Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday Workout

I'm damn near dragging my butt today but I still drive to Gold's Gym with my son in tow. While he's entertaining himself with games on our old first-run iPad, I'm desperately huffing and puffing on Precor #1. The glide track feels smooth as glass but I'm still having trouble keeping my pace up: I don't make my 4 mile quota today. However, I am warmed-up and my hoodie is soaked. That always feels good to me. I know a lot of women don't like that damp feeling and run off to the locker room to blow dry their hair and clothes before continuing their workouts. That behavior simply baffles me.

Perhaps I just take a long time to warm up but the seated cable rows don't actually feel good until the last set. I may actually up the weight on this movement. How exciting! However, Pull Ups positively sucked today. I've got to stop doing those close grip chins because they're seriously messing with my left forearm. Oh well, there's always something to work around. At least that keeps things interesting. I see B briefly and we wish each other Happy Easter. M, The Mayor, Fish Guy, Mo... I see a lot of regulars but like me, they have things to do and they leave the gym soon after I arrive.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio = 3.94 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 / 12 @ 105 / 10, 10, 12 @ 120 lbs
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 95 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks
I can now put my leg up in front of my face and press my nose to my shin with my foot resting on a bar over my head. It helps a lot with the vertical split (leg in front and behind the body) I do during Mat Stretch.
Pull Ups: 12+3 (knees curled up to chest) / 8+4 (legs extended perpendicular) but I'm feeling spent!
Reverse Grip Barbell Rows: 6 x 15 @ 80 lbs (okay, I'm not sooo spent)
Even though the last 3 reps were a tad exhausting, I'm toying with the idea of adding 5 lbs (two 2.5 lb magnetic discs) to the barbell.
Alternating Seated DB Curls: 3 x 10 @ 25 lbs I cut the reps today because I'm a bit short on time
Ab Crunch Station: 100 (yes, I'm THAT bored)
Torso Twist: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Reverse Grip BB Curl: 3 x 20 @ 40 lbs
My left forearm aches now when I do this motion so I only do 3 sets
Mat Stretch
I'm happy I'm finally able to touch my feet with my arms extended wide and roll forward into a horizontal split. I've been working on this for months now! I've been told that a side-effect of menopause is loss of flexibility and I'm fighting hard against that.

The scale reads 108 lbs even. I haven't finished my water either, but I'm famished. My son is hungry too, so we sit in the car while I drink my Ensure® and he consumes a Balance® bar (with 14 grams of protein it's better than a candy bar) before we do grocery errands. We have a play date with friends later today and I've frozen slices of organic strawberries with some raw sugar to toss into chilled sangria. It tastes pretty good! I'm also making banana bread because those blackened fruit appear to be melting into my counter top so I'm sure they won't last another day. I toss a half cup of hammer-smashed pecans into the batter, cut the sugar to a 1/4 cup and get a fragrant loaf in an hour. Wrapped in aluminum foil, it'll keep in the refrigerator for at least a week if it's not eaten right away.

I really want to up my weight on the Smith Bench Press so I'll just have to screw up my courage and ask for a spot come Monday morning. It's so much easier to not speak to anyone and just let the music carry you along. I did replace my broken headphones but I'm undecided as to how I like these "new" asymmetrical Sony® headphones. I've had to tuck the longer right ear wire into my tank to keep from compulsively trying to even out wires which can't be evened out. It's a bit maddening.

Meanwhile, our house is due for a visit from the Easter Bunny and we have plans to make a pulled-pork for Sunday supper. Weekends are great. I really look forward to two days of slothfulness.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Giving 110% Even When...

I'm always disheveled
and sweaty after cardio
I'm not sure if it's menopause (egads!), run of the mill fatigue (not enough sleep and too much to do), or just that it's Thursday and my second Push Day of the week, but damn it, I got up tired today. I didn't blow off my workout though, figuring that the cardio would prompt my metabolism and energize me enough to get all my errands done afterwards.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio Precor #1 = 3.99 miles Drat!
Even at Level 1 it was difficult to keep my pace over 200 SPM. Tomorrow I'll try to get on Precor #3 to see if it makes any difference.
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 25 @ 95 / 12 @ 115 / 12 @ 135 / 12, 10, 8 @ 145 lbs / 12 @ 125 / 25 @ 105 lbs. There were diminishing returns on the 3 heavy sets. I'm disappointed but not crushed.
Cage Stretch & Kicks & 12 Close-Grip Neutral Chin Ups with knees tucked into my chest: these are a lot easier than I remember doing them last year.
Lateral DB Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Rear Seated Inclined DB Raises: 6 x 15 @ 25 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Up: 100 (Yep, I'm tired today)
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 100
Ab Crunch Station: 100
I've remembered not to do Torso Twist Station before Press Downs!
Tricep Press Downs: 12, 12, 11 @ 50 lbs
Mat Stretch: my stretch is so much better on days that I actually toss a few kicks out in the stretch cage. I've just got to get me some better fitting shorts to wear on Leg Day...

The scale barely budges today and registers 108.8 lbs but I've drained my water bottle and I'm absolutely starving. When I get home, my scale reads 105.8 lbs and I'm satisfied. The regulars all came and worked out today. B, M, Skinny J, The Mayor, R, Mo, Fish Guy, Ranger Rick, ZZ, Skinny Mustache... There are a few new women in the gym as well, and they appear to be fairly serious in their approach. There's also a few CrossFit gals, leaping up into the air between dead lifts and shoulder presses. They look fairly young, perhaps high school or college age.

When I leave, I do feel happy and energized. Or perhaps I'm too tired to actually be annoyed with the long lines at the stores, and the distracted drivers weaving down the road. I'm tired and I still had a good work out. Sometimes tired is just a state of mind.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Love-Hate Workout

This tank makes me seem
really big in the hips! Egads!
Wednesday's are Leg Day for me. I only do Legs once a week, although I do cardio every time I come to the gym. Leg Day is much more than just double cardio sets, although that's part of the fun. I'm a tad late today so of course Precor #1 and #3 are occupied. #2 has been out of commission for months. That leaves #4.

Number 4's a bit too smooth for my liking although now I understand why the old guys like to walk it. The pedals seem loose to the point of wobbling, but I have bigger concerns. My headphones aren't right today, the music is full of static and the left earbud only sporadically transmits anything pleasant. Sigh. Gonna be one of THOSE workouts.

In spite of the distraction, I do manage decent paces for both my sets. The gym isn't all that crowded but of course, the paper towel dispenser is out near the full spray bottle (for wiping down the equipment), and the spray bottle is empty near the full towel dispenser. Of course. I'm sure no one has told the Staff either, and I'm equally guilty because I don't want to interrupt my workout, nor do I want to seem like a nag, because I'm constantly mentioning things like, the light is out in the shower stall, there's no tp in the stall, the toilet seat's so loose I'm afraid I'm going to topple over. Well, you get the idea.

