every night.

I'm tired and depressed when I get to the gym. I'm wearing a different green shirt though. As I pedal the recumbent bike, I can feel my mood lifting. I'm trying to pedal as fast as I can without exerting myself. I even manage to get warm enough to unzip my hoodie. On the treadmill, I decide to increase the speed and level angle until I'm just at the edge of being breathless. I'm definitely busting a sweat now, but it feels good and makes me happy. I'm light and bouncy, and mouth all the lyrics to my iPod tunes. With the body of the machine angled up 12° I'm able to comfortably grab the end of the handles (heart rate sensors) for a few minutes. That's just enough time for the machine to register it. My hands will fall asleep being raised to face height for extended lengths of time!

White orb on lower right is glare
from the overhead lights!
Under normal circumstances I would stretch and do a bunch of pull ups and then push ups. But I can't just yet. It's been 10 days and I'm not suppose to exert myself for at least two weeks and maybe longer. Ugh. I can't resist stretching in the Cage, but at one point I forget my caution and pull myself up slightly while inside. Knots in my upper back and shoulders feel better when stretched out with a bit of body weight. But I instantly regret my foray because my eyeballs ache a little. It could just be the "lack of sleep" headache I woke up with, or it could be eyeball pressures. I don't know and I really shouldn't be risking a great outcome for this surgery by doing something stupid, like pull ups. Ugh.

I get on the Step Mill for 10 minutes and only go to Level 3. I'm so used to doing the fast-paced Level 6 that I almost don't know what to do with myself. But climbing stairs will definitely raise your heart rate! I see mine shoot from 125 to 140. And I'm warm enough to be sweaty. I get off the Step Mill and do a few leg and hip stretches, then a few shoulder rotations. For each move,  I have to assess whether there's a face-down component. Bending down increases optic pressures so my stretches are extremely limited. But still, better than nothing.

In the locker room, I tape my eye shut, but I'm still not happy with my fear of shower water infiltrating my closed eye. I also need to spend time exfoliating since having icthylosis vulgaris means going more than a week becomes unpleasant and somewhat embarrassing, with all the dry flaky scaly skin not quite peeling off... there's only so much that an alpha-hydroxy cream like Amlactin® will cure with a mere application. (When I get to the grocery store, I buy a few waterproof band-aids to see if those will work better in the future.) I hold my breath when I get on the gym scale. Inexplicably, it reads 109.0 lbs. So weird and unexpected since I'm eating normally. All I can think is that I'm losing all my muscles and getting fat, because I weigh less but my clothes fit the same. Ugh!

I have a follow-up appointment with my glaucoma doc on Monday. My vision has returned to normal in the operated eye. But I wonder about my eye drops, because the antibiotic label says it's a 2.5 mL bottle and I can refill 2.5 times. What? Is the pharmacist going to dispense a half bottle? The accompanying anti-inflammatory is in a 5 mL bottle and I can refill it 5 times. I need to administer both these medications 1 drop 4 times a day. This is a bit baffling. Ugh.

I'm not ready to do my right eye. Not yet. I'm still sporadically queasy and my eye itches like I've got allergies. Sometimes it waters for no apparent reason. Weirder still, when I viewed the treadmill screen today, the left eye gave me a normal image, but the right eye had bizarre glare distortions. I'll have to mention this to my doc 'cuz it's definitely weird.

Bored Out of My Mind Friday Workout

15 min recumbent bike + 3 cd
Level 1 Manual
Calories 81
Miles 2.78

30 min treadmill
Speed 2.9
Incline 10 – 12%
Calories 246
Miles 1.33
731 ft climbed
Average Heart Rate 128

Cage Stretch (uh oh!)

10 min StepMill
Level 3
Steps 356
Floors 22
Calories 56
Average Heart Rate 140

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Day 9 and I Feel Okay

My eye still itches and aches a bit when I administer medicinal drops, but it's less red and almost looks normal. Both my forearm and face are still sore though, especially the outer edge of my eye socket where the anesthesia was injected twice and vigorously massaged into the surrounding tissue. My skin has enough freckles and other discolorations so as not to make the bruising all that noticeable, which I guess is a good thing.

I did a bunch of errands today, including buy a new cheap dog bed so I could hose off the stinky one by the front door. My old pup leaks a bit when he naps even though he's on a twice daily dose of Proin®. Lately he's been a lot stinkier and wiping him down with paper towels and spray-on waterless dog cleaner barely helps. I bought some mango-scented dog wipes today just to help with odor control. I can't imagine he doesn't know he's stinky since he still has a fairly decent sense of smell. A woman in line behind me at the store asked if I'd considered doggy diapers. Her old lab developed such incontinence that he'd poop himself while laying down. Mine hasn't gotten that bad yet, but he's definitely stumbling more. The muscle weakness is progressing. At least his appetite is still good!

