Friday, February 28, 2014

My Winter Storm Prep Workout

Today is Friday and because I've hit every major body part once this week and enjoyed smacking the Nexersys, I felt free to improvise and do a combination workout. Especially since I don't think I'll be getting to the gym on Monday, courtesy of Winter Storm Titan, and tomorrow I'll be spending a lot of time supervising my son. We'll probably hit a bunch of the cardio machines and then I'll show him push ups and pull ups by the mirrored wall so he can see his form. Maybe we'll do some DB work with the little plastic ones too. But I'm not counting on it being much of a workout for me.

Top: Precor elliptical HIIT;
Middle: LifeFitness bike LISS;
Bottom: Matrix StepMill LISS
I start off with a 20 minute warm up on the Precor, but since I did "steady state" yesterday, I decide to do HIIT today. 45 seconds "run" and 75 seconds "jog". I'm pretty warm by the time it's over. I haven't done an Arm Workout in a long time so that's on the agenda today, but I want to do two big compound exercises first, just to work everything properly. So I do reps at the Flat Bench. I'm still having trouble finishing the 3rd set of 20. I get to 19 and have to rack the bar, take 10 breaths and then push out 5 more reps. I was hoping for more but it's all I can do.

Today I've decided to finally use the Olympic bar for BB Rows as well, now that I've gotten to some real weight! I have my ProLoc collars in my bag, but I actually don't need them. The new flat edge plates don't allow the barbell to roll around and, as long as I'm careful how I set it down, the plates don't move. I start off with just the bar for a quick warm up, then add a pair of 25s. Then tens. Then fives. Then finally, another pair of fives. I need the VGs because my wrists are twinging and I suspect that's a tendonitis alert. I get three full sets at 135 and I'm really happy. I'm sure the Mayor, M and Tall Pace who are playing musical chairs with the squat rack and the inclined bench have noticed because they keep traipsing directly behind me.

Okay, now I can just focus on the Arm Workout. I don't have too much hope of pushing a lot of weight doing Rip Crushers, so I start with a 30 lb BB. Then add 5 lbs in magnets. Then grab the 40. My wrists are bothering me. I probably should use the EZ bar, but I don't. Maybe next time. Three grueling sets done. Dang these are hard. The BB Curls are easier although it takes a set before my right elbow warms to the movement. Because I can get 13-15 reps at 50 lbs, I should probably up the weight a tad next time.

For fun, I decide to knock out a few sets of Bent Over DB Flyes for rear delts. I feel as if they're lagging because I don't do much overhead movement. Three sets aren't too bad. Next time I'll up my sets to six. An extremely frail elderly lady is on the adjacent bench. She's waving a baby blue beauty bell in the air. I'm not sure what exercise she's doing, but it's good to see her doing something. Because I haven't done BB Reverse Curls in months, and they're suppose to be good for my bad elbows and wrists, I start them again. Afterwards, more as an afterthought, I attempt One-Arm DB Extensions. I know that my triceps are shot, but figure that at least there's a good stretch in this movement. My left arm is so much weaker than my right that I can't finish the last set properly. I head for a Cage Stretch only because both Step Mills are busy.

For LISS, I clamber onto one of the LifeFitness recumbent bikes and read my mail and online forums. When 20 minutes is done, I don't really feel like I've done anything although the bike tells me I've gone almost two miles. Really? I'm not satisfied and the Step Mills are both free now, so I climb up and do 20 minutes there. I'm a little bored so I up the speed to 5 for a bit while singing to my iPod. But I'm a silent singer. You can see my mouth moving, but I'm not making any noise. Now I feel good. I do a quick lower back stretch on the Mat and I'm done for the week. Yay!

The gym scale reads 112.4 lbs and I'm good with that. I saw the gym owner fixing the Nexersys yesterday so I'm looking forward to smacking it around again. But that'll have to wait until next week. After I shovel us out. The school bus driver is already saying "See you on Tuesday."

I have one of those ridiculous weekends again. Chinese school and kung fu. Then we should return some library books, go to the gym, also get my son a haircut so I can see his face. Sunday we have a play date in Connecticut. I'll be bored. I need to prep files for the tax accountant but it'd be rude to do that at a play date. The supermarket is awash in apples lately, and not just the standard golden delicious and macintosh, but exotics like fuji, gala and pink lady. I like the sweet crispness of the fuji and gala apples, but I'm happy with goldens. I buy some ambrosia apples because the name is intriguing. They're yellow with a blush of pink, and they're crisp. But they're not really sweet. My son says they're tart like Granny Smiths. I don't think they have much flavor, so they're consigned to being cooked with pork tossed with mustard, and cabbage for supper.

Storm Prep Workout

20 min Precor elliptical HIIT: 45 sec run / 75 sec jog = 1.71 miles

Flat Bench Press
12x45 (bar)
20, 20, 19, 5x95 lbs (was shooting for 3x20)

Reverse Grip BB Row
12x45 (bar)
15x95 lbs
12x115 lbs
12x125 lbs
3x12x135 lbs PR Yay! (thankgoodness for VGs otherwise I'd never be able to hang on to this)

Rip Crusher
12x30 lbs
12x35 lbs
3x12x40 lbs (dang these are hard!)

BB Curl
15x45 lbs
13, 13, 15x50 lbs (time to up the weight)

Bent Over DB Reverse Flye
12x25 lbs
3x12x30 lbs (should do 6 sets next time)

BB Reverse Curl
3x20x40 lbs (I'll add sets rather than up the weight here)

One-Arm DB Extension
3x12x20 lbs (left arm failed at rep 11 on 3rd set)

20 min LifeFitness recumbent bike LISS = 1.92 miles
20 min Matrix Step Mill LISS = 947 steps

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Boxing the Blues Away

When the thermometer says 2°F, you might pause for a moment and consider whether to pull on the super-insulated winter boots or just brave the cold with your standard fleece-lined fare. Toes are less an issue than fingers because I can't just keep my hands stuffed into my pockets. No, the dog needs to be cleaned up after, and the feeder and suet holder need to be restocked and set out as well. Luckily, the sun is out and temps warm up to the high 20s today. The weekend promises to be be pleasant for winter although the word is Winter Storm Titan will be wreaking havoc, snow, sleet and ice upon most of the country before dumping a good 6 inches of the white stuff on us. Let me enjoy the sunshine while I can.

Top: 20 min Precor elliptical
Bottom: 20 min LifeFitness bike
I get to the gym at 8:30 am because I've dropped my son off at school for his extra gym class. It's good for little boys to run around like frisky puppies before class. My hamstrings are a little sore from yesterday and I decide that I'd rather spend my energy on boxing than cardio, so I only do 20 minutes of standard steady state cardio, although the longer I pedal, the faster my pace so I'm not sure that steady-state is accurate. I do a quick Cage Stretch and leave off the kicks since I'll be stomping the Nexersys anyway.

I'm really not happy with the way my gloves fit after I've wrapped my hands. I'm going to have to use a full length of wrap next time for the right hand. The left seems fine with just half a wrap, but I don't punch as hard with my left. I tap the monitor to start the Beginner Follow Me Avatar program for 9 rounds. I'll do 5 rounds of the Intermediate program after I've warmed up. Whoa! The system isn't registering my Cross! Or my Power Kick. The gym owner is at the front desk so I pause the system and tell him that the machine isn't registering blows correctly. Then I start up again on the other Nexersys, the one I don't like to use because glare from the big plate glass windows behind me make it difficult to see the monitor. This machine registers the Cross Punch and Power Kick, but not the Power Dig. After losing Accuracy Points for "missing" that punch, I substitute the Power Body instead. I still lose Accuracy Points, but I at least I can register Strikes and Power. The sensors for the Cross Punch seem to be on the fritz as well since I'm routinely stopping the machine with the warning buzzer and the You Are Punching Too Hard alert.