B ambushes me as I head towards the Smith rack. I didn't even realize she was here today because I didn't see her car this morning. She's off to do a million chores before Easter. Easter is a very serious affair around here. Feeling a bit festive myself, I donned my usual magenta shorts and fuchsia sports bra but swapped the clingy-when-wet black nylon tank for a bright lemony 100% cotton one. Unfortunately, it's so bright and thin that I can see perky little headlamps in the right light. Good thing I've ordered a few sale-priced padded sports bras from Old Navy. With my penlight (AA) figure, I'm not horribly concerned but still, it's best to be modest.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min #6 hill = 4.0 miles + 35 min #7 intervals = 4.38  Grand Total = 8.38 miles Yippeeee!
I develop the fain stirrings of a stitch with only 4 minutes left of the 5 minute cool down during the first set, but it passes and I'm able to grimace through the intervals without any great discomfort other than wrestling with my headphones.
Smith Squat: 12 @ bar / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
I've either got to up the weight or move to the actual squat rack because this is getting easy
Smith Straight-Legged Dead Lift: 12 @ bar / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
This still takes the wind out of me after a few sets but I definitely feel this in my butt, lower back and leg biceps
12 Pull Ups just for fun
Cage Stretch: the lack of kicking and side stretches is apparent in my stiffness during Mat Stretch
10 Pistol Squats each leg
I'm concentrating so hard on not falling over that I bust a sweat just doing this simple motion
Seated Leg Extensions: 6 x 12 @ 60 lbs
Doing these right after Pistol Squats makes my knees tired and it's not until the 3rd set that I'm able to complete each set without grimacing and massaging my lower quads.
Seated Leg Curls: 12 @ 90 lbs / 5 x 12 @ 97.5 lbs
Torso Twist machine: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Mat Stretch

The scale reads 109 lbs which at least is going in the right direction. Again, I haven't finished all my water so something's definitely changing in my physiology. I've been adding an egg to my oatmeal for breakfast but I'm still starving by the time I leave the gym. The Ensure goes down in 30 seconds if I give myself time to come up for air. I just wish it came in other flavors, like strawberry 'cause I'm getting sick of vanilla.

I read that General Petraeus runs 7 miles a day if he's not biking 25 miles. Damn! He's 60 years old. Now that's making age look good, even if he had a major lapse in moral judgment. Of course, being married and over the age of 40 doesn't mean we're dead either. Personally, I love looking at great bods. But it's hard to look without seeming interested. I find most people just aren't that interesting to talk to, so I prefer to look from afar. Maybe it's because I don't want precious workout time wasted with idle chatter.

I see The Mayor and a few other regulars today but most of them are done and gone soon after I arrive. Plus it's relatively nice outside. Who in their right mind would choose to spend it inside, in a gym? Mo arrives just as I'm about to leave. She hates working out these days but admits it's easier now that she's given up on cardio. My relationship with cardio has changed from something I only grudgingly did to something I look forward to (getting over and done with). I could never do cardio at the end of my workout because I wouldn't have the energy after weights. Plus, cardio helps warm me up so I can lift and stretch better and without injury.

I love working out. I hate cardio but I love the way cardio makes me feel. I love working out to my iPod, and hate it when technical issues interfere. It's a love-hate thing.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Abbreviated Tuesday Workout

The snow and sleet forecast for last night didn't materialize so today's feeling very vernal. I have my son with me and a service man coming to the house at noon so I'm in a mad rush to work out, shower and return home.

Precor #3 is occupied so I check out #1. It doesn't reset so I kick the On/Off switch at the back of the base, and toe the plug to make sure it's completely seated. The machine resets and I hop on, rewarded with a steady, smooth, gliding motion. Hmmm. This feels suspiciously like #3 used to feel. 35 sweaty minutes later and I've just managed to make 4 miles. But I'm much happier about it.

Seated cable rows always seem heavy to start, but as I warm up the motion becomes easier. I can't get to the Smith to do Pull Ups so it's directly to Lower Back Extensions and then the Cage Stretch. I toy with the idea of doing close-grip Pull Ups there, but I'm worried that I'll ruin any chance of doing a full set of regular Pull Ups at the Smith. There's only so much my scrawny little forearms can handle.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio = 4.02 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 / 12 @ 105 / 3 x 10 @ 120 lbs
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 97.5 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Smith Rack Pull Ups: 12+3 / 10+2 / 8+2
Reverse Grip BB Rows: 6 x 12 @ 80 lbs
DB Alternating Curls: 12 @ 20 lbs / 3 x 10 @ 25 lbs (my forearms are swollen and my elbow wraps are biting into my skin by the last set)
Pull Ups: 8+2 (I try to do as many sets as I can sneak into my workout these days regardless of whether it's a push, pull or leg day)
Torso Twist: 2 x 25
Ab Crunch Station: 100
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Up: 125
Mat Stretch (the stretches are good, but the left hamstring always seems a tad tighter, probably never quite recovered properly from an old college rugby injury)

I blow off Reverse Grip BB Curls as well today once I finish my back and bicep workout. Feeling a tad guilty about slacking, doing only a few sets of DB curls, but time isn't on my side. It's a trade off. I need to do some abs, and I always need to stretch out before showering. I see R, say Hi and ask how he's doing. He's grimacing through tricep press downs and I know it's not the humidity so something's up. He concedes that he went for another pain shot yesterday. I remember that they hurt like hell. I see Mo in the locker room as I'm changing and promise to introduce her to my son afterwards, which I do. He's shy when he meets new adults, although he was very popular as the only older kid with an iPad there.

The scale reads 110.6 lbs which is better than yesterday but still kind of heavy for me. Especially since I've left several ounces in my water bottle. I console myself with the fact that I've upped my weight in a lot of movements, I'm getting stronger, and my back is bigger. But I think I'd like bigger biceps. Oh, and leg biceps too. We'll see what develops! Besides, tomorrow's Leg Day! Yay!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Give and Take

Back in the day!
It is with some dismay that I've just learned of Joe Weider's passing. Okay, he was 93 years old which is pretty darn old. But more than Jack LaLanne, Joe Weider is credited with popularizing bodybuilding, fitness and strength training via Arnold Schwarzenegger and a bevy of other larger than life figures, like Frank Zane, Cory Everson, Bev Francis.

We also have a wake to go to tonight so what's become clear lately is that there is always going to be give and take. People die, hopefully not too young and hopefully not unexpectedly, and babies are born, grow up and hopefully become wonderful adults. Endings become beginnings. It's a hard lesson to accept. But it seems applicable to everything. I just don't want to hear anyone say it's for the greater good. That's getting a bit old.

All that being said, I had an absolutely awful cardio session this morning, managing only 3.64 miles after 35 minutes on Precor #3. The elliptical didn't quite seem right today. The glide track felt gritty and I wondered as I panted through my set if someone hadn't swapped it for machine #1 or #4. #3's always been smooth as ice. Until today. I did get my pace up to 226 SPM, but it was difficult to keep it anywhere over 200 for any length of time. Mostly I panted like an asthmatic between 180 and 190 SPM. And I blame it on too much red wine this weekend (I couldn't resist bringing a bottle of Cupcake Red Velvet  to our friends' house), too much sugary snacks from Salinger's farm bakery, and not getting enough sleep. I know better, and still, it's hard to resist temptations when they coincide with social functions.

However, as horrible as cardio was this morning, I still bench pressed at the Smith machine. It didn't start out too promising, with my own little voice telling me that perhaps I should just do reps. Stubbornly, I worked through my standard progression, then stopped at the 9th rep on my first heavy set. My thumbs and wrists didn't feel quite right. Ignoring all the nay-saying little voices in my head, I changed my hand positions on the bar and knocked out two more full sets of 12 reps. It felt great!

