Thursday, May 12, 2016

That'll Do

I got the 2nd pair of gloves in the mail last week. Direct from China. Which is always worrisome. I opened the bag and the gloves smell of vinyl. But the smell grows stronger until my entire hallway stinks. I try airing them out and resort to hanging them outside. After a good rainstorm and blazing sun, they still stink. Jeeze. And for bike gloves, they're not horribly padded either. Bummer.

I skipped the gym yesterday and transplanted some seedlings, laid down newspaper around the raised bed which has yet to fully prepped for zucchini and peas. I'm trying a lone strawberry plant, and a blueberry bush in pots that can be moved to follow the sun in my yard. And moved to keep them off the deer menu. A mourning dove I've been watching outside my kitchen window suddenly showed us the half grown nestling under it's wing. It's a hungry little thing. Today it left the nest and was perched a few feet away in the hedges while a catbird tried to pull twigs from the shallow pigeon nest. The catbirds are building a sturdier abode in a deeper part of the hedges.

Today I did my routine 10 minute warm up on the elliptical, then 15 rounds of kickboxing, followed by 15 minutes on the Step Mill. And finally, a set of pull ups. Done! Tomorrow I plan to do everything: cardio, bench, deadlift, row, and maybe some of the accessory work too. Yes, I'm feeling very ambitious, knowing that tomorrow is Friday the 13th.

Thursday Workout

Warm Up
Calorie :   95 CAL
Distance: 0.84 mile
Duration : 00:10:00

Follow Me
Lap/Rep :  15 Lap/Rep
Duration : 01:00:00
Calorie :   110 CAL
Speed :   6
Lap/Rep :  46 Lap/Rep
Duration : 00:15:00
Set 1 : 112x31

Photos posted for actual stats:

5 rounds Beginner

5 rounds Intermediate

5 rounds Advance


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pix, I have always tried to publish your comments. Blogger could've lost them I guess... You gave no offense at all! I enjoy your comments on my blog.

    We are fine street the big storm this week. Vehicles got a fair bit of hail damage though, and we will have the roof checked too. But no broken glass or windows.

  3. Pix, I have always tried to publish your comments. Blogger could've lost them I guess... You gave no offense at all! I enjoy your comments on my blog.

    We are fine street the big storm this week. Vehicles got a fair bit of hail damage though, and we will have the roof checked too. But no broken glass or windows.

  4. MW, I'm relieved it's just glitches in the machinery of this fine thing we call the Internet. :-)


High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...