I'm happier with the Intermediate Follow Me program because it moves faster, is adjusted for harder punches (so it doesn't freeze up as often with the Warning Alert) and has more combinations. I'm dancing around to my tunes and in sync with the rhythm of the machine. Next time I think I'll switch my routine so that I warm up with 5 rounds of Beginner and finish with 9 rounds of Intermediate. D tells me (I chat with her in the locker room) that she's too bored to use the Beginner Avatar anymore. Now it's just Intermediate and a few Advanced rounds. The Advanced program runs the same as the Intermediate, but it's a lot quicker. Oh my! That sounds exciting!

Since both Step Mills are busy, I drop myself onto one of the LifeFitness recumbent bikes while I strip off my gloves and put my hoodie back on. Time for 20 minutes of LISS while I check email and read the online forum posts. Then I decide to do a full Mat Stretch since I don't recall really doing that for the past several days. A dozen wide-stance Dive Bomber Push Ups and a dozen regular stance. A 60-second plank (still hate them). Splits, upper and lower back stretches, and I'm done.

The gal who teaches several of the boot camp and zumba classes is holding court inside the locker room, giving diet advice while she blow dries her hair. She's nice enough, but loud. We're the same age but she gets her hair and nails and eyebrows done. And the Brazilian bikini wax. She looks good in clothes, and not bad naked, but the absolutely one part of her I hate are her arms. They look skinny and not in a good way. Not toned, but as if she's starting to shrivel.

Meanwhile, I rub my slightly pink knuckles and tiptoe off to the shower. The gym scale reads 112.8 lbs. It was 112.6 yesterday but I probably wasn't quite as sweaty. D tells me that Winter Storm Titan is going to hit Monday and where is my husband? Oh, he's fine because he's already in Boston and will be there until Wednesday. His work schedule absolutely sucks this year, with him being away more than ever before. My son will be very happy to have another day off from school although that will eat into his Spring break week. At least I have rock salt.

Thursday Cardio Workout

20 min Precor elliptical = 1.73 miles
partial Cage Stretch

Nexersys: 9 rounds Beginner Follow Me Female
  Accuracy 85% / Strikes 101% / Average Power 126%
Nexersys: 5 rounds Intermediate Follow Me Female
  Accuracy 81% / Strikes 101% / Average Power 108% 
I've improved a lot so I'm going to add rounds next week

20 min LISS recumbent bike = 1.23 miles

Mat Stretch with 2x12 DBPUs; 60-sec plank, splits & stretches

photos for actual stats:
Accuracy took a big hit this week because the sensors didn't register all Power Digs and some Power Kicks

I've made enough improvements for the machine to recommend that I add rounds so I will

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Leg Workout and Other Dark Thoughts

Top: 20 min HIIT cardio
Bottom: 21 min LISS cardio
Wednesday can be Hump Day, or Prince Spaghetti Day or just plain ol' Leg Day. It's Leg Day, and I consult the Jefit app on my phone to see how much weight I should tax myself with, based on my logs from early January. Before I took a de-load week, and then another three weeks to play with a high rep program. It's very reassuring to discover that one doesn't really lose much strength if any when taking time off from lifting heavy. I know everyone's different so I'm just speaking for myself. Of course, it can be said that perhaps I wasn't lifting all that heavy to begin with, so of course I didn't lose any strength. Perhaps. But I took a de-load the following week because I felt worn out. I feel much better now, having tested my cardio endurance and explored a few exercises I'd never considered before, i.e., DB lunges, DB shoulder presses and mat crunches.

Pair of 25s and a 10 per side
I do 20 minutes of HIIT cardio, 45 seconds "run" and 75 seconds "walk". It's certainly a lot easier than the 1 minute run and 1 minute walk. When I first started working out, I had borderline high blood pressure. It'd always been very low but my mom's BP shot up once she hit menopause and mine was starting to creep up as well. At last year's physical, my BP had dropped back down to 110/70 and I attribute that to doing a lot of cardio. I like to think that cardio also benefits my eye pressure because I have an aggressive form of glaucoma for which I use drops. The only alternative is surgery and no one wants that. Besides the perceived benefits of doing a lot of cardio, I find that it makes me feel good. Or at least happier.

Globally, the news is abysmal from Syria to Kiev to Thailand. Our winter has been harsh, although sunny days like today make me think Spring will be here before I can get my son's Easter basket set up. Locally, the news is just as dark as I read the town paper about the 19-year old who just smashed his car into the high school. The impact was so intense that there is structural damage to the building. He died, and no one can say what or why. He seemed loved by everyone. Those of us with children always worry about the monsters that can't be kept at bay. The next page reports the hit-and-run death of an elderly lady who worked at the animal feed store. I know who she is. Or was. The perpetrators, natives of El Salvador. were eventually arrested days later at a traffic stop, with bits of the victim's clothes still wedged in their broken headlight. The world has gone to hell in a hand basket and all I can think of is the famous William Butler Yeats poem, The Second Coming.

I'm glad the snow came, dusted our cars and then the sun came out.

Leg Day Workout
20 min elliptical HIIT 45 sec Run / 75 sec Walk = 1.70 miles

Smith Machine Squats
12x30 lbs (bar)
12x80 lb
12x120 lbs
12x140 lbs
3x8x150 lbs (I hate that crunchy feeling in my back at this weight)

Smith Machine SLDLs
12x30 lbs (bar)
12x80 lbs
12x120 lbs (put on VGs so no excuses!)
8x140 lbs
8, 8, 6 x 150 lbs (dang this is heavy! I wanted 3x8 but that didn't happen)
12x120 lbs (got so annoyed I couldn't finish the last set at 150 so I did this last set)

Cage Stretch

Seated Leg Extension
12x75 lbs
12x90 lbs
12x105 lbs
12x120 lbs
12x135 lbs

Seated Leg Curl
12x75 lbs
3x12x90 lbs
12x75 lbs

21 min cardio LISS = 1.52 miles (lost track of time)
3x50 crunches

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Back Tuesday

Top: 10 min Precor elliptical HIIT
Bottom: 20 min Matrix StepMill LISS
Not sure what the rest of the week is going to be like. I was surprised at how crowded the gym was today with people long thought dead and buried, and some newbies as well. Still, I spent 10 minutes doing HIIT cardio on a Precor before venturing into the free weight area, figuring I'd conserve a little time and energy by only doing 45 seconds On and 75 seconds Off. I did feel a bit warm afterwards, but I'm thinking of upping this to 15 minutes next time.

BB Rows and DB Rows are my big exercises today. I warm up with the 90 lb BB at the rack, and then grab the 110 lb BB and move it to the mirrored wall, careful to walk around the clusters of chatting regulars. My joints are better today but I put on the VGs just to make sure my grip isn't an excuse to fail. I retrieve six of the 2.5 lb magnets from the desk because I know I want 125 lbs. But after I hit 125 lbs, I realize that I've done this weight for reps back in January and really, I should grab another two discs. I find myself alternating between a regular grip and a reverse grip between sets. Okay, that's 130 lbs! It's heavy but I feel it most in my hands and wrists, the VG straps pulling against my tiny joints. Still, I can get three full sets so that makes me happy.
110 lb BB plus eight 2.5 lb discs

One-Arm DB Rows are next. I start with a 50 because I don't want to wear myself out with unnecessary warm ups. I have the stack of magnets under the bench in case the DBs I want become unavailable, but there are very few people in the DB area today. Just a few women I don't recognize and they're flapping their arms with the 5 and 10 lb beauty bells. I drop my reps as I move from 55 to 60. And then I take a deep breath and grab the 65 lb DB. Just five reps. Five reps is all I can manage, especially with my left arm. But I get three sets, and that makes me happy, although you wouldn't know to look at me. At least I'm not laying on the bench, panting between sets this time.