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio = 3.64 miles BLEAH!
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 25 @ 95 / 12 @ 115 / 12 @ 135 / 9, 12, 12 @ 145 lbs / 12 @ 125 / 25 @ 105 lbs The last set was hard and I had to pause for a few seconds during the 17th rep, and then again at the 20th rep. But it got done, and again it felt great!
Cage Stretch & Kicks & 10 Close-Grip Pull Ups (they seemed easier last week!)
Lateral DB Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Seated Rear Inclined DB Raises: 6 x 12 @ 25 lbs
Torso Twist (I realize too late that I can't effectively do Tricep Press Downs afterwards because my obliques will be too tired to stabilize my core): 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 125
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 100
Tricep French Press with BB: 3 x 15 @ 30 lbs
Mat Stretch: My calves were feeling very tight during the bench press sets so I'm pleasantly surprised that they're much looser when I do my final warm down on the mat. This consists of a lot of hamstring, calf and glute stretches, then lower and upper back stretches. I always include shoulders, neck, fingers and a bit of toe wiggling.

The scale reads a whopping 111.4 lbs but I was expecting that. I did drain my water bottle today, didn't sweat as profusely as I'd liked, but all in all, had a pretty good Monday workout. Tomorrow's workout will be abbreviated because not only will I have my son in the ChildCare Room but we have to meet a service rep at the house from between 12 and 4 pm. So it'll be a rush rush rush workout. But I think I can manage it.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Ending the Week Well

One of these days I'll figure
out how to take photos without
me staring into the phone
It's Friday, the sun is blazing bright and I'm done for the week! I'm pretty happy with myself for actually upping the weight in a few movements. I'm not the impulsive type, so it always takes me a while to get used to an idea before I actually do it. Now's probably a good time to think about the abbreviated workout I'll have to do a few days next week when I have my son at the gym with me. Especially since I have the water softener guy coming between noon and 4 on Tuesday. Our well water is so hard that it's literally eating away the copper hot water pipes. I only realized how serious this was when my white face cloth turned green as I rinsed it in the running hot water!

Not VIA but pretty good
I've eaten all my frozen blueberries so now my oatmeal's kind of bland, and I've resorted to a spoon of maple syrup to liven it up. My grandmother used to add a beaten egg to the oatmeal to give it more fill power, but the last time I did that, I wound up being hungrier faster. I've switched from my beloved Starbucks VIA instant coffee to supermarket instant espresso. (Thankfully I have access to several food markets in my area because 3 out of 4 stores don't carry jarred instant espresso like Café Bustelo or Medaglia D'Oro. That leaves ground coffee, K-cups, and national brands like Taster's Choice, Sanka or Nescafe.)

Still, I had an excellent workout today. I managed to squeeze in several sets of Pull Ups throughout my routine, upped the weight on the Reverse Grip Barbell Row so I don't need to borrow the magnetic discs anymore, and knocked out a few sets of dumbbell curls at a higher weight as well. Even my stretches seemed smooth today.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio #6 hill = 4.13 miles (again, a minute and a half to go during cool down and I sense the beginning of a stitch inside my right rib cage; it's very disconcerting considering I made sure to give myself at minimum, an hour between breakfast and working out)
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 / 12 @ 105 / 3 x 10 @ 120 lbs
Oddly, I don't feel warmed up until the 3rd set!
Smith Rack Pull Ups: 12+2 / 10+2 / 8+2
Not tall enough to unrack
the 70 lb bar but I can just
manage the 80 lb bar!


Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 97.5 lbs
Cage Stretch, Kicks & 10 Neutral Grip Pull Ups
Ab Curl Machine: 100 (ok, boredom isn't quite the right word here)
Reverse Grip BB Rows (I'm barely tall enough to get this bar on and off the rack without help, but I can do it!): 6 x 12 @ 80 lbs
DB Curls: 12 @ 20 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 25 lbs
Smith Rack Pull Ups: 10+2
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 125
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 100
Smith Rack Pull Ups: 8+2 (uh oh, diminishing returns here!)
Reverse Grip BB Curls: 5 x 20 @ 40 lbs (my left forearm twinges with pins & needles during the last few reps of the last 2 sets so I cut it short and only do 5 sets)
Torso Twist: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Mat Stretch

I see B and she excitedly tells me about the new Asian-food market she & her husband discovered in White Plains. After hearing her description, and because she can't ever remember the names of anything including what brand cell phone she now owns, I say to her, "It's H-Mart, isn't it." She's flabbergasted, but I tell her that all my friends rave about it, but we've yet to make the journey.

Other than B, M, Skinny J, PonyTail, MacGyver, Baggy Knees, PJ Pants, Short Pace, Skinny Mustache and a bunch of HS boys, I don't see many regulars. I catch a glimpse of The Mayor as he's leaving, noting that he must've resorted to wearing even bigger polo shirts because they positively hang on him, and not in a good way. I also note a few woman who seem to steal glances at me as I work out. That's okay with me. I hope they feel encouraged instead of intimidated.

The scale hasn't budged in several days, and as much as I sweat, I haven't actually drained my water bottle all week. Something's changing in my physiology. I weigh in at 107.8 lbs, and probably a few pounds lighter on my home scale (after I've peed 6 times!). But I'm stronger, and a tad bigger in the right places, so things are good. The week's ending well!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Abbreviated Push Day

Even though I need to abbreviate my workout today, I refuse to cut back on my cardio warm up. I'll cut the number of sets or reps, even actual exercises, but 30 minutes seems like a reasonable amount of time (and effort) to spend on something that stokes the metabolism, thoroughly warms the entire body, builds endurance and really gets those endorphins pumping!

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio #5 (for a change) = 4.08 miles
I don't drink any water at all before I start, and I still develop a slight stitch inside my right rib at the last minute and a half of the cool down! But at least my toes aren't twitching.
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 25 @ 95 lbs / 12 @ 115 / 12 @ 135 / 10 @ 145 / 12 @ 125 / 25 @ 105 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks & 10 Neutral (palms facing) Close-Grip Pull Ups
Lateral DB Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Bent-Over DB Raises: 2 x 15 @ 20 lbs (because the Inclined Bench is occupied)
Inclined Seated Rear DB Raises: 6 x 12 @ 25 lbs (yes, I upped the weight and 12 reps is all I can get for each set but the sets feel strong so I'm pleased)
Tricep Press Downs: 12, 12, 11 @ 50 lbs (the back of my arms are a tad sore but I'm pleased that I can actually get a decent 3 sets at this weight considering it's the 2nd time this week)
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 125
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 100
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25
Mat Stretch
My stretch is so much better today than it was yesterday. Perhaps doing an hour of cardio is pushing too hard where leg bicep flexibility is concerned.

I see B today as she's about to leave. She's back to her old chatty self, interspersing her workouts with long garrulous conversations. Regulars like M, Fish Guy, MacGyver, Tall and Short Pace sporadically appear and disappear. One person I'm surprised not to see is a guy who spent 2 plus hours yesterday on the fancy stationery bike with the mountain bike terrain program. He's lost a lot of weight. I used to see him doing abs on one of those big blue exercise balls. This week he was on that simulated mountain bike for a good 2-3 hours each day he was here. Perhaps he's training for some event or race. It's kind of odd, but odd is what makes us all interesting!

