Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday the 13th is Everything Day

RBF? Yep
I'm not superstitious so I don't really remember that it's Friday the 13th. My plan is to do everything. Yep, cardio, heavy weights, body weight stuff, more cardio, and then stretching. I'm stiff and sluggish when I get to the gym. My front quads are sore, probably from kickboxing, but maybe from the Step Mill. It doesn't really matter why, just that it is.

I'm wearing my cheapo $25 Avia sneakers with Dr Scholl gel-insoles that I picked up at the grocer. My right foot starts to go numb with just 3 minutes left on the Cross-Trainer. Well, that's better than usual. Doing the first set of pull ups always sucks and today does not disappoint. I muscle through the push ups because I only intend to do one set. So it'd better count. Then I relax a bit for crunches and planks, although sweat keeps dripping off my nose. I guess I take my workouts much more seriously than the average person. I can tell just from the body language of the women on the mats next to me. They're doing some sort of core work by rolling forward while balanced on beach balls. But they don't do it for very long. I don't do any one thing for very long either, but somehow the intensity is a bit different. Or lacking on their part.

I see the anorexic gal doing her workout. She's painful to look at, basically a skeleton with large breasts. Maybe she's just got a wasting disease and not an eating disorder? There's another woman at my son's summer camp who has the same haunted look. We look away, and behave as if it's okay because someone might take offense at our assumptions.

There's a guy doing squats in the Smith. That's unusual because normally only women use the Smith for stuff like that. But he's flying solo and probably unsure of himself. I'll do benching after he's done. Instead I set up at the MaxRack for a quick set of RG BB Rows, and then SLDLs. My left inner elbow is bothering me, but only during the pull. I keep an eye on it. Bad elbows are trouble. The SLDLs are exhausting, and I drop reps for each set. I guess it's good that I'm pulling more than my body weight, but I still feel like a wus. Like I should be pulling more. Well, maybe if I didn't do so many reps? But reps is what builds endurance, and in my case, also builds muscle. I can see that I'm actually a little thicker in the lats. And that would be from high rep sets of pull ups.

I could probably bench more if I cut my reps. Today didn't feel too awful. I didn't slide across the bench either. I probably could've pushed more, but I'm not entirely sure I see the point to it if it means risking a shoulder injury. At this age, it's more likely that I'm running as fast as I can just to stay in place. Kind of a bummer. So I'd have to double my efforts if I want to see any gains. I'm not sure that I can do that. I'm actually trying to cut back my workouts so I have more time for other things. And maybe go back to the workforce. That's going to be a shock to the system, and depressing.

I see Animé Hair girl and chat briefly with her. She's dyed her hair back to the original red because the lovely blue-gray was starting to turn green. Oh, jeeze. I wouldn't want green hair either. Too bad though because she reminded me of characters from Holly Black stories. She puts a lot of serious effort into her workouts and her physique is starting to show it. She's curling 30 lb DBs, and then the 50 lb BB. I don't move that much weight. Not without screwing up my elbows and wrists.

What's weird is seeing people walk into the gym and immediately start doing arms. No warm up. No big moves first. WTF? I guess they just want "beach muscles", the ones you see in a tank top. Creepy PJ Pants is back. He does his cardio while pulling up the baggy PJ bottoms. Then he's at the cable machines, doing arms. Bearded Ponytail is back too. His braid is longer than mine because he's at least twice my size and his hair comes to his back. All I ever see him do is arms. The disheveled old man wearing a t-shirt, shorts and lifting belt is back too. This time he's actually lifting, doing overhead presses in the Smith with a pair of 45s on the bar. Except I know that the bar is only 30 lbs. But at least he seems more coherent and a little less disheveled. At least his hair is combed today.

I only do 3 sets of DB laterals because not only am I super-setting with Reverse Flyes, but I'm planning on knocking out a few sets of Rip Skulls and Drag Curls. Oh, and one or two more sets of pull ups. Because I'm a horrible glutton for punishment. Intervals really suck today. But once I get past all that, I drop onto the mat for stretches and I feel re-energized. Weird, right?

My arms start to ache before I get back to my house. I know they're going to be sore tomorrow. But that's okay. Today was an everything day. Monday I have an appointment with my Ob/Gyn and I'm trying to figure out what to say to him regarding the Smoky Mountain cream I've been using. I should tell him. But I'm not happy with the fact that he got upset about my not taking calcium pills. I truly think they'll give me gallstones and kidney stones. I've looked but I can't actually find any studies that prove taking calcium supplements will actually help women repair their bones.

The medical industry is geared towards having patients tied to them financially. I'm still paying off the "deductible"from last year's endoscopy that showed I didn't have gallstones. Yesterday the gastroenterologist's office called to schedule a follow-up appointment. "Follow up for what?", I asked. Last month they called to schedule a colonoscopy. "Why?" I asked. It's only been 5 years and my last exam was totally clean. There are no medical reasons for all these appointments they want to schedule, just financial ones.

Friday the 13th Workout
(6.45 miles total cardio; 35,263 lbs moved! Wahoo!)

Warm Up
Calorie :   136 CAL
Distance: 3.79 mile
Speed :    7.56 mph
Duration : 00:30:08
Set 1 : 112x26
Set 1 : 100 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 00:00:30
Set 2 : 00:00:30
Set 3 : 00:00:30
Set 4 : 00:00:30
Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 00:00:30
Set 2 : 00:00:30
Set 3 : 00:00:30
Set 4 : 00:00:30
Set 1 : 55x25
Set 2 : 75x20
Set 3 : 95x20
Set 1 : 105x15
Set 2 : 125x12
Set 3 : 135x12
Set 4 : 135x10
Set 5 : 135x8
Set 1 : 30x15
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 100x12
Set 4 : 120x10
Set 5 : 90x25
Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12 SuperSet with
Set 1 : 20x20
Set 2 : 20x20
Set 3 : 20x20
Set 1 : 30x15
Set 2 : 35x12
Set 3 : 40x12
Set 1 : 40x15
Set 2 : 45x15
Set 3 : 50x15
Set 4 : 55x12

Set 1 : 50x25
Set 2 : 50x25
Set 1 : 112x26
Calorie :   305 CAL
Distance: 2.66 mile
Duration : 00:30:00
Set 1 : 112x27

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