This is my "de-load" week and I find that unless I tie myself to the house, I gravitate towards the gym, and once I'm at the gym, well... I didn't lift any weights today. Nope. Not a one. And I only did one 35 minute session on the elliptical. Not even my favorite #1, but #3, the one with harder resistance settings. I need to warm up otherwise I'm all stiff and achy. I know this from walking the dog in the morning, wearing two fleece hoodies and gloves. I know it's 45°F, not really cold out, but I'm not really wearing winter clothes yet either. I actually don't know how anyone can lift weights or do whatever without first warming up, but I see people do it all the time. I also see people leave without stretching afterwards. Truthfully, I don't see a lot of people making gains, although there are a few women I've noticed trimming down over the past few weeks.
Well, I only did one set of abs today. Okay, it was 100 crunches on the AbStation but that's not a lot for me. And then I did my Cage Stretch and saw a young guy boxing the Nexersys. For a moment I felt like passing, but then that feeling passed. Luckily there's two stations. And I actually had my stupid pink gloves with me, with the orange wrap tucked inside, so I didn't have to go back to the lockers. After I got done stretching, I stripped off my hoodie, wrapped my hand and donned my gloves. I wanted a change of pace so I punched in 5 rounds instead of my usual 3. It makes a difference! And apparently, not lifting all week has given me a lot of energy because at the end of it, the system advised me to add more rounds because I was overpowered and overstriking, i.e., punching too hard and too much. LOL!
Do I look like a drowned rat? |
After 5 rounds of Follow Me, I punched in 3 rounds of Sparring because I like to end the session beating the crap out of the avatar. I was a bit tired by now so my points were lower than usual, as was my power, but that's normal for me. The only thing I'm pondering is whether to do this again tomorrow, because as I'm doing Mat Stretch (and yay! there was absolutely no one on the Mats today) I'm feeling really really good, flying on that endorphin high. I'll probably be sore tomorrow. I should probably just do some cardio and stretch. Boring, boring, boring. I could just stay home and actually get some work done around the house. Boring. But productive. Monday there's no school and I've promised my son I'd take him to the gym with me because he loves interacting with other kids in the child care room. It'll probably be crowded. I probably won't get much done there. Already talking myself into going to the gym tomorrow!
Thursdays Non-Weightlifting Workout:
35 min Interval8 =
4.31 miles Yay
Ab Crunch Station: 100
Cage Stretch with BW Heel Dips and Calf Raises (about 2-3 sets of 20) and Side Kicks (high, middle & low, about 15-20)
5 rounds Follow Me Avatar, Beginner Female
3 rounds Sparring Avatar, Beginner Female
Photos to show stats:
Follow Me: Note Recommendations at bottom of this image: You are outpacing and over power for your level. Add rounds.
My accuracy still sucks but part of me doesn't really care because I know I'm kicking the pads, but the kicks don't always register even though the station beeps and tells me I'm using too much power.
Sparring: this is just for fun, and I did keep my power up better than usual although my point tally is a bit lower today.
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