Tuesday, September 14, 2021


The dog vomited all over the house this morning. And last night. But I had cleaned that mess up before going to bed. No matter. Upstairs and downstairs there was either weird brown piles (dog supper was ground turkey cooked with pumpkin puree and beef broth) or foamy yellow liquid on the wood floors, the one carpeted room, the tile kitchen floor, the loveseat and the sofa (both of which have doggy slipcovers thank goodness)... He drank water and then promptly vomited again. This seems serious.

I got my son to the school bus and then I went to the gym. I did my basic cardio on the elliptical, worked up a decent sweat, pedaled backward for just 5 minutes, stretched, did some push-ups and air squats. Doing relatively simple movements, like the cat/camel stretch has my left foot inside the arch feel like internal cords are being pulled too tight. Weird, right? Still, all in all, a pretty good workout considering I still hurt from attending a BSA meeting last night at a park with hard bench seating. I'd even brought my own foam cushion, but I can't sit on benches or chairs that are too high for me for more than a few minutes. Ugh.

Afterward, when I knew the vet's office was open, I called and got an appointment for the poor pup. He looked really miserable when we left the house earlier. There was a few minutes to kill and the other dog seemed fine, so we went to the park where the unafflicted pup ran zoomies through all the autumn leaves. His brother trotted about and peed a lot but he didn't want to leave the park when it was time. Instead, he sat down in defiance. When I convinced him to get in the car, he promptly vomited again. Thank goodness for backseat dog hammocks. And the fact I keep a stash of old towels in the "trunk" area.

The unafflicted dog stuck his head out the window for the entire ride and enjoyed all the new smells. His brother sniffed around a bit but wasn't very happy to be anywhere new. The vet, a new gal I've never met before, did a cursory exam listening to his heart and palpated his underside. The nether regions seemed tender though. No poop to sample either. So it was decided to keep him for a few hours to administer a shot of sedation so they could do blood work, trim his nails (he had a double dew claw on a front paw last week that ripped off during puppy play), and then x-rays to make sure he hadn't accidentally ingested a rock or something that would explain why he's puking up everything including water. 

As I've said before, the other dog who eats the same food and the same dirt at the park, is totally fine. The only difference is that sick dog has a dog friend who has had the same issues for the past week and hadn't made it to the park until two days ago. Unafflicted dog declines to play with him because he's kind of a big fellow... Friend dog had been vomiting and not eating or drinking for the past week and his owners attributed it to the cracked tooth that is scheduled to be removed. Friend dog is on antibiotics and gabapentin for that, and just recently got dosed with an antacid (by his vet) for his tummy troubles. Uh, I'm skeptical that that's the issue...

14 Sept 2021
Stressful Tuesday

Precor elliptical
Program: Manual/7
Time: 30 min + 5 min cd
Distance: 2.80
Cal: 309
HR:134-160, 84

Stretch from Smith Machine 10s x 2

   Skip Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
40 Dead Bugs
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat/Camel stretch 10x
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Child’s Pose
Cat/Camel stretch 10x
Push-Ups 25
Mild Mat stretch w 3 Eye Yoga
Air Squats 20
   Skip HGPU
Stretch Smith 10s x 2

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