I also went to Kmart to look for bigger sport pants for my son. He's too tall for the boys XL, but there's barely anything in the Sm sizes for teens and men. Kmart seems to cater to the XXLs! I wander by the Clearance rack and spy a bunch of sports bras on sale for $7.99. That's cheaper than buying at Marshalls! I select several in the L and XL sizes, and see a cute navy dress with tiny red stars. I wear a S in dresses. In the dressing room, I discover that the dress has an internal shelf bra. Uh oh... the dress is simultaneously too big with gaping arm holes, and too tight because of the shelf bra elastic. Oddly, there's also no support from the shelf bra at all. Not buying that!

The sports bras fit okay, with one making me look positively busty. I find that hilarious as a triple A! And of course, I'm never going to wear these sports bras without a tank or shirt over them so I put my long-sleeve T on just to make sure everything looks okay. Done! I'm thinking about adding a few minutes of Step Mill to my boring cardio workout tomorrow...

I did stay up too late reading up on the latest micro-stents used in glaucoma surgery. The first on the list is the one I currently have implanted in my left eye, the Glaukos iStent. There's discussion of inserting multiple stents simultaneously to more effectively reduce eye pressures. All the studies cited compare plain cataract surgery with cataract surgery including stent implantation. There's no mention of installing stents without cataract surgery! I have more research to do...

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Songs That Have Kept Me Sane

The reports of celebrity suicides and unconscionable murders has me bewildered. I decided to list a few of the songs that I'm especially touched by... Music has always been very important to me, ever since I discovered Simon & Garfunkel's Wednesday Morning 3 AM. Sadly, I'm only able to embed 4 videos on this page (when I add more they disappear off the page), and a YouTube link to the aforementioned album.

(The right music playlist downright powers an awesome gym workout. But all you fellow gym rats already know that!)

David Bowie: Rock 'n Roll Suicide
This song kept me sane during my college years... although I'm sure I made my roommates crazy.

R.E.M.: Everybody Hurts

Imagine Dragons: Demons

The Wallflowers: Baby Bird (they don't seem to have an official video and the "in concert" ones have absolutely horrendous sound quality)

Lazy Ass Workout

My son and I went to see Dead Pool 2 yesterday. There were only 8 other people in our theater, and I was the only one without a Y chromosome. That didn't keep me from laughing aloud throughout the movie, although the opening credit scene from the original DP is still the best, most awesome I've ever seen. I've embedded it here for those of you who haven't yet watched this 2016 flick...

Afterwards, we went home so my son could change into his kung fu uniform and he went to his sword form class. Today he had his Science final and was home by 10:45 am. I had my annual NYS safety inspection and sat at the repair shop for a good 45 minutes. Luckily, there was a very pleasant older woman also waiting, and we had a nice chat. I'm perfectly friendly on a one-on-one basis; it's crowds that I don't deal with. Maybe because I'm short and constantly in fear of being elbowed in the face.

Or maybe it's because I'm a "highly sensitive person." I took Dr Elaine Aaron's online test and scored within range, but of course, on different days I tend to answer differently. One of her blog posts discusses the Extroverted Introvert, and I am reminded how my mother once described me to my grade school teachers as just that: an extroverted introvert. This might explain the anxiety and acute awareness of I have of myself, and my situations. Yes, I'm the sensitive artsy type. And a gym rat. Hmmm... gym rats are probably not usually highly sensitive people. Unless they're plugged in and can avoid the bright lights, and constant din. Or go at non-peak times. Like I do.

My eye is still tender. I know this because I dabbed it a bit too hard and boy did that hurt. When you need to apply 6 different eye drops throughout the day, you either have goop running down your face and sticky lashes, or you need to gently blot your face and eyelid. My forearm is still bruised and tender as well. I would've thought that after an entire week, it'd all be healed up. But apparently not. That bruise is in the "purple goes to green-yellow" phase. I used a different tape in the shower today. It was stickier, but I'm still nervous about getting shower water in my eye.

Today, I do the same routine as Monday, but step it up a tad. I adjust the incline until it hits 10%. It goes as high as 30% (but that stressed my ankles and gave me shin splints the last time I tried). I also increase the pace to 2.5, although I'm not quite sure exactly what that number means. I click on the TV icon on the machine's dashboard, but again, I'm not tall enough to actually see most of it because of the overhead glare. Good thing I really like my tunes! Because BOREDOM. I'm even wearing the same clothes! At least today, I got a tad warm and almost broke a sweat (but didn't). Still, I tossed my gym clothes in the wash when I got home.

