Tuesday, April 18, 2017

At My Age...

I don't feel old. I don't think I look old either, but I'm always surprised when I see someone in the newspaper who is apparently 20 years older than they appear. Like Katherine Switzer, the Boston Marathoner in today's paper, who doesn't look anything like 70. Maybe that'll happen to me too? People my age, where I live now, are grandparents and musing about retiring. I'm still looking for reasonable employment that still allows me to look after my son. The hubs tells me that he might be in Houston for weeks at a time when the project finally kicks in.

Today's an abbreviated workout because I have a physical therapy appointment at 12:45 pm. Just enough time for me to get my cardio in, and maybe some push ups and planks. I'm lucky I'm able to squeeze in a few pull ups too. But I don't give myself enough time to recuperate from push ups, and my pull ups fail after the 24th rep. PT isn't doing much for me, but we'll see just how achy the shoulder is after today's stretching. I only have one more session scheduled for next week, because all these co-pays add up, and I'm sure I'll be reeling from the credit card bill this month.

I see a few regulars. Snowbird has returned with more liver spots. Creepy PJ Pants and The Mayor, Shaggy and Big Mountain Glasses Dude. Yep. All here. No one looks much different. Perhaps that's the point? A very large woman steals longing glances at me. I try not to notice. Snowbirds are back from their winter respite, and boy does it show on the roads. Yesterday I trailed another Subie down the hippety-hop road. I've been traveling down this twisty windy hilly road for over 20 years so I know it fairly well, so I can do 30 mph without using my brakes very much. The Outback in front of me crawled down this road at 20 or less.

Okay, this road can be intimidating if you don't know it. But when he gets to the stop sign to enter the main roadway, he suddenly swings the car to the left, into the oncoming lane, in order to make a right turn. This completely negates the whole point to driving a Subie, with the all-wheel drive and super-tight turning radius. WTF? Does he think he's manning a semi? Others just appear to be on antihistamines as they straddle the yellow line. They're not even looking at their phones as an excuse. Ah spring...

6.21 miles

30 min x-trainer
Calories 148
Miles 3.61

Knee-Ins 50
Push Ups 50, 50, 30
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Side Planks 2 x 60s
12" HGPU 24

30 min elliptical
Program 2
Calories 298
Miles 2.62

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...