My elbows have been tender so I don't even consider attempting pull ups because they suffer the most from that movement. Instead, I grab the Neutral Handle and set upon the Lat Pull Down station. I know I've managed 12 reps at 120 lbs but the last few reps always feel iffy as my elbows and shoulders start to complain. Today I stop at 8 reps while my joints still feel okay. I can get three sets like this and I'm good with that. Finally, there's the Lower Back Extension which I tend to feel in my glutes and hamstrings. Because I plan to do Squats and SLDLs tomorrow, I only do 3 sets today. Hannibal Baggy Knees is hovering. I can smell the mold on his clothes and I'm happy to escape by climbing aboard the Step Mill for 20 minutes of LISS. I don't even put my hoodie on, but sweat still pours off my nose. I feel a little guilty about not doing abs, so I knock out some crunches on the Mat. Done! The gym scale reads 113.0 lbs and I've sucked down most of my 1.5 liter water bottle.

I've got to pick up groceries and get a few things done before my son gets home from school. My husband leaves for Boston tomorrow and won't be back until next Wednesday. It's good that his company is busy with countless projects, but he's so busy that even when he's home, he's working. It's making him very crabby. I actually made him go out to the garage and do some cardio. "It'll clear your head and make you feel better," I said. He told me that all it did was make him tired, and worried that he didn't have enough time to finish what he had to do. But secretly I think he did feel better because later he and my son were at their computers playing World of Warcraft.

Tuesday Back Workout

10 min HIIT elliptical: 45 sec run / 75 sec walk = 0.89 miles

Reverse Grip BB Rows: 
12x90 lbs (warm up)
12x110 lbs
12x120 lbs
12x125 lbs
3x12x130 lbs +5 lbs Yay!
20x110 lbs (for fun)

One-Arm DB Rows:
12x50 lb
10x55 lb
8x60 lb
3x5x65 lbs +5 lbs Yay!

Neutral Grip Lat Pull Down
12x90 lbs
12x105 lbs
3x8x120 lbs

Lower Back Extension Machine
12x135 lbs
12x165 lbs
15x185 lbs (next time I'll just do sets at this weight)

20 min LISS on Matrix StepMill = 806 steps

Cage Stretch
3x50 Crunches

Monday, February 24, 2014

Chest and Shoulder Monday

Top: Precor elliptical 20 min
Bottom: Matrix StepMill 20 min
I don't have a plan this week except to do as much as I can without spending the entire day at the gym. That seems to be awfully hard for me though. I find myself gravitating back to the longer intense workouts I started with, but perhaps that's what my body needs? The shorter workouts aren't doing much to decrease my body fat or increase my strength. Perhaps I'm not patient enough. I started my workout around 9 am today, and wound up being done a bit after noon. That's three hours. Granted, I started with a 20 minute cardio warm up and ended with 20 minutes of LISS on the Step Mill. So forty minutes of cardio and five minutes of stretching leaves me with two and a quarter hours of weight lifting. Not continuous, of course. But there was no chatting. Just resting between sets, and the time it takes to get from station to station.

Granted, today was an especially intense workout because I decided to hit chest and shoulders. I'm planning to do Back tomorrow, Legs on Wednesday, Boxing on Thursday and perhaps either Arms or Chest on Friday. I'm building in a buffer day in case Wednesday's snow storm is worse than anticipated. Perhaps I'm just reacting to next week's schedule because I have appointments with two different doctors (all routine) and the tax accountant. My ophthalmology appointment is at 9 am next Wednesday so I can have my eyes poked before I hit the gym. My annual physical isn't until noon on Friday, and they'll want to take a fasting blood sample. I still intend to go to the gym, but I know I'm going to feel awfully crappy by the time I get to the doctor.
Today's selfie

Meanwhile, I'll have to remember to send my brother a birthday card because there is one week in March when my brother and I are the same age. Then my birthday arrives, I'll turn 54, and two weeks from then my sister will turn 52. It's hard to believe we're all in our 50s. But I'm a firm believer in not acting my age. As long as I don't embarrass my son, I don't think anyone really minds. My husband certainly doesn't. I think he's glad he can take off for a week to work in Boston and not have to worry about the house or my son. My son's a bit bummed, but I've promised to take him to the gym with me this coming weekend. It'll be fun.

Chest and Shoulder Monday Workout

20 min Precor elliptical = 1.75 miles
BB Flat Bench Press
12x45 (bar)
5, 5, 3 x 125 lb probably could've gotten the last two reps if I had a spot
20x95 (just for fun)

BB Incline Bench Press
12x45 (bar)
3x5x95 lbs I don't know why these are so dang hard

BB Decline Bench Press
12x85 lbs felt the right front delt twinge and decided not to push my luck

DB Standing Shoulder Press
3x12x15 lbs right shoulder still felt odd so kept the weight low for this

DB Inclined Flye
12x20 lbs
3x12x25 lbs should probably up the weight next time

DB Bent-Over Reverse Flyes
3x12x30 lbs these felt surprisingly good

DB Lateral Raises
3x6x30 lbs these DBs are so much bigger than the 25s that they're unwieldy; I may get magnets next time and just use them on the 25s instead

20 min LISS on Matrix StepMill = 863 steps
Cage Stretch

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saturday Anomaly

After Chinese school and my son's kung fu class, we drove back for a swim birthday party at a local NYSC facility. The invitation had tiny print stating that parents could use the workout equipment while the kids frolicked in the pool. So I did. I was the only parent to make use of this pass, but I'm not surprised. I'd brought my trainers and a hoodie just to wear for this adventure, and my iPod.

I recognized the same Precor ellipticals that are at my gym so I clambered up, figuring I'd do 20 minutes of LISS. But 20 minutes became 30 minutes and it wasn't LISS. It was a regular cardio session. Then I saw that there were step machines, somewhat different and older than the Matrix Step Mill at my gym. So I used that for 10 minutes. It's a bit rickety but it's still a step machine. It's nice that it gives more information at the end, but it's a bit scary that the steps continue to move even when you've hit the Stop button. I was going to stretch out but saw that the kids had already vacated the pool. It hadn't even been a full hour yet! But as they were changing, I got a chance to change my sweaty shirt and put my boots back on. I feel pretty good today.

Saturday Cardio
33 min Precor elliptical = 2.80 miles
10:54 min Nautilus Step Machine = 0.58 miles or 26 floors (go figure)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Gym Rat Gone Wild

I was too slow to get a pix of the
20 min elliptical warm up; this is
the 20 min LISS on the Step Mill.
I've never quite seen weather like this... right now it's pouring and thundering but all I can see is the heavy fog blanketing vast fields of snow. I'm used to summer thunder, not winter. I knew I'd be late to the gym because I'd called the hardware store to ask if they had road salt. "Yes, we have some. Better get here quick though. Not sure how long it'll last." Ten minutes later I was in their parking lot, purchasing the maximum (3 bag limit per customer) amount of rock salt. The rock salt comes in 50 lb bags and it's cheaper than the potassium or calcium chloride which is pet-friendlier, and less damaging to cement work. My driveway is as old as the house and I've lived here 20 years. The dog regularly encounters rock salt on the road when we go for walks. Then he runs through the lawn and he's fine. Not sure how the walkway will fare though, but I'd rather lay down rock salt than risk a tumble on the pavers. Because I don't want to transport 150 lbs of rock salt clear across town and into the next, I stop off at home and unload it all before heading to the gym.

By the time I've stashed my stuff in a locker and put my trainers on, I'm hungry. And I'm surprised since I'd had my usual coffee and eggy oatmeal for breakfast. Surely I couldn't've run through it already? It's only 10 am. Ignoring my stomach and sipping water, I mount the Precor for a 20 minute warm up. I figure I'd do all the Chest and Back exercises I didn't get to do on Monday, and maybe an arm exercise or two. Oh yeah, and abs too.

