There was no two-hour school delay due to snow. No, school was cancelled outright. It snowed all day yet there's only a few inches on the grass. It's wet and heavy. Some of it is so grainy it reminds me of powdered laundry detergent as I sweep it off the dog ramp and walkway. Viva Winter Storm Reggie! The weekend forecast is for temps to drop into the single digits. My son has Boy Scout service helping another Scout with his bake sale fundraiser Sunday morning, from which he's suppose to go directly to the St. Patrick's parade to march with his Troop. If it's really cold, the organizers might just cancel the entire parade. That'd be just fine with my son. Late into Tuesday, there's a Nor'easter headed our way with potentially more snow and sleet. Oh joy. And my hubs has to fly to San Francisco on business on Wednesday (if flights aren't totally delayed or cancelled, if the monster storm materializes) and will be gone until the following week. Sigh. SF is not one of his favorite places. He doesn't have anything to do there over the weekend, but he's stuck because there's a client meeting on Thursday and Friday, and then again on Monday.
Tomorrow my hubs and I are registered for a bunch of classes (like Geocaching and Wet Wood Fire Making) at Scouting University. My son's not old enough to attend so he's staying home, happy to spend the day sleeping in and gaming. Later we have the kung fu fund raiser banquet, which always has nice food, but truthfully, is something my hubs and I could do without. We're probably going to opt out of it next year because my son has missed a few Scouting events due to rehearsal conflicts.

I called my health insurance company to see what I have to do to get my shoulder looked at, and maybe fixed, and how much it'll cost me. According to their service rep, I don't even actually need to see a doc. They'll cover 20 visits to Physical Therapy for $25 copay each visit. The Physical Therapy place says I need a script (prescription) from a doc and it doesn't matter if it's a general physician or a specialist. I don't even really need an MRI. X-rays are 100% covered, but MRIs are not. However, MRIs (without contrast) run from $430 to $750 depending on where you get them done. Hospitals appear to be the most expensive place, but the radiology center (where I get my mammograms done) are the cheapest. I'd have to pay all costs until I hit the deductible ceiling of $1500, and then everything is covered. But that's $1500 out of pocket that I'd rather not spend. I can see an orthopedic specialist for a $50 copay, or my Internist for $25. I'm guessing that once they say it's a glenoid labral tear, the physical therapy will be the same no matter what. The PT fellow on the phone sure sounded as if that was the case.
Meanwhile, I'm finishing up an online course, and looking at the local want ads. Because I seriously need to make some cash. I also have two back-to-back photo shows this summer to worry about. So I'm not sure how much longer I'll be writing this blog. I've kept it going for almost 5 years. Maybe it's time to stop? Or maybe just not post as often... because once I land a job, I'm probably not going to have any time to go to the gym anyway. Probably.
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