Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tired is a State of Mind

My errands took me from one part of town to far across, just because I don't want to toss perfectly good, nearly brand new items into the trash which will invariably wind up in a landfill, or on a trash barge despoiling the ocean. Instead, I re-homed craft items with the current Cub Scout master, and got my son's old tae kwon do school to take back his barely-used sparring equipment. By the time I get to the gym, it's nearly noon, but it's a beautiful sunny day.

Yesterday, the sky turned ominously dark with the rolling peal of thunder, and in some places, hail. Rain pelted the windows all night, and there were sporadic power outtages. The gym is mostly empty, but soon fills up with big kids just ambling out of bed. After my 15 minute warm up, I do a quick set of pull ups and knee-ins, and claim the Smith machine. While I'm doing RDLs, I notice some of the guys staring in my general direction. I'm thinking they're checking to see if the Smith is free, but I don't let that hurry me at all. I'm tired and didn't sleep well last night in the rainy heat. Plus, when I'm anxious I tend to stay up reading until I can barely keep my eyes open. Doesn't help at all that 3 books I ordered from Amazon but forgot I ordered, actually showed up yesterday. Billy Idol's Dancing With Myself is one. Holly Black's The Darkest Part of the Forest, and The Bane Chronicles are two more. I hope this HB book is better than The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. Not a fan.

The Smith RDLs feel heavy today, and that's discouraging. However, I'm stubborn, so I keep at it, robotically adding weights after each set. In spite of the A/C, the air feels moist and clings to me as I position myself. And even though the little voice in the back of my mind tells me that I'm too tired to pull the heavy set, I still do. The voice tells me that I can get away with doing 6-8 reps, but I don't. Because I can actually pull a full set. I don't want to do the three sets of RG BB Rows either, but I do. And I certainly don't want to sit at the Cable Station with a bunch of teenagers who can't control the descent of their weights. Ugh. The guys who were staring earlier aren't in any hurry to get to the Smith either. My left hand gives out sooner than my right. No surprises there.

I retreat to the elliptical for 20 minutes of pedaling. It's monotonous in spite of the program, but I enjoy it anyway. I see Towel Guy at the assisted pull up machine. He's not making any gains. Yesterday I wandered into my gym's FB page and discovered that Gym Owner's client is actually the 3rd place winner nationally for the Gold's Gym 12-week Transformation Competition. Gym Owner tells me that there were 20,000 entries. Of course, I haven't seen Client since his win. Gym Owner has a new client, a tall young woman. I doubt she'll be making as miraculous a transformation.

Stretching after cardio is usually a good idea, and since the muscles are warm, there's little danger of self-injury. I do a set of wide grip pull ups. They still hurt my left elbow at the last few reps. Then I remember I haven't done any push ups today so I knock out 50 before a quickie stretch on the Mat. I remember when push ups were hard. But that was a really long time ago. I hope I never get so out of shape that they become hard again. I see a woman doing knee-push ups. I don't get the point to them even though I understand that many people, especially women, don't have much upper body strength. I seriously doubt doing knee-push ups builds up arm and chest strength, but I guess you have to start somewhere. It's a good thing I'm not a personal trainer -- I just don't have the patience.

The gym scale tells me 110.8 lbs and that's not great, but not so horrible. I'm not decrepit yet.

Tuesday Pull Day
3.56 miles

15 min x-trainer
Calories 66
Miles 1.80
Average Heart Rate 145

Knee-Ins 50

Smith RDLs
Bar (30lbs) x 12
80 x 12
100 x 12
120 x 12
140 x 12
150 x 12

Smith RG BB Rows
80 x 25 reps
100 x 25
120 x 25

Seated 1-Arm Cable Rows
30lbs x 12
45 x 12
60 x 8L, 12R

20 min elliptical
Program 2
Calories 201
Miles 1.76

Push Ups 50

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