I'd like to do Incline Benches but those two stations are in use. However, the flat bench is free so I do a few sets with just 95 lbs, figuring it's low enough for me to be able to concentrate on my form. I'm trying to feel my lats but all I feel is the wide bench against my back. I think it's wider than I am. Still, it helps me keep my elbows tucked. I'm not sure how many sets I should do, but I knock out 20 reps for the first two sets after the warm up set. The third set gives me some trouble because my right palm starts to go numb and I have to put the bar down at 18. Take a couple of breaths and then go for the last two reps. Actually those felt easy, so I go for two more and stop at 4. I probably should've just seen how many I could get. Next time.

I haven't done Seated Cable Rows since last August when my lower back started to bother me. I'm still leery of the movement so I opt to do Lat Pull Downs with a Close Grip (Neutral) handle. My left elbow doesn't like this movement too much. I only do 4 sets but at least they were full sets. I still can't get on the Inclined Bench so I wander over to the DB Area and do some DB Presses. As a glutton for punishment, I tend to gravitate towards things I suck at just so I can get better, as long as it doesn't cause an inordinate amount of joint pain. 12 reps is easy at 15 lbs, as I knew it would be since I'd been doing 20 reps for the Shred Program. I up the weights to 20 to see how hard they are. They're hard. I can just barely knock out 12 reps and my shoulders aren't very happy about it either. If I keep this movement, I'm not going to move up much in weight, and I might alternate with the BB Overhead Press just because it's a tad easier.

Okay, the Incline Bench is finally free. There are two and they're probably both free, but someone has left their plates on the bar and wandered away. I start off with just the bar while I figure out my body position. This press is much harder than the Flat or Decline. I add just a pair of 10 lb plates. That's fine. But the next pair of 10s is much harder. I work on a few sets at 85 lbs, failing at rep 11, racking the bar and then knocking out another 4 reps to make up for the last two sets. Again, I should've done as many as I could but I'm not mentally prepared to do that yet.

Today's selfies
The next three exercises I'm just testing the waters to see how much weight I should use: DB Reverse Flyes, DB Alternate Bicep Curls and DB Inclined Flyes. I head towards the Sit Up board but PJ Pants is on the adjacent machine, and this makes me veer abruptly towards the cardio area. Once you creep me out, I'll avoid you like the proverbial plague. Forever. Both Step Mills are vacant. I find that for the 20 minute LISS, I prefer climbing the steps because it's easy and yet really challenging. As slowly as I'm climbing, I'm still breathing hard and working up a sweat. I get to read all my email, and the online forums without much trouble, although I'm moving too much to be able to type any responses. When I'm done, I head back toward the Sit Up board and knock out a few sets. I don't even bother to stretch today because I'm a little freaked out by the clock. Dang, it's been over two hours and I still need to shower!

The gym scale reads 112.6 lbs and I'm happy to see the water weight gone. But I know that I've put on body fat. My hips and waist are bigger, and not in a good way. No one wants a bigger waist. The waistband of several pants are too tight. It's not my imagination as the tape confirms my suspicions. I'm thinking of taking my son to the gym with me on weekends because he can work out with me, although I'd have to carefully structure a program that he could actually do.

Friday's Hodge Podge Workout
20 min Precor elliptical = 1.75 miles
Flat BB Bench Press: 12 @ bar (45 lbs) / 20, 20, 18, 4 @ 95 lbs
Close Grip (Neutral) Pull Downs: 12 @ 75 lbs / 12 @ 90 lbs / 12 @ 105 lbs / 12 @ 120 lbs
Seated DB Press: 12 @ 15 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Inclined BB Bench Press: 12 @ bar (45 lbs) / 12 @ 65 lbs / 12, 11, 11, 4 @ 85 lbs
DB Reverse Flyes: 12 @ 20 lbs / 14 @ 25 lbs (lost count and got carried away) / 12 @ 30 lbs
DB Alternate Bicep Curls: 14 @ 20 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 25 lbs (arms starting to tire)
DB Inclined Flyes: 12 @ 15 lbs / 12 @ 20 lbs / 12 @ 25 lbs (took this really light since wasn't sure how much I could actually do at this point; will probably do sets at 25 lbs next time)
20 min Matrix Step Mill =  873 steps
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Up: 125
Flat Bench Knee In-Kick Out: 100

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Boxing As Cure For Soreness

I'd planned to get to the gym early today since my son has a PTO-sponsored "extra" gym class on Thursday mornings that I drive him to. But the 5 am recorded message from the school district announced yet another 2-hour delay. Well, at least I get to sleep in a bit. And then I had to get my car out of my husband's way because although he was headed to Boston for another 3-day round of system testing, we had jockeyed our cars last night to let me out first since he wasn't leaving until 9:30 and Extra Gym starts at 8 am. Except when there's a two-hour delay. Then the school bus comes at 10:34 am. So I didn't get to the gym until nearly 11 am. At least I got there.

Top: 20 min Precor elliptical
Bottom: 20 min Matrix StepMill
I won't lie. My hamstrings are a bit stiff. Not really sore though. I just don't move as quickly as I'd like. I get on the Precor and do my 20 minute warm up, gradually increasing my pace from 150 to 190 Strides Per Minute. For the last two minutes, I muscle through to maintain an over-200 SPM pace and for the most part I'm successful. A quick Cage Stretch and then I shed my hoodie, wrap my hands and pull on my pepto-pink kickboxing gloves. I'm thinking of buying new wraps though because even though they come two to a package, I've been using half a wrap for each hand. But as the gloves stretch out, there's more room to slide around inside, leading to knuckle burns. They don't hurt but they're a tad unsightly, not that I have pretty hands to begin with. But I don't need to develop calluses on my knuckles like some back alley enforcer.

Today's Selfie
My shoulders are tight and my elbows sore. I'm slow out of the gate and stumble around a bit. My lead (left) foot isn't registering kicks on the machine, and my accuracy rating plummets. It takes me a really long time to warm up even though sweat is running off my nose and dripping onto my lips. I'm punching too hard and the machine seems to be deducting accuracy points. When the 9 rounds are over for Beginner Follow Me, I take a swig of water, look around to make sure no one is waiting to use the system and then punch in another session. When I do warm up, in the middle of the 5-round Intermediate Follow Me program, suddenly I'm dancing to my tunes and landing blows and super-fast combinations. I feel really really good. Everything feels fluid. I feel simultaneously loose and powerful. I'd like to do more, but it's getting late. I've actually managed to punch "too hard" at this level, a first for me. Maybe because I'm getting more comfortable with these combinations. I'm tired but in a good way.

Instead, I clamber up to the Matrix Step Mill wearing my hoodie and lifting gloves. Level 4 isn't terribly fast but it's enough to make me feel my heart even though I'm just walking up the stairs. Sweat is pouring off my head so I'm glad I've pulled my hoodie back on. 20 minutes later, I've read all my emails and the online forum posts. The display says I've only burned 129 calories, but I know that's deceptive. Afterwards, I drop onto the Mat for three sets of crunches because I'm feeling a little guilty about neglecting abs. Done!

I'm completely drenched and feel great. The gym scale reads 113.8 lbs and I don't have time today to cross-check with my home scale. I need to get gas, see if there's any hope of purchasing road salt, get laundry going, pick up my son early from school so we can make a doctor's appointment for his annual checkup. I call the hardware store because I don't want to trek across town if there's nothing to purchase. "Tomorrow morning at 8 am we should be getting a delivery," the voice on the phone says. Well, alright now. If there's salt, I'll just be late to the gym again.