The gym scale reads 109.4 lbs, which is double weird because not only did I stuff myself at dinner (cheese raviolis with jarred marinara sauce, frozen peas and chicken sausages), I also had a sizeable lunch (toast, scrambled eggs and raw garlic). And that doesn't count the ziplock bag of Raisinets® and Reeces Pieces® that my son and I shared at the movies. It's going to catch up with me. And I hope I'm able to return to full workouts before then! Yes, I miss doing pull ups and push ups and planks. I miss being active, and this sort of workout doesn't really count. Ugh.

Boring Wednesday Workout

15 min recumbent bike + 3 cool down
Level 1 Manual program
Calories 81
Miles 2.85

30 min treadmill
Speed 2.0, 2.5
Incline 5%, 10% 518 ft climbed
Miles 1.20
Calories 199

Monday, June 11, 2018

Didn't Even Break A Sweat

I ate a lot of cheese over the weekend, mostly because we went to a farm open house and they sell a lot of different types of cheese. I was a tad disappointed that with the large herd of goats on the property, I didn't see any goat cheese for sale. Everything was cow cheese, some pasteurized and some raw. There was also ice cream with the high fat content, which gave it great mouth-feel, but you really couldn't eat too much without feeling a little queasy. Of course, I've been feeling queasy on and off since my glaucoma surgery.

At first I thought it was because my sinuses and eustachian tubes were messed up from having to lie flat for so many hours during surgery. Post-nasal drip is only aggravated by such conditions! And then my hubs thought my upset stomach was due to hunger. I tend not to eat when my tummy's upset. And I do feel a tad better when I eat, but it doesn't last. I've come to realize that one or more of the many eye drops I need to take is the culprit. There are at least two I dispense four times daily: an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory. And although these medications are administered to the eye, there's no such thing as a closed system, so eventually I've ingested some of it as it drains down the back of my throat. Oh well... At least I think my eye is healing nicely. And I can see decently out of it, although in certain conditions, the blurriness really annoys me. I can read my computer screen with the artificial lens, but it's a bit disturbing to notice that tilting my head changes how well I can focus. That doesn't happen with my natural lens!

The treadmills at Gold's Gym on the Cardio Platform
I need a shower, and today's the first day of my "non-strenuous workout"... some time pedaling the recumbent bicycle, and then walking on the treadmill. I stretch a little at the Stretch Cage, but no pull ups, or push ups. I'm not suppose to bend over or down because that will increase pressure in my head and eyes. I don't want my seams to pop open! Because I know I'm probably not going to bust a sweat (and I don't), I put on a t-shirt. If I can't get really warm, I might be cold! I have my hoodie as well, but mostly to keep tissues and my iPod in the pockets because my gym clothes don't have pockets. I keep myself from getting too bored by singing to myself with my tunes turned up loud as I walk. I'm almost dancing, but not running. Bad knees don't run. I was able to watch some TV on the recumbent bike, but the treadmill is for people so much taller than I am that I am unable to see the screen because of the glare! And I put my hands at the base of the handles. The heart rate sensors are at the end of the handles which don't adjust down, and I'm not walking with my hands in the air over my head. That's just stupid. If I adjust the treadmill itself to the max 30° tilt, I get shin splints. So, I'm not doing that either. Like I've said before, I don't fit into a lot of the equipment.

Day 5 post surgery
I'm not even going to wash today's gym clothes! I can wear them again on Wednesday. My arm still looks awful from the IV bruising, and my face is still tender around my eye socket. I tape my eyelid close with two strips after I get the shower running and have everything set up. I feel more confident with my shower plans today. But I shouldn't've. Because in the shower, I feel a bit of water under the tape and I shouldn't! WTH?! I'm not sure what failed but after I wash my hair with my eyes shut tight, I clip my hair up and quickly finish soaping and showering. I only find one piece of tape on my face, and I don't know where the other strip went. It's not in the shower, not on my towels. Eventually, I realize that it's stuck to my collarbone. WTH?! Ugh. I may have to resort to different tape next time! Something a bit stickier, but not impossible to remove from my eyebrow and lashes! Ugh.

Tomorrow I'm skipping the gym and taking my son to see Dead Pool 2. He has half days for the rest of the week due to finals and will be home by 11 am. And it's $5 Tuesdays at the local theater. I'm not quite sure why half the school must leave when the other half is taking exams, but again, I'm not sure why school lets out before the end of the month, and the last three days are again half days, or as we all call them "no learning days." Ugh.

If profanity bothers you, you should absolutely not watch the trailer below...


15 min Recumbent Bike + 3 min cool down
Level 1
Miles 1.82
Calories 71

30 min TrueFitness treadmill
Speed 1.0 - 2.0
Miles 0.92
Calories 86

Five Days Off But Not a Vacation

I finally made it to the gym today, although a lot later than usual. I had a horribly stressful morning, with driving gingerly after last ni...