The gym scale reads 107.8 lbs just as a woman calls out to me to ask if I'm looking to lose weight or gain muscle. I tell her that I'm just keeping track. She tells me I look great, and I thank her. I'm still toying with the idea of "one-arm pull ups", but I've got to work up to that. Doing a few Pull Ups every day at the Cage Stretch is probably one way to ensure I work those muscles. I want to move up from the 20 lbs to the 25 lbs dumbbells, but I don't think I can get much further benching unless I enlist someone to spot me. Egads! I'm going to have to ask someone for help. Ugh!

I'm out of the gym in time to high-tail it home, toss reeking gym clothes  into the washer, and rush back out to meet the school bus. Of course, it's late because the regular driver went home sick and the new driver doesn't know the route that well, and the snow plow decimated our road sign... Then off to the orthodontist, the market, and oh yeah, I promised my son we'd get a replacement for the Betta that passed away two weeks ago. Oh well, tomorrow's another day! A long leisurely day for Back and Biceps. Yippeee!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Vernal Equinox!

Another Leg Day!
I'd always thought Spring came on the 21st or 22nd of March, not the 20th so I admit that I was surprised to see it on the calendar today. I only ever really look at the calendar to jot down stats when I get back from the gym. It gives me a physical record that I can glance at without having to power on my computer, and I can track my progress for the last two years this way. Of course, that means I keep a lot of old calendars as well. But they have nice photos of dogs and cats and other critters that I tell myself I'll use for drawing models one day, so....

Today is Leg Day and I'm glad I'm not the only one at the gym wearing fluorescent shorts. There's some very popular classes so the locker room is loud with chatter. Boot Camp and RPM seem to be elbow room only, and admission tickets are issued in order to ensure that the classes aren't dangerously overcrowded. Of course, RPM is limited by the number of stationery bikes available.

My first cardio set is really good, but I soon start to regret my exuberance as I develop a stitch 15 minutes into the Intervals set. I have to slow my pace because the pain inside my right rib cage seems to be spreading under my diaphragm and downward into my lower abdominals. What a drag. Still, I manage to finish past the 8 mile mark and I'm happy. I also look like someone opened the hose on me. I wear my sopping hoodie for Squats because I'm not comfortable having the bar pad (that's been lying all over the gym floor) against my bare skin. The pockets get in the way of Dead Lifts so I take the hoodie off and drape it over the railing like everyone else does.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min hill #6 = 4.15 miles + 35 min intervals #7 = 4.39 miles  Grand Total = 8.54 miles Wahoooo!
Smith Squats: 12 @ bar / 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
I wave Hi at R before grabbing the pad off the squat rack floor. He's doing one-armed barbell lifts there, straight up into the air. Always very impressive to watch. His back must be feeling better. But I don't have anything to say to him, and he leaves before I'm done with the Smith.
Smith Straight-Legged Dead Lifts (I'm not quite sure what the difference is between Romanian Dead Lifts and Straigh-Legged Dead Lifts): 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Cage Stretch, no kicks, but 10 close-grip (palms facing each other) just for fun! I pull myself up until my chest is kissing the top of the Cage, and I let my legs hang without swaying. I should've done 12 but I got distracted and stopped short.
Pistol Squats: 10 each leg
My right foot is cramping oddly, with two of my toes (index & ring), twitching and crossing uncontrollably. It's very distracting and started while I was doing cardio. Normally my fingers might do that near old scar tissue but this is a first with the toes.
I can't seem to get a good photo of my thighs because the camera doesn't focus quick enough to catch the best angle when I can see separation between the v lateralis, r femoris and the sartorius.
Seated Leg Curls: 3 x 15 @ 90 lbs / 3 x 12 @ 97.5 lbs (upping the weight because I'm bored)
Seated Leg Extensions: 6 x 15 @ 60 lbs (but not bored enough here to up the weights)
Torso Twist: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Mat Stretch: my stretches here have been worse on Leg Day lately, feeling tight and stiff compared to yesterday's stretch routine.

I see Mo and she asks how my birthday was. I tell her my husband got me a portable hammock for reading outside in the yard, but that I'm still waiting for Restaurant Week to be over so we can go for a nice juicy steak dinner. Last night I defrosted some flap meat, tossed it with soy sauce, powdered ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper, sesame oil and corn starch before sautéeing it in a hot pan with blanched broccoli and canned sliced water chestnuts. I tossed left-over whole wheat egg noodles into the mix to heat thoroughly. Voilà: beef & broccoli stir fry. Yeah, no wonder my husband needs to do more cardio! Although he's been declining desserts lately, so he is trying.

The gym scale reads 107.4, and my home scale reads 105.8 which is exactly what it was last Wednesday, my last Leg Day. I take my measurements because I'm curious as to whether I can fit into any of these Spring catalogue outfits I keep seeing. 34-25.5-33.5 and the only surprise is the chest because I'm a double-A (yes, penlight!) so that means, yes, my back is getting bigger! Yay! It means that doing pull-ups is actually having an effect. Of course, this sucks for clothing shopping, especially being a petite woman, but I'm fairly comfortable wearing boys L or XL. Of course, my favorite shirts are flannel but what the heck, the sun is shining, it's reasonably warm out, and it's Spring!

Happy Vernal Equinox!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Shoveling as a Warm Up

I had to shovel my car out from 5 inches of wet, ice-encrusted snow this morning. Five inches doesn't seem like a lot until you start shoveling it, realizing that it's not light and fluffy, but dense and heavy, like beach sand. Luckily, my husband had to shovel his car out first so he did the bulk of the work. There was a two-hour school delay, so while my son leisurely ate breakfast while playing with the DVR, I shoveled important paths to the outdoor dog poop bucket, my car, and cleared the snow-plow residue out of our driveway. I didn't bust a sweat, but I was definitely awake by the time I got to the gym at 11 am.

The parking lot is sparsely populated, and as I park, I see R's car pull out and drive away. I don't see B's car so I'm surprised when I catch a glimpse of her running alongside M on the treadmills, something I've never seen before! Partnering with D has been really good for her because now she's working out with some enthusiasm again. The Precor's are all vacant and I have my pick so I'm psyched as well. I plug in my alternate mix which contains an odd medley of tunes from the flick Real Steel, some MeatLoaf, the electric guitar version of Pachelbel's Canon, as well as a medley of the Game of Thrones theme music, and of course, some pop to fill it all out.

Singing along with Meat Loaf while peddling furiously has me breathless and grinning simultaneously. Because I had breakfast several hours ago, and forgo drinking any water until after cardio, I don't develop any stitches. My lungs burn, my teeth stick to my lips and sweat burns my eyes, but I'm really happy when I step off the elliptical. I feel so good that I actually forget that I'm in the last seconds of the cool down -- my mind is telling me that I have another 5 minutes to go. It's one of my best 35 minute workouts yet!

