Monday, September 20, 2021

With Both Feet In

I took the plunge today and pedaled Program 1 with some minor modifications: at the steepest incline (13 when 0 is flat ground), I pedaled forward. Which meant that instead of switching from forward to backward to forward to backward every 7.5 minutes, I pedaled forward for 15 minutes and then backward for 14. The last minute of the program rises from incline 7 to 11 and I didn't want to chance a lower back spasm so I pedaled forward there and for the 5 minute "cool down."

I didn't quite make 2.8+ miles but it was close. Also not as if I spent the entire weekend being sedentary, although it did take us a ridiculously long time to drive into the city, mostly because the GPS software insisted on taking us through a tortuous and traffic-laden route on the East side. Once there, we walked around, sat for 45 minutes while enjoying a meal, and then stood in line and throughout the entire concert. Because Irving Plaza is a standing only venue unless you splurged and got VIP seats in the upper balcony. Some people did. 

We didn't so from 8 until midnight, we were on our feet. Those of us who were really feeling the music got to stomp and otherwise dance in place because it was shoulder to shoulder crowded. Some people wore masks (we did) and some didn't but everyone had to show proof of vaccination in order to gain entry to the venue. It's a recent but well-advertised NYC reg so a bit surprising when people showed up on line without their paperwork. They weren't allowed inside. My husband joked the next day that it felt like "Leg Day" because he was sore. I admit that I felt it when I squatted down with the dogs but I wouldn't call it "Leg Day" but that's because I still remember nearly crying trying to get down the subway stairs after working out at Better Bodies NYC when I was in my 20s.

I might add crunches back to the routine. My sciatica is so much better, but never totally gone. I can sleep on my back or side but there are still some seats that are too high and too hard for me to tolerate for any length of time. The car, however, is fine now. Yaaay! Today, the cat/camel doesn't make my foot hurt. Another Yaaay! I head to the Stretch Cage but a large girl beat me to it. She spends a few minutes stretching and I'm bored waiting so I get on the step mill for 5 minutes. It's been nearly 5 weeks! I only do 5 minutes and that's enough to make me feel sweaty all over again. I don't really want to be panting when I step up to the Stretch Cage! I manage to squeeze out a dozen pull-ups so I'm happy. 

When I get home, I find a "helpful" newsletter in my mailbox for senior citizens living in my county. Ugh. After I flip through it and determine there's zero useful info, I toss it into the recycled newsprint pile. I'll probably use it as "brown matter" for the compost bin. The only good thing about being over 60 so far is that my annual residence fee ($6) for the park is waived. Whoopee!

20 Sept 2021
New Week Monday

Precor elliptical
Program 1
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd
Distance: 2.78
Cal: 306
HR: 129-182

Stretch from Smith Machine 10s x 2

   Skip Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat/Camel stretch 10x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Cobra Pose 30s
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Cat/Camel stretch 12x
Push-Ups 25
Mild Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 25

5 min
Spd 6 (55 steps per minute)
Cal 39
Steps 270


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