Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Functional Muscle

While I'm doing my 15 minute warm up on the Cross-trainer, I watch a smattering of people moving lifelessly through endless reps and sets on Cybex machines. I call that section of the gym "machine city" because that's what it is. I don't do anything there anymore with the exception of hammer grip pull ups because the Stretch Cage is next to the new Torso rotation machine. I don't understand why people perform exercises they don't understand, and without any hope of achieving any semblance of reasonable goals. But that's me. I'm notorious for not following directions. Not that I can't. I'll do it once. And then figure out whether it's working for me, and how I can improve my experience by making a few "adjustments". (I confess have this same "problem" with recipes. I'm always tweaking them based on what ingredients I have, and how I happen to feel at the moment.) So you might think consistency would be a major problem. And no one progresses if they're inconsistent, right?

I feel that I put in 110% every time I go. Even if I don't "feel like" it, because to do otherwise is just a waste of gym time. I absolutely can't say that for the majority of people I see at my gym. The results are that I look like I work out. To the point where people I know just assume that I must be doing a lot more than I actually do. I run into B today and she asks me whether I'm still doing martial arts, and I look at her like What? Because I don't do anything except whack that Nexersys machine in the corner. But she's so certain that I must be doing something else that she asks me if I'm sure. If I'm sure? Seriously? I'm middle-aged, but I'm not mentally impaired.

I love watching the Olympic athletes compete. I love watching their perfect functional muscles. I doubt if they have the time or vanity to work out just to look like they work out. There aren't too many guys here who just work their mirror muscles, but there seem to be a lot of people who flop onto the machines and think that the paltry effort they put forth is going to have an effect. I'm not really sure what they're expecting to happen. I do see one older fellow who's been MIA for several months. He seems to have dropped at least 100 lbs if not more, and I'm not exaggerating. I'm thinking he's had gastric bypass surgery. He chats happily while pedaling the elliptical. I don't think his exercise endurance has increased by any great means, hence my conclusion that he's had to rely on a surgical intervention. But I'm not criticizing because for some people, that's what it takes.

So, am I progressing? Or am I stagnating? Sometimes, especially as we age, the best we can do is to not get worse. So, while I'm not hugely strong, I'm strong enough, and I'm happy with my cardio endurance. I haven't suffered from any major injuries either. And although I'm not as light or lean as I'd like to be, I'm not unhappy with my size, weight or shape right now. It's damn good for 56. It's damn good for 46! But if I was 36, I'd be a lot more critical. Seriously. I'm happy I can pull myself up. Several times if need be. I can push more than my own body weight. And I can draw on energy reserves to power myself in spite of how I feel. Now I just have to teach my son, because he's now bigger than I am. But not stronger. Of course, he's only 11. 

Doing SLDLs at 130 lbs is still really heavy. I only get 10 reps before my form totally falls apart. But I can get reps at 130 for RG BB Rows. Different movement, different stress. Between those two movements, three sets of pull ups, and 30 minutes of Intervals on the Precor, I'm pretty wiped when I'm done. But I don't feel bad right away. I'm just hungry. I don't actually start to feel tired until hours later, when I have to get dinner on the table.  I'll probably stay up late watching the Olympics anyway. Oh well...

Wednesday Workout
(4.61 miles total cardio)

15 min X trainer
warm up
1.85 miles


Knee Ins 50

Push Ups 100

Crunches 3 X 50

Bird Dog Plank 2 X 60 sec

Smith SLDL
15 X 30 lbs (bar)
12 X 80, 100, 120
10 X 130

Smith RG BB row
15 X 30 lbs (bar)
12 X 80,
15 X 100, 120, 130


Seated one arm cable row
12 X 37.5
45 lbs X 12 X 3

30 min Precor elliptical
318 cal
2.76 miles


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