Cardio Thursday
20 min Precor elliptical = 1.73 miles
Cage Stretch
Nexersys: 9 rounds Follow Me Beginner Female
  Accuracy 87% / Strikes 105% / Average Power 129%
Nexersys: 5 rounds Follow Me Intermediate Female
  Accuracy 75% / Strikes 99% / Average Power 104%
20 min Matrix Stair Mill = 842 steps
3 x 50 crunches

photos for stats:

 9 rounds Beginner Follow Me

5 rounds Intermediate Follow Me

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cardio and Legs Today

Top: Precor elliptical warm up
Bottom: Matrix Step Mill LISS
Yesterday's Storm Rex was kind of a bust, with slippery fine powdery snow that made the roads treacherous because of the underlying ice. My son and I cleared the driveway and walkway of what we could scrape up. I pointed out a spot near the top of the driveway where I'd slipped and landed hip-first into my snow shovel. My son promptly landed on his backside, completely laid out. Luckily, he was dressed in snow gear from head to toe and the padding kept him bouncy and uninjured. Then we attacked the icy stalactites hanging like ominous teeth over the windows and doorways. Finally, the snow stopped, the sun came out and we packed ourselves into the car to take advantage of $5 Tuesdays at the local cinema. The Lego Movie has been playing for a few weeks now, and the 3-D version is only $6 a ticket, and well worth it. I'd see that movie again, and my husband is happy to hear it since he was at work for all this.

Chest looks decent enough.
Today is Leg Day. I'm a bit sore from Monday but that's not a surprise. It shouldn't impede anything I do today. I get on the Precor elliptical and do 20 minutes of cardio, averaging between 180-200 Strides Per Minute. Just enough to get me warm and sweaty, but not enough to make me feel exhausted. Then I glom onto the Smith machine for Squats, and then SLDLs. The Squats feel okay as long as I go to parallel and use a wide leg stance, otherwise my right knee complains. Even the SLDLs feel okay. But both my right shoulder and right elbow are a twingey today. My grip starts to fail as I add weight to the bar. I feel a little guilty about being on the Smith so long so when I lose my grip at rep 7 at 140 lbs, I decide that's my last set. I could pull out the VGs but I already know there's at least two guys hovering, waiting patiently for this contraption.

Cage Stretch then Seated Leg Extensions. Since it's been a month, I start at 75 lbs. After each 12 rep set, I up the weight, stopping at 135 lbs. The Seated Leg Curl is harder. I thought perhaps taking a month off would alleviate the problem I've been having with my right foot and heavier weights, but the issue is still there. I start at 60 lbs which feels easy. As does 75 and 90 lbs. At 105, I feel the arch of my right foot curl slightly. I also feel weaker. So it's 3 sets at 105 lbs, and I can't even finish the last set. I look around and see that both Step Mills are free so I put my hoodie back on and clamber aboard one, set the pacing to 4 and start reading my phone. 20 sweaty minutes and 837 steps goes by fairly quickly.

My shoulder is sore and my upper back feels very tight so I drop onto the Mat for a stretch. I know I'm holding a lot of water weight just from looking at how puffy my face is. The gym scale reads 114.6 lbs. No surprise there. I snap a few selfies just for the record. What surprises me is how decent my arms look considering I didn't work them today. Maybe I'll box the Nexersys tomorrow and do another chest and back workout on Friday, but all the other excises I didn't have time for on Monday. At least it's a plan.

Getting Back to Leg Day
20 min Precor elliptical = 1.79 miles

Smith Machine Squats: 20 @ bar (30 lbs) / 12 @ 75 lbs / 12 @ 90 lbs / 12 @ 110 lbs / 12 @ 130 lbs / 12 @ 150 lbs
Smith Machine Stiff-Legged Dead Lifts: 12 @ bar (30 lbs) / 12 @ 65 lbs / 12 @ 80 lbs / 12 @ 100 lbs / 10 @ 120 lbs / 7 @ 140 lbs

Cage Stretch with BW heel dips & calf raises and side kicks

Seated Leg Extension: 12 @ 75 lbs / 12 @ 90 lbs / 12 @ 105 lbs / 12 @ 120 lbs / 12 @ 135 lbs
Seated Leg Curls: 12 @ 60 lbs / 12 @ 75 lbs / 12 @ 90 lbs / 10, 10, 8 @ 105 lbs

20 min Matrix Step Mill LISS (837 steps)
Mat Stretch with 12 wide stance DBPUs & 12 regular stance DBPSs, 60-second plank, upper and lower back stretches, splits, etc

Monday, February 17, 2014

After Shoveling, Weights Are A Tad Disappointing

After my husband got home late Friday, I discovered there was not quite enough room to get the car doors fully open. Since he had to work all weekend (from home) and he was in a grumbly mood, I decided to take advantage of Sunday's balmy weather and shovel the driveway wider. Since the privet hedges hadn't been trimmed before losing all their leaves, sharp tiny branches jutted out into the driveway as well, threatening to scratch our cars every time we exited our property. Of course, the hedge trimmers were in the garage where they belong. But I hadn't shoveled the path after Nor'easter Pax so I had some work to do, breaking the quarter inch thick ice crust before shoveling out softer, fluffier snow, 12 to 16 inches deep all the way from the driveway to the garage. Now that was a good workout!

I get to the gym a bit late today because it's a holiday and my husband is home with my son. But his car is parked in front of mine in the driveway and there's no way to drive around it. I could take his car but that means completely readjusting his seat and mirrors, and since he planned to trek to the Asian food market anyway, I figure I'd just leave for the gym after he left for the store.

The gym crowd ebbs and flows like the tide. One minute every piece of cardio equipment is in use, then 10 minutes later the area is completely desolate. I can't get on any of the ellipticals to warm up so I spend a few minutes on the StepMill because it's the only thing available. I don't really feel warmed up. I'm not sweating and my heart rate is barely up. I haven't benched in a long time so that's the first thing I do, grabbing the yoga blocks and a pair of 25 lb plates. I have to stop myself after I get to 12 reps because auto-pilot would have me do 20. My left wrist and right shoulder feel a bit off today so I'm torn between being cautious and seeing how far I can go. It's been a month and even though I know that I usually maintain strength fairly well, I'm not 100% certain.

I try to keep lower reps in mind, remembering how I've seen people just bench 3-5 sets of 5 reps, after warm up of course.  So after adding a pair of 10s, I just bench 5 reps. Okay, 3 more sets of 5 reps to go, so I put a pair of 5s on the bar. That's 25+10+5 per side, making it 125 lbs with the bar. I can do this I tell myself. I can. It's not really pretty though. I'm just muscling through it, wanting to see if I can get the 3 sets of 5 reps. I have to pause after the 4th rep for all three sets before I can get that last rep. It'd be prettier if I had a spot because I'm a tad worried about my wrist and shoulder, but I'm not going to worry too much about it. I'm hoping that if I stick with this, these last three sets will get easier. And prettier. Everyone seems to have the 20-rep craze, so I drop the weight back down to 95 lbs and do 20 reps to finish.

Because it's been nearly a month since I've done any heavy weights, I'm treading a bit lightly. I grab the 90 lb BB and knock out an easy set of 12 reps of Reverse Grip BB Rows. Swap it for the 100 lb BB and repeat. Then the 110 lb BB and repeat. I have to get 4 magnets from the front desk to bring the BB up to 120 lbs for the next three sets of 12 reps. My back feels fine but my grip is starting to fail so I pull out the VGs. Problem solved. I could probably do 130 lbs if I dropped my reps to 6. Maybe I'll give that a try next time. I'm doing Chest and Back today because tomorrow I'll have my son at the gym with me and I'll be short on time... probably do Squats and SLDLs if I can get the Smith machine. Both Inclined Benches are busy but the Decline is available so that's next.

The Decline is hard on my front delts so I'm happy to do just a few sets. It isn't so much the angle, but the fact that the bench is for a longer reach. Even with "breaker bars" I have to stretch way over my head to grab the bar and pull it so that it's positioned properly over my chest. This limits how much weight I can press, and wouldn't be such an issue if I had someone to give me a proper liftoff. I drop the weight down to 65 lbs and finish with 20 reps. Off to the DB area for One-Arm DB Rows. It's a tad crowded with very young faces, probably HS boys. I'm not quite sure where to start so I arbitrarily pick up a 45 lb DB. 12 reps feels pretty good. So I grab the 50.