Today's Total Workout:
New Grips!
35 min cardio = 4.17 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 / 12 @ 105 /
3 x 10 @ 120 lbs
My new grips feel great cushioning my boney little fingers!
Lower Back Extensions: 25 @ 90 / 25 @ 97.5 lbs
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
There's hardly anyone here but the two items I'd use next are both being used by other people. It's a bit frustrating so I plop myself on the Toros machine to kill time, and work some abs.
Smith Bar Pull Ups: 12+2 / 10+2 / 8+2+2
I've been entertaining thoughts of trying one-arm pull ups for one or two reps but I'm not brave enough yet; it's a projected real-world scenario when hand/arm strength might become critical. Of course, it could totally exacerbate my elbow pain and give me shoulder pain as well. Not entirely sure that it'd be worth it.
Bent-Over Reverse Grip BB Rows (I'd thought of doing DB Rows but I've done them before and always worry that I'll throw myself out of alignment because I'm too flexible): 6 x 15 @ 75 lbs
Alternating DB Curls: 12 @ 20 lbs / 12 @ 22.5 lbs / 10, 8 @ 25 lbs
My left arm is tiring and unable to complete the wrist turn on the bicep contraction towards the end of the set. I don't want to be here all day so I skip Concentration Curls. I'd wanted to do a few Chin Ups but the Smith is occupied again.
Ab Crunch Station: 100 upper (Yes, I'm killing time and resting my forearms)
Reverse Grip BB Curls: 4 x 20 @ 40 lbs
ZZ is doing military presses a few feet away, and several HS boys come in to play on the free benches. Suddenly it feels really crowded in here.
Mat Stretch

I always intersperse some yoga and pilates movements to end the workout with muscles long and relaxed. I think this helps to prevent knots, soreness, stiffness. But truly, the most relaxing thing is the piping hot shower and great water pressure. The scale reads 108.4 and that's exactly what it was last Tuesday so everything's good! My shoulders and back aren't even sore! And tomorrow's Leg Day! Ah, so much to look forward to!

That's perhaps not quite as exciting as the mussels we ate for dinner last night: a 2 lb bag from the supermarket costs $5, steamed in a skillet containing half a head of smashed garlic, butter, olive oil and 3/4 cup of sake. The recipe calls for drinkable white wine but I don't drink white wine (wines are so hard to keep unless they're fortified). But sake keeps well and makes a perfectly good substitute. Even my son liked the mussels and whole wheat egg noodles we served them over. And he's picky!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday Madness

Before 5/11 and After 4/12
The sun was shining this morning so I had no clue that there was another winter storm making its way toward the northeast. Having had the past three days off, and yes, the Verizon tech finally did show up and complete the 4-plus hour installation process on Friday, I was certain that today was going to suck eggs. I even parked halfway to the supermarket because I knew I'd have errands to do before my 2 pm eye doctor appointment with the glaucoma specialist.

I nod Hi to Rene Marven on elliptical #1 and then clamber on #3 with my iPod turned up. Madison Rising is singing The Star Spangled Banner, which you might think is a weird tune to put into a cardio mix, but you have to hear it to understand. I don't bust much of a sweat today, even with a decent 199-207 SPM pace, and I've forgotten to apply lip balm or swig any water so I don't develop any stitches, but my lips are so dry they stick to my teeth.

Image from
M is on the Smith doing Inclined Bench Rows so I resign myself to free bench pressing, which is not very satisfying because my hands and wrists will give out before I actually push any substantial weight. I do a few sets while keeping an eye on the Smith. After M is done, another guy does a few sets of dead lifts, and then the station is free!

Today's Total Workout:
35 min = 4.14 miles  Yippeeee!
Flat Bench Press: 25 @ bar / 12 @ 65 lbs / 12 @ 85 lbs / 2 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 25 @ 95 lbs / 12 @ 115 / 12 @ 135 / 10, 8 @ 145 lbs / 12 @ 125 / 25 @ 105 lbs I start to feel lightheaded during my heavy set which worries me enough to cut my set short; besides my wrist and right palm hurt from the free bench sets so they're done for now.
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Lateral DB Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
I stretch between sets by plopping myself into the Inclined Bench and crossing my arms in an awkward asymmetrical hug; I can feel pecs flex and stretch.
Rear Inclined Seated DB Raises: 6 x 15 @ 22.5 lbs
I really should up the DB to 25 lbs but I'm too lazy today
One-Arm Tricep DB Extensions: 12 @ 20 lbs / 2 x 12-10 @ 22.5 lbs My left wrist and thumb start to fail during the last set so I abandon the idea of using a heavier DB for now
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 125
I look up and people sitting in ab stations facing me are just staring stupidly; less staring and more reps would probably benefit them
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 100
Ab Crunch Machine: 75 upper
Guilt for slacking over the last three days makes me do a ton of abs today but I'm also buying time to rest my triceps before going heavy on the Press Downs
Tricep Press Down: 3 x 12 @ 50 lbs
Torso Twist: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs (much much better to do these AFTER doing Press Downs)
Mat Stretch

In the locker room, B gives me a belated birthday gift of a scented candle and holder, which was very sweet of her. I feel as if my birthday were a million years ago even though it's not even been a week. I don't see too many other regulars today except for the creepy ones like Hannibal Baggy Knees and PJ Pants. I read in the NASM online magazine that "50% of all adults joining an exercise program will drop out within three to six months." It's only the 3rd month of the year.

The scale reads 110.4 lbs which is good considering I completely slacked for three days, and drank lots of Angry Orchard hard cider. I really like their Apple Ginger flavor but since each bottle is 210 calories, it's not a beverage to drink mindlessly. I'm out of sangria, which truthfully, can be drunk like fruit juice, not that anyone should. I don't have any white wine either so I'm contemplating using sake in the mussel garlic & butter sauce I'm planning to steam for dinner tonight. I'm hoping they'll be less sandy than the littleneck clams we get from the supermarket. Fish Guy wasn't much help today as to whether they'd be sandy since he doesn't eat clams or mussels. I haven't seen him at the gym lately either but I don't say anything to him about it.

My glaucoma doctor doesn't have good news. He's labeling my right eye with acute advanced glaucoma and recommends skipping over the laser procedure, going straight to actual eye surgery (trabeculectomy). I'm not at all happy. Apparently I have advanced glaucoma for someone so young. 53 is young for glaucoma, because it's usually the elderly who are diagnosed with it. I'm bumming. My doctor says I might suffer from blurry vision for a while afterwards, and no heavy lifting or anything with impact. However, I can use the elliptical, but not do yoga or pilates. That seems kind of odd. Meanwhile, I'm trying to psyche myself up that the surgery, whenever it gets scheduled, will be successful and I'll have one less thing to worry about. It seems so horribly ironic: With 20/25 vision, I don't need glasses to see, and I can still thread a needle to mend things, but I might go blind because my relatively low eye pressure is damaging my optic nerve.

Like Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say: It's always something.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Another Combo Thursday

 Maybe it was the half glass of sangria that I had with dinner last night, or maybe it was dinner (turkey meatballs made with salvaged week-old stale ciabatta roasted garlic bread, and pasta with jarred asiago cheese sauce), but I had a really hard time on the elliptical this morning. Nevermind that it was Precor #1 which is a tad harder to peddle, or that I'd decided to mix it up by punching in program hill #5, which is a tad steeper. Or maybe it was my turning 53.

I feel a bit tired these days but since I'm down to 4-day workouts, I have trouble believing that I'm over-training. Still, my lungs were burning from the 15 minute mark through the final warm down, and at the last 2 minutes, I developed a killer stitch just under my right diaphragm that made me wonder if my gall bladder was declaring war. When my 35 minutes is up, the stitch immediately resolves and my lungs feel fine. I'm not even breathing hard. Perhaps it is just getting old(er).

