Saturday, September 10, 2016

Git 'Er Dun

Day 3 of the 22 Push Up Challenge
I took my son for a quick workout at my gym today. It's a way to unplug him and get him off the couch. The weather is unseasonably hot and humid for the northeast so there's absolutely no thought of doing anything outdoors. Of course, once we get to the gym, my son plugs into his phone in order to amuse himself while pedaling the elliptical. He even keeps the phone in his lap while using the rowing machine. Sigh.

I make him put the phone away because we're going to play in the weight area. After a few incremental sets of benching on the Smith machine, he attempts some Inverted Rows. I know they're hard because I've tried them. My elbows and forearms find them painful. He tries hanging with bent arms from the Stretch Cage as well. I do a few pull ups, but limit myself to just a dozen or less at a time because I don't want to discourage him. A few of the middle-age women glance over. A bunch of guys also stare, and my son notices but I tell him that staring is their problem, not mine.

Later, we retreat to the empty class room so I can do my 22 push ups. I'm contemplating doing T-push ups, or Hindu push ups just to make it more entertaining. And to slow myself down. I'm so used to knocking out 100 push ups, that it's really weird for me just to do 22. My left elbow clicks as I do push ups. It's on the verge of being uncomfortable. Next time I'll have to angle my arms out slightly more. At least carpal tunnel isn't bothering me today. I've forgotten my phone but my son quickly volunteers to video me with his. Done!

Afterwards, we do crunches, and elbow planks. I show him how to do the Bird Dog plank. He thinks it's funny. A middle-age lady stops me as we're about to leave. She wants to know if I have any advice for her about exercises she can do with her bad lower back. Uh, I'm not a trainer, doctor, or therapist. I tell her exercises NOT to do because I know they're bad for the lower back. But I can only suggest simple light movements, and point her to Dr Ben Kim's online newsletter and YouTube videos on improving movement and flexibility. Before I leave, another woman who has been listening from the other end of the room also asks me if I know anything. At this point, I just want to leave with my son. Nope, I'm not a people person...

Now we're both hungry, so after dropping our water bottles off in the car, we proceed to buy some groceries. And store-made fried chicken. Because it's too damn hot to cook. But also we're having a big salad with carrots, avocado, walnuts and baby romaine. Win win!

Saturday Gym Time

20 min elliptical Program#3
1.66 miles
186 calories

5 min rowing
6, 6, 12 HGPU

22 push ups
3 x 50 crunches
50 knee-ins
2 x 30 sec Bird Dog planks
2 x 30 sec Elbow planks

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