I can't use the handles on this as
they are slightly too far and make my
lower back hurt, but it's fine for LISS.
My intention is to drop reps as I increase the weight so I only do 10 reps. I'm glad I have my magnets because the 55s and 60s are being used. With 2.5 lb magnets, I can keep the 50 for the entire session. I need the VGs again once I start rowing 55 lbs. Then three sets of 60s. I debate between doing DB Flyes or DB Lateral Raises and the latter wins out because DB Flyes are a weaker movement for me and I'm still concerned about my wrist and shoulder. Lateral raises feel safer. I start with a pair of 15s and do 12 reps. Then 20s. Then 25s where I settle for 3 sets. I'm done. Well, sorta done. Fifty crunches and fifty knees to elbow crunches, 10 minutes on a LifeFitness elliptical I've never been on before, a partial Mat Stretch with two dozen Dive Bomber Push Ups and a 60-second plank and then I'm done. But this is all strangely unsatisfying because I've barely broken a sweat the entire time. 

Monday Chest & Back Workout
10 min Matrix StepMill warm up
Bench Press: 12 @ 95 lbs / 5 @ 115 lbs / 3 x 5 @ 125 lbs / 20 @ 95 lbs
Reverse Grip BB Rows: 12 @ 90 lbs / 12 @ 100 lbs / 12 @ 110 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 120 lbs
Decline Press: 12 @ bar / 12 @ 75 lbs / 12 @ 95 lbs / 20 @ 65 lbs
One-Arm DB Rows: 12 @ 45 lbs / 10 @ 50 lbs / 8 @ 55 lbs / 3 x 6 @ 60 lbs
DB Lateral Raises: 12 @ 15 lbs / 12 @ 20 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 25 lbs
50 Crunches
50 Knees to Elbow Crunches
10 min LifeFitness Cross-Trainer LISS
Mat Stretch with 12 wide stance DBPUs and 12 normal stance DBPUs, 60-second plank, splits, etc

Friday, February 14, 2014

Zen and the Art of Snow Removal

I haven't made it to the gym for the past two days, courtesy of Mother Nature and Nor'easter Pax. But I'll count hours of snow shoveling as a combo cardio, strength and endurance workout. Because we still have snow from the last two storms, Maximus and Nika, I couldn't just shovel willy-nilly and let the snow fall where it may. No, paths through the snow to the car, the dog poop bucket and oil fill line had to be reconstructed. The walkway snow is now piled higher than the Weber coal grills on the lawn. The snow is waist-high in most places, drifts are higher and deeper.

The driveway presents it's own logistical problems. Hedges and shrubs impede rapid snow removal. I resort to carrying shovels of snow back down the walkway in order to heave the load past the bird feeders. Eventually the snow there towers over the small tarped woodpile and I look for another place to deposit the burden. My son and I discuss the differences between catapults and trebuchets. My son informs me trebuchets require string or rope. Apparently I'm catapulting my snow as I fling it over my shoulder, hoping to crest the peak of our driveway mounds.

When we're done, I realize that our road has yet to be plowed. It's a tertiary, last on the priority list. We drive down to the secondary road which is pristine blacktop. It's too late to get to the gym since child care is only available until 1 pm, so we go to the library, then have lunch, and then, since it's Valentine's Day, drive down the road to get a half dozen Valentine donuts. Just because. 

Estimates vary widely but snow shoveling appears to burn as much as 10 calories a minute. Using an online calculator, I get a calorie burn of only 303 for 1 hour work. So that's about 900+ calories for 3 hours yesterday. (And again this morning.) No wonder I woke up hungry last night.

I'm planning to go back to lifting weights next week. If I can get to the gym. Otherwise shoveling seems to be adequate exercise. Happy Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Left to My Own Devices

My husband left this morning for Boston where he'll be until late Friday night if all goes well. Last time he wound up staying until Saturday afternoon. That means my son is my "hot date" for Valentine's Day. I've already hidden a tube of Sweet Tart candies for Friday. If there's school, he'll be bringing two bags of popcorn for the class party and tiny Valentine cards with heart-shaped pops attached to them. I'm toying with the idea of running out to Dunkin' Donuts that day just to buy heart-shaped donuts for us to share Friday night. Yep, diet blown. There's no telling how bad Winter Storm Pax will be, but I feel prepared.

Top: 20 min HIIT cardio elliptical
Bottom: 20 min LISS stepmill
Today I can do whatever I want at the gym so I decide on a modified HIIT cardio program to start. Instead of 1 minute "run" and 1 minute "walk", I do 45 seconds "run" and 75 seconds (1 min 15 sec) for the resting phase. It's still hard, and I don't make as good mileage, but it gets me warmed up. Well, I don't actually start sweating until minute 15 and my legs are a tiny bit sore from yesterday. Probably because I upped the DBs 5 lbs for those lunges. I do a quick Cage Stretch before I plant myself in front of the Nexersys station. Wrapping my hands is almost like a ritual but I take more care this time to make sure my knuckles are tightly covered. Last week I got knuckle rug-burns because the wraps were sliding inside my gloves.

I don't usually do HIIT cardio before boxing so I wonder how awful or good this is going to feel. Nine rounds of Beginner Follow Me to start. My accuracy gets better as the program progresses, which just validates my belief that I'm slow to warm up. I start to key in 5 rounds for the Intermediate Program when I'm distracted by the old guy on the bike adjacent to the boxing stations. He waves a dime at me and I shrug him off because goddamnit, why are you bothering me over a dime? So the Nexersys goes to 3 rounds and I think, well, I'll just do another 3 rounds after this session.

What's nice is that the machine appears to select from a random range of programs so the first three Intermediate rounds have different combination requests than the next 3-round session. My accuracy actually improves 10% from the first Intermediate session to the next. During round 6 (total Intermediate rounds) I'm very pleased to read that my accuracy is up to 78%, I've hit all my strikes (100%) and my power is 111%. This means I'm starting to get comfortable with this level. I'm really happy! But I don't feel done so I grab my hoodie and clamber onto the Matrix Stepmill for 20 minutes of LISS while I read email and check the online forums.

I need to stretch afterwards so I plop my soggy self onto the Mats, knock out 25 regular-stance Dive Bomber Push Ups, a single 60-second plank and a few leg and lower back stretches. I get a twinge in my right calf that verges on a cramp. I'm pushing too hard. I've got to learn to let go and relax. The gym scale reads 113.2 lbs which is pretty good considering I completely drained my 1.5 liter bottle. I actually remembered to bring the high protein Ensure today so I drink that in the car before doing a few quick errands. By the time I get home an hour later, I'm starving again. Figures.

Hump Day Pre-Storm Workout

20 min elliptical modified HIIT (45 sec on / 1 min 15 sec off) = 1.62 miles
Cage Stretch

Nexersys 9 rounds Follow Me Beginner Female
  Accuracy 94% / Strikes 103% / Average Power 135% (yeah, I'm way too strong for beginner mode)
Nexersys 3 rounds Follow Me Intermediate Female
  Accuracy 73% / Strikes 99% / Average Power 102% (I've improved a lot from the past few weeks)
Nexersys 3 rounds Follow Me Intermediate Female
  Accuracy 83% / Strikes 97% / Average Power 98% (the very last round is my best at this level)

20 min Matrix Stepmill level 3 = 758 steps
Mat Stretch with 25 Dive Bomber Push Ups and one 60-second plank

Photos for actual stat reference:
9 rounds Beginner Follow Me

Two 3 round Intermediate Follow Me sessions

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week Three Day Four (B) and Done!

I guess I shouldn't complain about -3°F this morning when I know it's been worse. At least the sun came out and warmed us all to a balmy 23! I finally finished my Shred Program today and I'm quite happy about it although I still haven't decided what sort of lifting routine to follow next week. Tomorrow's definitely boxing the Nexersys!

