Monday, November 26, 2018

Of Course

My body tried to make up for chronic sleep deprivation over the long weekend. We got home in the wee hours after Thanksgiving and were in no mood to battle Black Friday lunatics. We never are and prefer to do our shopping with civility, online. Saturday we had to be up early to endure a 6-hour Red Cross CPR and First Aid course that my husband needed for a Boy Scout requirement. My son can probably apply this class to his rank advancement somehow. And if I wind up getting roped into doing a leadership position so that our Troop can have a sister branch (as a handy recruitment tool), I'll have already done some of required training.

The first half of the class was active and we
got to practice CPR on responsive dummies. After lunch, we got to sit through several short films, which made us all the sleepier. We did get to practice the proper technique for wrapping a bandage around a limb. And the proper position for placing AED pads on a person, as well as how to administer those two short breaths between each round of 30 chest compressions.

By 5:30 pm, we were home with my boys upstairs working on presentations for next week's Boy Scout Leave No Trace weekend course. Thankfully I'm not part of that. Instead, I had a cup of mint tea and promptly fell asleep. I didn't wake up until 10ish, had some late supper of leftovers from the Turkey Day feast, and then went to bed for another 8 hours. And I still felt tired when I got up. My hubs was going to smoke the free picnic pork I got from the supermarket, but he started too late in the day and decided that kalua pork would be just as good. That just entails putting the pork in a lasagna tin, binder clipping another tin on top and putting it in a low heat oven (225 F) for 10-12 hours. We have an electric timer/thermometer and set it to 210 F. Eventually, because it was waaay too late to stay up much longer, we decided that 206 was good enough. And it was.

We haven't done laundry for over 4 days. Ugh. I go to the gym and do my Pull Day routine. Not only have I put on weight, but I still feel tired, and weak. Double Ugh. Although HIIT cardio seemed fine, I was unable to muster enough energy for satisfactory lat pull downs. I can't pull the handle down forcefully to my chest for each rep. For each set I run out of steam at rep 6, then get 2-3 reps that only come to my face. Ugh. That sucks. And I'm disappointed that after 4 days of rest, I should be able to do more pull ups. Ugh.

The gym scale confirms that I am fat. I try not to let myself slip over a certain weight (113), but it has today (114.4). I've really got to get a handle on my eating habits. It's difficult when the hubs is low to no carbs and douses everything in fat. Not only does it clog my sink, and make dish washing sort of disgusting, it's making me fat too. I can't really digest that amount of fat, so I'm much better off eating low-fat with more complex carbs and fiber. The fact that we still have Halloween candy doesn't help at all.

The washing machine is full, as is a laundry basket. I decide to plug the dryer back in and push the start button. Low and behold, it starts. WTF? This happened once before, just a few weeks ago. The repair guy is fairly certain that it's the timer because everything else works okay: heating element, drum belt, vent. Because I know I can't replace or repair the timer, I decide I'm going to get as much done as possible so I toss freshly washed clothes into the dryer. It's going to take several cycles for the items to actually dry, but better than having mountains of smelly towels and socks. Nothing dries in my house unless it's draped over the gate that surrounds the wood stove. I brought in several arm loads of firewood this morning before I drove my son to school just so I can have a fire going on this damp miserable day. It's forecast to rain until the wee hours, because of some storm system that dropped a blizzard in the mid-West. Glad I'm not there!

A friend recommends a website to find replacement parts for appliances, but of course, the part I need isn't available. The dryer is, after all, 45 years old. However, if I wanted to spend $30, I could replace the lint trap. We've made do with using a bent wire clothes hanger to replace the handle that broke off some years ago. As it is, I don't even know how long this dryer will keep running today. It gets hauled away on Wednesday so chances are good I'm not getting to work out on that day. Tomorrow, however, looks promising.

Post-Turkey Monday

Norwegian 4x4
5 min w/u (4 min on / 3 min off) x 4
5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30, 33
Calories 259
Miles 2.50
HR 134-175 (103)


Push Ups 50
Crunches 30/30
Bicycles 50
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s

T-Bar Rows (reg position)
Bar x 20
25 x 16
45 X 20 x 3

Lat Pull Downs (close neutral grip)
70lbs x 12
85 x 12
100 x 10 really hard today
115 x 6(+2), 5 (+3), 4 (+3)

Seated 1-Arm Cable Rows
30lbs x 12 reps ea x 3 sets

RG BB Curls
30lbs x 25 reps x 3 sets


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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...