Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Sore From the Warm Up?

Inspired by both the Buff Dudes shoulder video on YouTube and an online article about shoulder injury prevention in Muscle & Strength, I decide to add more band pulls to my post-cardio warm up routine. The cardio routine itself is amusing just because I like to watch my heart rate change without any apparent correlation to my actual exertions, or maybe it's just the cardiac lag. I add high band pulls to my Cage Stretch, and skip the hammer grip pull ups. The high bands are almost akin to Face Pulls, something I've yet to actually accomplish. To round out my warm up, I do some push ups, followed by crunches and alternating bicycles.

The Smith is occupied. Well, sort of. There's plates on the bar, but it's B chatting with some gal. They were chatting before I went into the class room to do push ups and crunches. They're still chatting when I come out. Still chatting when I decide to set up on the Breaker Inclined Bench instead. Still chatting when I'm two sets into my routine. Finally they leave but it's too late. I finish at the Breaker Bench, then set up for my DB shoulder super set. I don't have time for all this chatter. Because using the Breaker Bench is more difficult, I use less weight. The bar itself is heavier because there's no counterbalance. Still, I finish with a set of high reps and that feels okay. What feels weird is the back of my left arm... a tad sore? Yesterday was a Pull Day. Could it be from doing those band pulls earlier? Maybe adding one more set, at roughly face level? Well, that's quick!

The rest of my routine is well, routine. I'm meeting my girlfriend later to see A Star Is Born with Lady Gaga and Bradly Cooper. She's been wanting to see this film for a while but didn't want to go to the movies by herself. I'll only go if it's on the cheap. I like both actors so that's a plus. Hopefully, I'll get home in time to heat up some store-made fried chicken before carting my son off to kung fu and then Boy Scouts. It's pouring buckets so the drive will not be fun. On the way to the gym, an oncoming dump truck cast so much water coming off its wheels that it literally shoved my car across my own lane. That's never happened before. Flash flood warnings everywhere. Still, better than snow... that's still coming. Ugh.
In my car, at the bank drive-thru

Movie Tuesday

30 min elliptical
Program 2
Calories 260
Miles 2.38
HR 146-198 (114)

Low 15 / Mid 15 / High Band Pulls 15
Push Ups 60
Crunches 30/30
Bicycles 50

Breaker Incline Press
Bar (45) x 15 (left tric)
55 x 12
65 x 12
75 x 12
55 x 25

DB Laterals s/s Rev Incl Flyes
20lbs x 12/15 reps x 3 sets

Rip Skulls
35lbs x 12 reps x 3 sets


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