Top: 20 min HIIT; Middle: 10 min HIIT
Bottom: 20 min Stepmill
Yes, 20 minutes of HIIT on the Precor is still ridiculously unpleasant but the weights didn't feel bad, or what I did of them. I got my two sets of 20 rep squats in at the Smith machine, but after the next 10 minute HIIT episode, I had to resort to body squats because a dude was benching there. I still think of these squats as "deep knee bends" because I don't know the difference. Because this is the last day of the program, I decided WTH with the DBs and upped them to 30 lbs for the Lunges and the Calf Raises. The only part of me that complained were my hands from holding the weights. Even the Crunches Knees to Elbows felt easier today. Not easy, just easier.

Afterwards, I clamber up onto the Matrix Stepmill and do 20 minutes of LISS at level 3. Even though I'm not going very fast, sweat is suddenly dripping off my face. Then I stretch out at the Cage. I feel somewhat energetic so I do a dozen close (neutral) grip pull ups there, getting my chin and head over the top of the Cage. I want to do some of the stretches I skipped yesterday so I plop myself onto a Mat and knock out a dozen wide-stance Dive Bomber Push Ups. No plank today. I'll be back to doing an ab routine soon enough. The gym scale reads 113.6 lbs which is good considering how drenched I am.

By the time I get home from doing groceries, there's a plaintive voice on the answering machine. It's my son asking me to bring his snow suit and boots to school so he can go sledding with the rest of his gym class. They went sledding last Friday but the school had sent home a flyer asking for appropriate clothing. Nothing came home yesterday and although I suspected there might be sledding, I didn't want to send my son to school with extra stuff he didn't need. I'm absolutely starving by the time I get home again, but I want to check my scale first. 110.6 lbs and 20.5% BF. That makes me feel pretty good, like I'm on the right track with the cardio as painful as it is. Yay!

Week Three Day Four (B) and Done! Yay!
20 min elliptical HIIT: 1 min walk / 1 min run = 1.71 miles
This circuit done twice without rest
20 reps Smith machine Squats @ 60 lbs
15 reps each leg DB Lunges @ 25 lbs (each arm)
50 reps total DB Standing Calf Raises @ 25 lbs (each arm)
50 Crunches
50 Crunches Knees to Elbows
10 min elliptical HIIT: 5 min walk / 5 min run = 0.85 miles
This circuit done twice without rest
20 reps BodyWeight Squats
15 reps each leg DB Lunges @ 30 lbs (each arm) +5 lbs
50 reps total DB Standing Calf Raises @ 30 lbs (each arm) +5 lbs
50 Crunches
50 Crunches Knees to Elbows
20 min Matrix Stepmill level 3 = 770 steps
Cage Stretch with 12 close neutral grip pull ups
Mat Stretch with 12 wide-stance DBPUs

Monday, February 10, 2014

Week Three Day Three!

I know it's Monday but I still have two more workouts to do on this Shred Program. Not that I'm getting anything close to shredded. If anything, culinary indulgences have made a mess of my diet plan and I might be just where I started. Sigh.

Today's cardio in 50 minutes
I decide to do Program A today and Program B tomorrow, save Wednesday for boxing and see what happens when the storm hits Thursday. I still hate doing the 20 minutes of HIIT as it's written but I figure it's only one more week so WTH. I'd like it to feel easier but it doesn't and when 20 minutes is over, I'm gasping for air like a fish and wondering if this is what drowning feels like. I use the yoga blocks when I bench my 20 reps at 95 lbs. It doesn't feel too bad, but I don't get to finish my workout properly because by the time I get to my 4th and final set, all the benches are in use and I resort to doing a set of push ups instead. Nothing but nothing feels easier so I don't up any of my weights. Even the 10 minutes of cardio between sets two and three feels hard. I log my mileage in order to gauge whether it's just how I feel (totally subjective and arbitrary), or whether I'm actually making progress, judged by an increase in mileage. I think my mileage is actually better today than last week!

Again, I like how my arms look when I'm curling the 40 lb BB but I can't snap a photo of it. When I'm finally done, I put my hoodie back on and go for 20 minutes of LISS, averaging about 100 Strides Per Minute. Then a quick Cage Stretch, a partial Mat Stretch with 25 Dive Bomber Push Ups and a 60 second plank and I'm done! Yay! The gym scale reads 114.6 lbs. Not yay. Water mostly. My face is puffy and a bit blotchy. Lately, I've felt my cheeks get pink and flushed suddenly for no reason. Perhaps this is a Hot Flash? Nothing a good long shower won't alleviate. Tomorrow I'll finish Program B and reward myself on Wednesday with boxing the Nexersys. Today I actually saw two large women at the boxing stations, tentatively smacking the machines. Yay! It's always good to see people using the equipment, just not when I want to use it.

When I get home, I have a phone message from the oil company telling me they're delivering oil on Wednesday. They tend to deliver sooner than I need it, so I trudge outside to the back of the house, shovel out the storm cellar doors that lead to the basement and check the fuel gauge. I got half a tank so really I can postpone this delivery for another week or two. Then I realize that there's no path to the oil fill line so I trudge to the front of the house and shovel out another path from the driveway. By the time I'm done, I'm all hot and sweaty again. Sigh. Now I need a nap.

Week Three Day Three (A) Program
20 min elliptical: 1 min walk / 1 min run = 1.69 miles
This done as a circuit twice without rest
20 reps Bench Press @ 95 lbs
20 reps each arm One-Arm DB Rows @ 35 lbs
20 reps DB Military Press @ 15 lbs (each arm)
20 reps BB Curl @ 40 lbs
20 reps each arm DB Kick Backs @ 20 lbs
10 min elliptical: 5 min walk / 5 min run = 0.82 miles
This done as a circuit twice without rest
20 reps Bench Press @ 95 lbs / last set couldn't get on Bench so did 20 push ups
20 reps each arm One-Arm DB Rows @ 35 lbs
20 reps DB Military Press @ 15 lbs (each arm)
20 reps BB Curl @ 40 lbs
20 reps each arm DB Kick Backs @ 20 lbs
20 min elliptical LISS = 1.27 miles
Cage Stretch
Mat Stretch with 25 Dive Bomber Push Ups (regular leg stance) and 60-second plank

Friday, February 7, 2014

Happy Friday

Because I can't follow the Shred Program this week the way it's written, I decided to do what I want today and put off the last remaining two days for next Monday and Tuesday. Just as well since I hear that there's another whopper of a snow storm due on Wednesday. And what do I do when left to my own devices? Just a mild 20 minutes of steady state cardio on the elliptical, a quick stretch and then rounds on the Nexersys!

I warm up with 9 rounds of Follow Me avatar program at Beginner Female level. Several of my kicks don't register properly so my accuracy is down a little from last week. But I'm really looking forward to upping rounds in the Intermediate level so 5 rounds it is! Again, I get a little confused by all the different strikes and sweeps versus kicks versus hooks versus elbows. But I do a lot better than last week, increasing my accuracy, my strikes and total average power. I'm really happy, thoroughly drenches and probably not a little intimidating. Don't really care. I peel off my gloves on the Mat, pull my hoodie back on and sit on the LifeFitness recumbent bike for 20 minutes while checking email and reading forum posts. Then a quick lower back stretch on the Mat and off to shower! The gym scale reads 113.0 lbs.

The Apple is fixing her makeup and has her bag and jacket flopped across the bench. I tell her that I'm moving her stuff down the bench just so I can sit down in front of my locker while I strip down to shower. She giggles,"Oh, it's just like our own homes." I give her a questioning glance. "You know, we're here so often it's like our home away from home," she says, hoping I'll agree with her. Instead I say quietly because it's a peeve of mine, "I keep in mind that this is a locker room and we all have to share the space, so I try to keep my stuff together." And I gesture with my hands how my gym bag goes back into the locker. She gathers her giant hobo purse and coat and mutters, "Oh yes. And it's a very small locker room too." That I agree with. Am I a bitch or what?

