Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Acting As If Until You Actually Can

I don't really feel sick anymore although I'm still on antibiotics and decongestant. The news of a flu epidemic has me wondering whether I should get a flu shot anyway. Maybe tomorrow. I still feel a little dizzy but infinitely better than the past few weeks. I might even do sit ups today.

35 minutes on the elliptical gives me an even 4 miles and I feel very hopeful that I'm going to have a really good workout. The Seated Cable Rows start off easy enough but I can only get 8 reps on my heavy sets. Still, I'm not dizzy when I look up at the top of the machine as I row. The only exercise that gives me pause is the hamstring stretch at the Cage Rack when I bend my head to my shin. I hang on to the bars until the world stops lurching and resume my stretch. That appears to be the worst of it, so it looks like I'm on the mend. Yipee!

Today's Total Workout:
35 min cardio #6 hill = 4.0 miles
Seated Cable Rows: 12 @ 90 lbs / 12 @ 105 / 3 x 8 @ 120 lbs
Lower Back Extensions: 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs (I'm not dizzy doing this either so I'm mighty happy!)
Cage Stretch & Kicks
Pull Ups at the Smith Rack: 12 / 11 / 10+2 (No one's more surprised than me that I can actually do them today!)
Bent Over Reverse Grip BB Rows: 15 @ 65 lbs / 6 x 15 @ 70 lbs (I start to feel tired by the 12th rep on the last 2 sets so perhaps I won't up the weight just yet)
DB Curls: 3 x 12 @ 20 lbs
Chin Ups at the Smith (I skip Concentration Curls to do this instead): 8 / 7+1 / 6 +1 (the inside of my right elbow twinges and I wonder if perhaps I shouldn't be doing this, not that I'm very good at it anyway)
Torso Twist: 2 x 25 @ 50 lbs
Lower Back Extensions (again): 2 x 25 @ 90 lbs
Flat Bench Twisting Sit Ups (I'm not dizzy but I don't move as fast as usual): 150 (yes, I counted)
I did Lower Ab Kick Outs yesterday and I'm not game on increasing my chance for a rug burn so I skip them today.
Mat Stretch

B tells me that she's all screwed up today because she can't find anything to do that doesn't make her arm hurt. She finally went to her chiropractor who suggested the standard flat palm exercises and told her to rest her arm. I'm not sure he's versed in sports injuries but he's the doc she's comfortable seeing. She tells me that she might as well not even bother coming to the gym. Another excuse I think to myself. (She has "tennis elbow" and I have "golfer elbow" illustrated at right.)

B's great at complaining, but not actually following through until it's too late. She was off from the gym for over a month and never did anything to heal or strengthen her problem elbow. I don't let her off the hook. Instead, I tell her that she can do cardio, legs or push workouts (chest, shoulders & triceps). She doesn't need to give up, unless she wants to. It's not in my nature to tell her it's okay to feel sorry for herself. Yet another reason I'd make a lousy personal trainer: no people skills. Of course, it could just be that B's old, but I never automatically think that of anyone. Yes, she's 60 and I'm not sure at what point the human body refuses to repair itself, but I don't think it's 60.

I see a lot of regulars today but other than a brief smile or wave, I don't really interact with anyone. Until I've finished my workout. I see R and his brother again. This time I make a point of getting his attention by wishing him a belated Happy Birthday. He smiles Thank you. He has a great smile, but everyone looks better when they're smiling. I see Mr T-shirt and PJ Pants in the periphery. They can't help but stare. I can see the wheels turning in their heads which I find very amusing, but I'm not interested in talking to them.

The scale reads 108.4 in the locker room, and 106.2 at home. Very consistent. I'm pleased. I had a pretty good workout after all. Tomorrow is Leg Day. I love Leg Day. It's also suppose to snow, which I'm less thrilled about. I don't like driving in the snow (I'm such a City girl). Maybe I'll try and get a flu shot.

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