My timing was off this morning so I arrived at the locker room just as a class let out and it was all a flurry of noise and activity. It makes me stuff my earbuds into my head in a hurry, and scurry out to the gym like I'm being chased by demons. I'm still tired. I've read that it's not really possible to make up for lost sleep, not that I went to bed any earlier last night.
Tomorrow I have to get my get car inspected, an annual rite for New York State car owners. Then I might drive down to the vet's office to refill the dog's medications. Or maybe I'll wait until Thursday when I have to take my son down that way for kung fu. What I really need to do is get the car washed since it's probably still got road salt on the undercarriage from this past winter. And with the faux dual exhaust pipes that Subaru thought looked cool, it's best to keep all that clean so I don't have to replace it in years to come. Mostly, our cars rust away before they actually break down, and if they break down, it's because something rusted away. This is the joy of living on wetlands, surrounded by ponds, streams, lakes and bogs.
I'm surprised to have made over 6 miles today for cardio. Less surprised about the amount of weight I moved. I figure I'd do a full body workout today, kickbox tomorrow, and split my routine between pushing on Thursday and pulling on Friday. It's a plan. My right hand starts to hurt during warm ups. The glove isn't supportive enough when I do push ups. I feel my hand slide to the right and I press up, and almost roll onto itself. This happens with my feet as well, as if the ligaments and muscles can't keep the bones in their proper position when I walk. It's why I don't like to go barefoot: I run the risk of spraining not my ankle, but my actual foot. My right hand feels slightly painful as I bench, but I'm undeterred. By keeping my wrists properly positioned and wrapped, I'm able to finish my sets without further injury.
Behind me, The Mayor is at first benching on the breaker bench, and then reverses his position to use the bench for Rip Skulls. He spends so much time chatting loudly with that hoarse "I've been screaming at an all-night rave" voice, that I wonder how it is he manages to look sweaty and disheveled. Well, I guess that means he's working out. Summer is here and there are a lot of new kids in the gym. And I mean kids, like maybe they hit puberty yesterday. School ls mostly done. My son doesn't have any homework any more, and next week will be a series of half days designed to exact Federal funds, and give school bus drivers a few more hours of pay, but no learning.
It seems to perplex some that I don't follow the traditional workout routines which separates lifting weights from cardio. I do what's optimal for me and my particular body-type. I saw Animé Hair once get on the elliptical after a weightlifting routine. She was done in 15 minutes and seemed to be limping away. But she's a skinny girl so she doesn't need to worry too much about cardio. Her main concern is gaining size. Of course, I haven't seen her lately. People need to customize their workouts to their own bodies. I don't need bigger legs so I don't do much weight work for them, except for the occasional Split Squat or Pistol Squat. Coincidentally, they're both one-legged movements. I have yet to see cardio work make me stringy, and there's no substitution for building endurance. Except maybe doing mega reps at a moderate weight. Not a super light weight, but a moderately heavy weight. Just not a max weight. If I don't do cardio, I get big and puffy. Not attractive at all!
I'm ravenous when I get home, and suddenly remember that I drank half a bottle of Stonyfield's Organic Protein yogurt smoothie for breakfast. Two gulps and it's finished. I'd like this better if it didn't match grams of protein with grams of sugar. And what the heck is sugar alcohol (10 gms)? I've never seen that on a yogurt label before. It's not on the label listed on their website. But it tastes less sour than the high-protein kefir drink I got from Lifeway (click to go to their website). That has more protein. And more sugar. I'm not a body builder. I'm not competing. But damn, sometimes I just want a quick protein drink that's moderately healthy and not chock full of sugar. I guess I could always mix up an ON whey vanilla shake with lactose-free milk instead... I think my milk is expired though — it's dated May 25. Oops!
Tuesday Workout
(6.4 miles total cardio; 24,168 lbs moved; according to the JeFit app, my workout took 1:41 minutes)

Set 1 : 30x20
Set 2 : 80x15
Set 3 : 100x15
Set 4 : 120x12
Set 5 : 90x25 Good pump!
Set 2 : 80x15
Set 3 : 100x15
Set 4 : 120x12
Set 5 : 90x25 Good pump!

Set 1 : 30x15
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 100x13
Set 4 : 120x12
Set 5 : 130x12 OMG!
Set 6 : 100x15
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 100x13
Set 4 : 120x12
Set 5 : 130x12 OMG!
Set 6 : 100x15

Set 1 : 112x6
ReplyDeleteThanks! I emailed Stonyfield and got a long technical answer too, but I guess my actual question is, is this included as part of the 15 gms of sugar or is this in addition to? I'm assuming it's just part of the total sugars...