The Smith is free so bench pressing it is! I go heavy, and during the 2nd heavy set, I feel as if I might fail during the 11th rep. It's a slightly scary feeling. It makes me wus out and only do 10 reps on the 3rd set before starting to rack down the weights. It's one good reason to have a spot, but the gym is oddly quiet today and there aren't a lot of people here this morning.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min = 4.02 miles (No one is more surprised than I am that I've actually made my 4 mile quota!)
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 25 @ 95 lbs / 12 @ 115 / 12 @ 135 / 11, 11, 10 @ 145 lbs / 12 @ 125 / 25 @ 105 lbs
There's a really good article on the mechanics of bench pressing on the Muscle & Strength website. Click here to read it.
Pull Ups (I cheat today and hold my legs perpendicular to the floor, feet about waist high):
12+3 /11+3 / 10+2
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Lateral DB Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Rear Bent-Over DB Raises: 3 x 15 @ 22.5 lbs
There's only one inclined bench and a woman is using it, oddly enough, to do sit ups. When she's done, I scramble over there for my next round of rear delt exercises. 
Seated Rear Inclined DB Raises: 6 x 15 @ 22.5 lbs (maybe I should move up to the 25 lb DB?)
Pull Ups (just for fun before I do biceps): 10+2
Standing Alternating Bicep Curls: 12 @ 22.5 lbs (okay, those don't hurt so I move up a weight)
3 x 12 @ 25 lbs
Ab Curl Station: 2 x 70 (upper) / 1 x 70 (lower)
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs (unexpectedly, this feels really light today)
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 125
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 100
Decline Bench Press (it's a toss-up between doing this or triceps and I decide to skip triceps today):
12 @ bar / 25 @ 65 lbs / 3 x 25 @ 85 lbs (my right front delt twinges from the effort so I'm cautious)
Reverse Grip BB Curl: 4 x 20 @ 40 lbs
I look in the mirror while doing these and notice that my left arm is bent away from my body, and perhaps it's the uneven gym lighting, but my left trap seems bigger, or more engaged while doing this movement. It's puzzling, especially since my left forearm is definitely weaker, and a tad sore from this exercise. 
Mat Stretch

I see Mo and we chat for a bit while I try to keep warm by doing some "elbow to the ground straddles". She actually remembers my birthday's today, and she's also wearing her elbow braces. We chat about unemployment benefits and the economy, and perhaps finding jobs. She'd like to work at Home Depot for the discounts. Of course, she's about 6 feet tall, so it'd be easier for her, than for someone short like me. B texts me Happy Birthday from her phone. My husband finally texts me Happy Birthday as well, and then tells me he got me a gift but it won't arrive for a while... ah, it's the thought that counts!

The scale reads 107.4 lbs and I'm so tired and hungry that I don't even care. But I do remember that I have the Gold's Gym Happy Birthday postcard, and I bring it up to the front desk and get a free beverage. "What do you have that's lactose-free?" "Hmmm, that's a problem," says V "but I could mix up the protein powder with just fruit juice." I decline because I want something more than 15 grams of protein. I've been working out hard!

I have my Ensure® in the car, but it's my birthday and I want something a little different. "Well, you can have something from the case," she says and points to the protein drinks. The Muscle Milk® purports to contain 32  grams protein per 17 fl oz, and no lactose. Plus, it comes in flavors other than Vanilla and Chocolate. So I have Banana Creme. It doesn't taste too bad. The gym charges $3.50 per container so I feel good buying my Ensure discounted with coupons at the CVS, making it less than $2.50 per bottle for 25 grams protein.

I'm not sure I want to go to kickboxing tonight. I'd rather have a big juicy steak dinner. Right now I'm boiling a corned beef to try and de-salt it before slathering it with mustard and brown sugar, wrapping it in tin foil and putting it in the oven to bake for a few hours. My stomach's growling. Egads! I'm hungry and looking at slathering those new brown rice Triscuits® with cottage cheese. Yeah, we Boomers develop weird tastes for food as we get older... but at least we're still trying new things!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sweat is Good for What Ails You

Leg Day again!
I was so tired and spacey this morning I almost drove off to the gym wearing only half my gym gear... because I was still wearing my pajama top under my fleece hoodie! Luckily, I realized this before I actually left my driveway although the car'd been warming up for 20 minutes already. And even though the parking lot seemed kind of full, the gym itself wasn't. I hopped onto my favorite elliptical and immediately started peddling away. None of this slow walk warm up for me. I'm too cold to have any patience for it: I want to be warm and sweaty as soon as possible!

I'm not sure why, but I'm able to zoom through the hill routine, and I don't lose too much momentum on the intervals. Except that I develop the suggestion of a stitch deep inside my right hip. I try not to slow down too much, but by the cool down, I'm actually grimacing to finish the set. The pain has crept up my entire right side and the outside of my ribs ache. But when I'm done, I feel really good, sweat leaving a salt crust on my lips, my hoodie completely drenched. And miraculously, the stitch is gone. Off to do Squats and Dead Lifts now!

Today's Total Workout:
35 min hill #6 = 4.15 miles + 35 min intervals #7 = 4.48 miles Grand Total = 8.63 miles! Wahoo!
Smith Rack Squats: 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
My 100% cotton hoodie is too soppy for me to deal with anymore and I struggle to pull it off over my head because the zipper's jammed at the bottom; I feel like a 6 year old at this point. 
Smith Rack Stiff-Legged Dead Lifts: 6 x 12 @ 95 lbs
Because I'm concerned that Thrusters are having a bad effect on my knees and ankles, I've stopped doing them. Coincidentally, my right outer ankle has stopped clicking oddly.
The Obese Man makes his way to the free weights to wrestle with some DB and I see M come over to chat with him. Like B, M chats with everyone, but I've been told that he's just a really nice guy. That may be, but I'm comfortable not chatting.
Cage Stretch
8 Pistol Squats each leg
There's no pain whatsoever in my knees or ankles when I do these today and I'm quite thrilled!
Seated Leg Extensions: 6 x 15 @ 60 lbs
Seated Leg Curls: 6 x 15 @ 90 lbs
My hands hurt more from bracing myself against the lap bar than my legs do; I don't really fit into this machine very well because I have such short calves, but it's better than the standing Leg Curl which puts too much pressure on my knees, and the Lying Leg Curls because Damn It, I am not going to lay there with my butt up in the air. Plus, I don't really fit in it anyway.
Mat Stretch
I feel as if I've waited too long before doing these stretches because my left leg bicep seems a bit tight and I'm not quite as flexible as yesterday. I'm careful not to push too hard because I'll injure the ligaments instead of stretching them. Even though today is Leg Day, I still do my entire stretch routine which also works to relax shoulders, neck, upper and lower back. I figure it can't hurt.

While I'm doing Leg Curls I see Mo in the free weight area with a light barbell. I can't see if she's remembered to wear her elbow braces today, and she's gone before I get to the mat area. I see a few regulars like Skinny J, RangerRick, PJPants, Amazing Stretch and Eagle Eye toward the end of my workout. Wednesdays must be a popular day for people to come later. I'm even considering cutting back on my routines so I'll have time for something else, like maybe a class, or perhaps even a (gasp) job or something. Egads! But I don't like to rush into things so it'll take me a while to figure out just how I'll cut back without losing all the gains I've made over the last two years.