There's nothing more maddening than the outright hypocrisy I hear when everyone thinks I'm just plugged in. "Oh, I'm such a neat-nick at home! Everything has to be in it's place. I'm just compulsive about it!" screams Miss Piggy who has all her stuff strewn all over the locker room, and takes up more space than three gals twice her size. I run into R and wish him a good weekend as I'm exiting the building. He looks cold and vaguely pained. I'm guessing broken bones are sensitive to cold as well as humidity. There's suppose to be more snow on Sunday, but maybe just flurries. I'm hoping.

Friday Workout

20 min elliptical = 1.77 miles
Cage Stretch

Nexersys 9 rounds Follow Me Avatar program Beginner Female
  Accuracy 89% / Strikes 107% / Average Power 128% 
Nexersys 5 rounds Follow Me Avatar program Intermediate Female
  Accuracy 65% / Strikes 97% / Average Power 95%

20 min LISS on LifeFitness recumbent bike = 1.56 miles
Lower back stretch on Mat

photos for actual stats:
9 rounds Beginner Follow Me: got to watch that power because it messes with the Accuracy readings

5 rounds Intermediate Follow Me: getting better!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Week Three Day Two (B) sigh

Bottom image illegible due to
my inability to coordinate
camera and using the stepmill
I spend three hours shoveling wet snow yesterday so I got my cardio workout in as well as some arm and shoulder work. I don't really mind so much. It was warm enough that eventually I shed my puffy winter coat and had just my fleece hoodie, fleece pants and boots on. But this morning was brutally cold at 13°F and even though the sun was out, I was longing for yesterday.

The gym parking lot is a frozen mess and I pick my way gingerly between parked cars while schlepping my heavy gym bag, purse and water bottle. Luckily the all the equipment I want to use is free so I make efficient use of the gym equipment. My Shred workout is done in a little over an hour. But I like the slow arduous pace of the Matrix stepmill so I do another 20 minutes on it, playing with the controls. Last time I managed a snail's pace at Level One and roughly 350 steps. Today, I move up to Level 3 and manage closer to 650 steps. Still have no idea how that actually translates, but I'm sweating so much that I have to blot my face with my towel. The only thing I upped today was the rep for abs because I'm barely able to finish my sets with the weights where they are as it is.
Matrix Stepmill

The gym scale reads 113.0 lbs. My home scale (a few hours later) reads 110.6 lbs. My body fat seems to be creeping up (20.7%) so I really should be paying more attention to my eating habits. I haven't decided whether to do Program A tomorrow and Program B on Monday, or if I should just do my cardio and boxing tomorrow, and do A and B next week. And then it's over. Yay! Not quite sure what I'll do for the rest of the week. I'm so tempted just to do cardio and box. Start fresh the following week. Yeah, any excuse to whack that Nexersys.

Week Three Day Two (B) Lower
20 min elliptical: 1 min walk / 1 min run = 1.66 miles
This done as a circuit twice without rest
20 reps Smith Squat @ 60 lbs
15 reps (each leg) DB Lunges @ 25 lbs (each hand)
50 reps DB Standing Calf Raises 25 lbs each hand
50 Crunches (+10 reps)
50 Crunches Knees to Elbows (+10 reps)
10 min elliptical: 5 min walk / 5 min run = 0.81 miles
This done as a circuit twice without rest
20 reps Smith Squat @ 60 lbs
15 reps (each leg) DB Lunges @ 25 lbs (each hand)
50 reps DB Standing Calf Raises 25 lbs each hand
50 Crunches
50 Crunches Knees to Elbows
20 min LISS on Matrix Stepmill (approx 650 steps)
Cage Stretch

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Yep, Schedule's Already Blown!

Today is Week Three, Day One because school got cancelled yesterday, throwing my schedule completely off. It's not as if I can just move everything down a day either since tomorrow's likely to be cancelled as well. Nothing like back-to-back Winter Storms to make a mess of things. Still, if I'm desperate, I can see how awful it'll be to do cardio and legs in the unheated garage. I have an elliptical and my husband's adjustable square dumbbells. I could probably due Program B tomorrow. After all, I did Program A today. And it's not getting any easier. Maybe because it's been three days instead of just two since I last worked out?

top: 20 min HIIT; middle: 10 min HIIT
bottom: 20 min LISS on Stair Master
I dread the 20 minutes of HIIT cardio, wishing it was over by the 11th minute, and pleasantly surprised that I've managed to coordinate gasping with running by minute 18. Yay! The yoga blocks are exactly where I left them last Wednesday so I grab them to do my 20 quick bench presses. I don't even think twice about plopping the 25 lb plates on the bar. All my weights are exactly where they need to be for 20 reppers. As much as I'd like to up the One-Arm DB Row from 35 lbs, I know that by the 15th rep, I'm panting. I can finish 20 reps but might not be able to if I move to 40 lbs. And as much as I'd like to use the 30 lb BB for the Military Press, I stick to the 15 lb DBs instead just because they're so much harder. The only thing that makes me happy is how my arms look when I'm curling the 40 lb BB. And it's not my biceps, but the outer silhouette of lateral delts and triceps that have a nice curvy look to them. Wish I could get a photo of THAT.

I'm not much impressed with the DB Kickbacks either but I do them, noting that my rear delts look flat. Next week I'm going back to my "normal" lifting routine. I'm pretty sure that Super Bowl noshing ruined what little progress I made on the body fat front but I'm not too discouraged. I'm thinking of taking a break from the various online forums I've joined because it's eating into my time and there are other things I need to be doing. After two rounds I get back on an elliptical for 10 minutes. Again, the first 5 go by too quickly, and the last 5 don't go by quick enough. Rounds three and four are harder because I'm a lot more tired. My last set of benching has me pause and rack the bar at rep 17, take three breaths and then finish the last 3 reps. My right shoulder's a little twingey from shoveling snow twice yesterday although I never did break a sweat.

After finishing all four rounds, I chat briefly with B about the impending storm before I realize that the seat is stuck on the recumbent bike and I'd need to be 6 inches taller to pedal. All the ellipticals are busy but hey, one of the new Stair Masters is free. I don't know the difference between a Stair Master and a Step Mill. It's not really either of those but it has moving steps and a monitor. I punch the On button, the steps move and I have to climb up in order to keep my toes from being squished and folded into the base of the step as it rolls downward. It's 20 minutes of LISS and at Level 1, moving tortoise-slow, I'm still busting a sweat. Well, I did put my hoodie back on. A quick turn at the Cage and then a full Mat Stretch before I head back to the locker room.

The gym scale reads 114.4 lbs. I feel very puffy, and had twinges inside my left hip this morning that felt like menstrual cramps. Except that I don't get my period anymore. However, that doesn't mean I can't exhibit all the symptoms of it. Except for the obvious one. Thank goodness for small favors.

Week Three Day One (A) Upper
20 min HIIT 1 min walk / 1 min run = 1.66 miles
This circuit done twice without rest
Bench Press 20 reps @ 95 lbs
One-Arm DB Rows 20 reps each arm @ 35 lbs
Military Press 20 reps @ 15 lb DBs (30 lbs total)
BB Curl 20 reps @ 40 lbs
DB Kickback 20 reps @ 20 lbs
10 min HIIT 5 min walk / 1 min run = 0.80 miles
This circuit done twice without rest
Bench Press 20 reps @ 95 lbs
One-Arm DB Rows 20 reps each arm @ 35 lbs
Military Press 20 reps @ 15 lb DBs (30 lbs total)
BB Curl 20 reps @ 40 lbs
DB Kickback 20 reps @ 20 lbs
20 min LISS stair master (have no idea about mileage, etc)
Cage Stretch
Mat Stretch with 2 x 12 DBPUs and 60-sec plank

Five Days Off But Not a Vacation

I finally made it to the gym today, although a lot later than usual. I had a horribly stressful morning, with driving gingerly after last ni...