Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Short and Sweet

I get to the gym an hour earlier than usual because I don't have a lot of time today. My son will be home in just a few hours and I'd like to feed him lunch before we see Wonder Woman. It's $5 Tuesdays so I'm sure the theater will be packed with tots and seniors, the only people who are free on a week day afternoon. Besides the unemployed, like myself.

The gym is a lot more crowded in the morning, but I'm lucky and can jump right on the cross-trainer. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get on the Smith so I figure I'd at least get my cardio in. A fellow on the treadmill keeps looking over his shoulder, and I realize it's because he's waiting for the BB in the CF area. Theoretically there's two stations, but the free standing cable station makes the other station unusable, except with maybe very good friends. I'm glad I'm not waiting to use it too.

The cross-trainer is a better warm up than the elliptical for me, as it works both arms and legs. And I can wear a hoodie while on it. The bottom of the zipper hits my thighs when I'm on the elliptical, so I prefer to do that machine at the end of my workout, when I'm already warm and don't need to wear a hoodie. I see a few regulars, but I don't hear them, and that's a good thing. I do my pull ups and push ups afterwards, and the sweat is pouring down my face. The humidity is nearing sauna-conditions even though the A/C is on. The Smith is free so that makes me happy. I don't have time to do a full Pull routine today, but I figure if I can at least do some RDLs, I'm good.

I see creepy PJ Pants. He saunters up to the treadmill in gym shorts and that's probably the first time I haven't seen him in pajamas. He's still fat and creepy though. I see The Mayor, LoudMouth and Tall Pace conversing in a corner. Well, at least I can't actually hear any of them. Things are improving! The RDLs start off okay, but my lower back quickly feels a tiny bit sore. I don't have time to rest enough between sets and I keep an eye on the clock overhead. But I do what I consider a reasonable set and then I close up shop. All that's left is one more set of pull ups, but wide grip this time.

My son texts me that he's home. When I get back, I get the dishes and laundry going, and then make fried egg sandwiches with some leftover bacon from last night's "breakfast for dinner" (scrambled eggs, bacon and bagels) on the last two slices of oatmeal bread. The car registers 100F when we get back in to drive to the theater. Luckily, it cools down to 94 as we drive along. I'm glad I filled the tank and that the A/C works. But that just reminds me that I need to schedule a NYS auto inspection, and that the car's due for an oil change. Meanwhile, there's Wonder Woman.

We get there early enough to buy candy (Reeses Pieces) and bottled water. I'll say that I enjoyed watching the movie, but there was perhaps a tad too much talking for my son. Actually, I'll have to agree with him. I like action flicks. And I'm a little disappointed in Diana (Queen of the Amazons) Prince's naivety. However, I'm very happy with the action, i.e., fight scenes. Nice costuming as well. And Chris Pine definitely has wonderful screen presence. Personally, I'd like Wonder Woman to have a bit more muscle, but that's me. I'm sure that would've alienated a large portion of the audience. There are some odd casting choices, like the Ares God of War embodiment. And will the supporting villain character show up in a sequel, because she's not definitively dead?

We get to the theater and it looks like there's only 3 other couples, but eventually more and more people trickle in. Mostly seniors, and not all women either. There's a few teenage couples. HS is just about done this time of year. When the film is over, we're disappointed that there are no Easter Eggs as in Marvel Comic films, or even some Disney films. However, we are excited to see the next Despicable Me (3) sequel.


30 min x-trainer
Calories 143
Miles 3.84
Average Heart Rate 146

Push Ups 55

Smith RDLs
Bar (30lbs) x 15
80 x 12
100 x 12
120 x 12
140 x 10
150 x 8
110 x 12


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