My clothes reek by the time I get into the locker room, and everything from my hair to my tank, sports bra and shorts are completely soaked in sweat. But I feel great. And the long hot shower feels even better. The gym scale reads 108.4 which seems high. My home scale registers a much more reasonable 105.8 lbs.

Tomorrow's my birthday but I don't expect anyone to remember unless I tell them. I'm just getting use to the idea of tooting my own horn. My sister did send me a nice moonstone pendant although it's not exactly what I asked for. I asked for small and round, sort of like a dime. She sent something, although quite lovely in the fact that it appears to have its own blue light, that was nearly 2 inches in length and definitely not round. Coincidentally, I happen to have an old, tarnished, silver chain that seems to fit the pendant perfectly. See for yourself!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Tasty right out of the can
I'm procrastinating right now. I should be working on itemizing all my taxable items for my meeting with our accountant tomorrow but instead, I'm writing this blog. And looking up Bumble Bee Sardines in Mustard because that's what I ate for lunch yesterday, and oddly, there's no nutritional label on the packaging. It is available on their website, but what if you don't own a computer, or have internet service, or (gasp) don't know how to enlist a search engine? I guess you go to the library and ask the librarian for help, or depend on your friends, or remain clueless. Today I think I'll try the sardines in Hot Sauce. I'd purchased several tins some years ago but haven't been brave enough until now to actually see what they taste like. I'm not 100% certain, but I think it was an article in Men's Health magazine that suggested eating sardines because they had a high calcium content, and that mustard was the best flavor. It was actually pretty good. I think I like it better than tuna, although I don't eat tuna, canned or fresh, very often.

When I got to the gym this morning, I thought there'd been a new holiday announced that I hadn't heard about because the parking lot was empty. And the gym looked pretty desolate as well. Perhaps it was all the rain. I actually beat B to the gym today, although she's been pretty happy, judging by the big grin she sports while working out with D. I had my choice of ellipticals and plugged in my regular cardio mix. I'm constantly doubting myself, wondering if I'll make it all the way through 30 minutes while my lungs are on fire, my lips feeling cracked and parched, sweat pooling in my ears and running off the tip of my nose and chin.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio #6 hill = 4.05 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 lbs / 12 @ 105 / 10, 10, 12 @ 120 lbs
The last set was the best, as if I'd needed all sets previously just to warm up!
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 97.5 lbs
It's all I can do to keep my toes from popping out of the footrest when I use this weight.
Cage Stretch & Kicks
In my peripheral vision, I see R glide in but his gait is odd, as if he's dragging his feet and I think he's probably in agony due to the humidity wreaking havoc on his back and all the broken bones he's had.
Pull Ups: 12+3 / 10+2 / 8+2
Damn, these ARE harder with the legs crossed and dangling under you because it takes extra effort not to swing your body as you pull up! But I miss the ab workout from holding legs perpendicular.
Bent-Over Reverse Grip BB Rows: 6 x 15 @ 70 lbs
I say Hi to R and B comes over to chat as well. I tell them both that Thursday's my birthday and damn they'd better wish me Happy Birthday. Then I tell him I've got 20 years on him, and B counters with "I've got 30!" as if we're placing bets. We tease R about being a "baby". He says he feels old. I know it's the humidity. B tells him that he's a handsome baby, him and his brother. He's in too much pain to really say anything but grimace a bit. 
I'm actually surprised to see him at the gym at all, but guys are so macho that's there's no telling them they should be home in bed. That's like telling them they should go home, curl up and die.
Seated Alternating DB Curls (I decide to see if I can handle heavier weights): 12 @ 20 lbs / 12 @ 22.5 lbs / 12 @ 25 lbs (it's not that bad but I only do one set because my forearms are so pumped the elbow braces are cutting into them) / 12 @ 22.5 lbs / 12 @ 20 lbs
No concentration curls today
I wind up sandwiched between Tall Pace and The Mayor while I'm doing curls. Since B blurted out my age, I notice odd looks between the older men. I think Tall Pace is positively grinning at me, but because I won't make eye contact, I'm not entirely certain. 
Ab Crunch Station: 2 x 50 legs up / 1 x 50 legs on floor
Torso Twist: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Up: 125
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 100
Pull Ups (just to see if I can do any at this point): 8+2 Pretty pathetic!
Reverse Grip BB Curls: 6 x 20 @ 40 lbs (still grimacing and noting that my left forearm feels a tad sore but only during this exercise)
Mat Stretch

Mo plops down on the mat and we chat for a bit before I head off to the locker room. She's developed tendonitis but keeps forgetting her elbow and wrist braces. She's also completely given up on cardio since bad knees and hips (loss of cartilage) prevent her from moving any faster than 2.7 on the treadmill. "I'm just wasting my time doing that because I can't get my heart rate up so I don't bust a sweat. I'd rather do weights in a circuit and get a bit of cardio benefit that way." She doesn't stay more than 45 minutes at the gym and I wonder if she's getting any benefit at all. I have to assume she's getting something out of it, but she's told me that she's been doing this for 40 years (she's 57) and she's done. She just can't work up the enthusiasm or the energy. She comes to the gym grudgingly, kicking and screaming the whole way. "But you're here!" I tell her brightly, hoping to encourage her. "Yep, I'm here, but I don't wanna be," she replies.

I don't really know enough to argue with her one way or the other. Perhaps I should finally get serious and go for the NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) certification. Again, I'm just procrastinating! I've also joined because as much as I enjoy writing, I never seem to do it unless I have a deadline (like a class submission). The gym scale reads 108.4 lbs which is in line for Tuesdays, and I head home because, damn, I've got a lot of things to do! But, be back tomorrow! Tomorrow, after all, is Leg Day and I love love love Leg Day.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday is a New Beginning

Some people really hate Mondays. I only hate the fact that I lost an hour of sleep yesterday when Daylight Savings Time ended. I actually like Mondays because it means I can go to the gym! Granted, I'll be sore and winded because I haven't worked out all weekend, but I'm still fairly enthusiastic. This Friday will be the 2nd year anniversary for my gym membership at Gold's as well. They've sent me a postcard offering me a free Birthday Sports Drink, a 15% discount off my next apparel purchase (as if anything there actually fitted me), 10% off any tanning package (never in a millions years!), and a One Week Pass for a Friend. Hhhmmmm. I'm not sure I have any friends who'd actually use it.

I see B early on as she darts into the bathroom. She's working out with D, so now I see her doing pull ups and other exercises she'd given up on months ago. Good for her! I'm not interested enough though, to ask how many she can do, or what exactly she's doing today. Legs? Chest? Back? Instead, I turn my iPod up, pull my hoodie over my face and peddle away furiously to MeatLoaf's Bat Out of Hell. I mouth all the lyrics with my eyes closed because after 30 years or so, yes, I know them all.

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio (Precor #3) hill #6 = 4.02 miles
Smith Bench Press: 12 @ bar / 25 @ 95 lbs / 12 @ 115 / 12 @ 135 / 12, 10, 8 @ 145 lbs / 12 @ 125 / 25 @ 105 lbs
Between sets, I look up to see grey leggings skintight on massive thighs. René Marven is on the stair stepper, so I go up to her and tell her I'm a fan, that I saw her at the Poughkeepsie show. She asks if I'm on FB and I tell her yes, I've been "following" her. She seems tickled, but I don't want to interrupt her workout so I leave it at that. She's got 12-weeks before her first Pro Show. This is the gym she uses for cardio, and when she's done with the steps, I see her pull on a hoodie and slip out the door. B stares the whole time because she knows I don't often talk to anyone. B's also "possessive" and I don't chat with her male "friends" not just because I don't think they're particularly interesting, but also because some how I think she'd feel as if I was "stealing" her relationships. It's just not worth the potential melodrama.
Cage Stretch
I've finally managed to get my leg nearly straight up the cage and put my face on my shin; it helps with splits during the Mat stretch.
Lateral DB Raises: 6 x 12 @ 20 lbs 
Rear Bent-Over DB Raises: 6 x 15 @ 22.5 lbs 
My front right delt twinges at the end of these sets in what should be primarily a rear deltoid exercise. However, a quick glance at the chart (right) shows all three heads of the deltoid are involved. Good thing I didn't do Front DB Raises too!
One-Arm Tricep DB Extensions: 3 x 12 @ 22.5 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups: 125
Lower Ab Kick Outs: 100
French Press: 3 x 12 @ 30 lbs
I'm worried that I'll tire my triceps out too much to do Press Downs but what's the worse that can happen? I'm only competitive with myself!
Tricep Press Downs: 12, 11, 9 @ 50 lbs
Last week I did the torso twist before the press downs, and my abs were aching trying to assist in this tricep movement. Today I purposely do the torso twist AFTER doing triceps!
Torso Twist Machine: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Mat Stretch

As I'm gathering my gear to head to the locker room, I see R chatting with RangerRick, so I wave Hi to him. There are very few people I wave to at all. Other regulars are here today, including Amazing Stretch, 5o'clock, Tall and Short Pace, M, J, even Mo. The Mayor has also been busy, sporadically working out, offering assistance, yelling out words of "encouragement" to the younger lifters. "Keep your butt down!" he screams at a kid doing pullovers with an 80 lb DB. He's so loud even MeatLoaf's For Crying Out Loud can't drown him out. Hannibal Baggy Knees has been all over the ab stations, twisting and turning. He and The Mayor both seem unusually interested in who I choose to chat with. I know this only because I've seen them straining around corners, jaws agape, when I chat with R. Perhaps it's because I don't chat with them. As I go to leave, I see ZZ on the cardio platform. I'm fine with most regulars, as long as they keep their distance.

I'm a nerd. Or at least that's my excuse. I'm so focused on my goals, on what I have to do and what I want to accomplish, that I don't have time/energy for social graces. I see a pair of women who spend equal amounts of time chatting and exercising. They look fine. They could look better. But that'd get in the way of their socializing. It'd be nice to have friends at the gym. But it's not critical. I'd like to have a lifting partner. But again, that's not critical either.

I'd like to witness a few more "transformations" but I suspect those are rare occurrences. Even B's starting to lose tone in her arms although for a 60 year old woman, she looks damn good. She likes to talk, and she's needy. Last week, she asked me why I have 6 of those 2.5 lb magnetic discs and I tell her that I put it on the 60 lb barbell because the 70 lb one is racked too high for me to reach it. "Why don't you just ask one of the guys to help you?" I look at her incredulously. "So I have to depend on someone being around? Usually no one's around." I say to her. She's a product of her culture, and her "age". She won't pump her own gas, doesn't know how to use a computer or email, can't load songs onto her iPod. That's what her husband's for. I'm between amused and aghast, having a hard time asking for help if I really don't need it. Call me Xena Warrior Princess... although her sidekick, Gabrielle, had the better muscled body.

The scale reads 110 lbs and I'm famished. It's a few hours later by the time I get home, and my scale reads 107 lbs. Reasonable enough. Tomorrow's Back and Biceps. I've decided to see if doing Pull Ups with my legs crossed below me is harder or easier than what I've been doing. We all need things to challenge ourselves with, things to look forward to. It can be the oddest, smallest thing. But at least it's something.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Shoveling Your Way to Health & Happiness

Snow shoveling is hard work. Each winter I hear reports of people dropping in their driveways due to cardiac failure. Less mentioned but more common is the strained back and/or shoulder. I like shoveling. I have to. I do it every winter. Usually my husband helps me, but his boss told him they were going to a meeting in Boston today so he left pretty early this morning. I scoffed, Boston's going to get hit harder than us. Once my husband got to his Connecticut office, Boston cancelled due to snow. Well, duh.

I've never even owned a snow-blower (I'm probably too light and too short to properly direct one anyway). I know there are a lot of time and labor-saving devices available, but part of my luddite-nature refuses to allow me to become so dependent. If I can do it myself, I will, especially if I feel that the action isn't harming me, but making me stronger. (I'm reminded of the Earthlings in the animated flick Wall-E who have lost their ability to walk.) This probably explains why we drag hand-trucks and wheelbarrows of firewood up to the house for our wood-burning stove. And why my husband plans to go to a 2-day bow-making course.

I don't wear headphones (sunglasses are a good idea though, to protect from snow blindness, but they get very steamed up from the exertion), preferring to hear the birds at the feeder, and the sound of wind, vehicles straining to make it up our 30° hill, snow blowers in the distance. The Verizon tech didn't make it up the hill today either and has rescheduled for next Friday (sigh), which means I'll plan another combo workout for Thursday, my birthday. Oh hell, what better way to celebrate? I'm dreaming of a mouth-watering prime-rib or porterhouse for two, rare and bloody. Hmmmm. Next week starts "Restaurant Week" in the Hudson Valley... Yum...

Winter Storm Saturn
Cleared Walkway!
Snow shoveling is exercise. It raises your heart rate, gets you hot and sweaty, makes your back, shoulders, legs and arms tired (if you're doing it right). It's also immensely satisfying because the end result is something you can see: a cleared walkway and driveway.

Websites have suggested that for a 150 lb person, approximately 450 calories are burned per hour. I certainly hope nobody's shoveling for more than an hour straight. I'm on my 2nd break right now, resting before tackling unburying my car, and shoveling a path out to it from the walkway. I'll shovel for about 30-45 minutes before resting. Sometimes I'll just stop and watch the chickadees, woodpeckers, nuthatches, titmouses, finches and sparrows. I like to see their tiny feathery footprints in the snow.

The Popular Mechanics website offers tips for snow shoveling, but I find item #6 to be the most useful:

6. Maintain proper posture:

A. Use your leg muscles as much as possible - push snow when you can and use your legs to lift when you can't push it.
B. Keep your back straight as you move from the squat position to the upright position.
C. Use your shoulder muscles as much as possible.
D. Hold the snow shovel as close to your upper body as possible.
E. Keep one hand close to the shovel blade for better leverage.
F. Don't twist your upper body as you throw snow.

Be healthy and be safe, but don't be lazy. Back to the gym on Monday! Next week promises weather in the 50s so Spring is definitely in the air! That means summer, and bare arms and legs (and ugh! mosquitoes) will be here sooner than you think.

Five Days Off But Not a Vacation

I finally made it to the gym today, although a lot later than usual. I had a horribly stressful morning, with driving gingerly after last ni...