Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Cascade Effect

When I originally heard the name Cascade, it was in reference to a mountain range out west. Then there was (and is) the dish washing detergent. Now when I think of cascade, I think of a series of catastrophes, usually medical and often terminal. I used to be horrified when confronted with news of murder-suicides where a parent kills their own family out of desperation. Now I'm more sympathetic. I can understand being so overwhelmed by events, and everything seems hopeless. But I'm a stubborn SOB, and if there is only one true thing about me, it's that I know how to hang on. When the world is a dark, endless void, I just grit my teeth, and soldier on.

not my actual test but could be
My Visual Field test today showed an increasing deterioration of my vision. But I still have mostly 20/20 vision. Ironic. I can have the SLT surgery repeated. Or try different eye drops that maybe I'm not allergic to. My IOPs are actually good today at 11/12 but they were 14/15 last month. Everything fluctuates. My eye doc suggests that as an extreme measure, I can have cataract surgery because somehow the surgery leads to a substantial decrease in IOP. Not that I have cataracts. Well, I have the beginnings of it in my left eye, hence the slight yellow tinge to my vision when I look at the eye chart. But I'm literally doing everything I can to stave off blindness. Lose weight. Check. Exercise regularly. Check. Daily eye drops. Check. Iridotomy. Check. SLT. Check. No handstands or anything that increases pressure inside the head. Check. Ugh.

My hip twinges sporadically. My knuckles sting this morning even before I even think of going to the gym. Later, the three hammer toes on my right foot spasm and flex upward painfully. Shit, I tell myself, that's my driving foot. Is this what middle-age is all about? Body parts just sporadically fail, or act weirdly before something catastrophic happens? I think about skipping the gym today until I remember that the storm door is suppose to be installed on Friday. Which means I might not get to go then. So I'd better go today. I might still make it on Friday, but one can never tell how long an installation is going to take, especially when nothing in our house is straight or aligned.

At the gym, my hair refuses to stay tucked and I have to pause a round just to reclip the barrettes that won't hold my braid in place. But it's a fairly routine workout, except that I miss a complete combination because the screen blanks out for more than a second. Oh well. It's not like the scores really mean anything to anyone except me. I do 20 min on the elliptical because I can feel my hamstrings tightening and I want to forestall any sciatic issues. Then I talk myself into doing pull ups. Okay, who am I kidding? I always do pull ups as the last movement. But my hands hurt and I feel tired. It can't possibly be from hauling the dog up the ramp twice a day, can it? The palm-side of my knuckles have formed callouses that are already yellow and peeling. That and my thumbs are what's sore when I finish pull ups. I have such tiny, bony hands.

The harness I bought at the local pet food shop is starting to come apart and I'm really annoyed by that. I place an online order from for a medium-large butt harness that should arrive in 2-3 days. I like the quality and simplicity. I've had it with all these straps and buckles and loops that are difficult to snap into position with one hand. Because I have my other hand under the dog, holding him up. I still haven't bitten the bullet about getting leg braces for the dog, but he's going to need them if he's going to have any sort of life. (PoshDogKneeBrace is the only one that doesn't require casts or additional vet fees so I'm leaning towards them.) The dog's mood is better with additional pain medication so he's actually gone for a regular walk down the road and then back around the house to "check the perimeter" for any unusual smells. At least as long as I'm supporting his back half as he walks. Life is good. Uh... Well, at least the weather's nice.

Wednesday Workout

Warm Up
Calorie :   91 CAL
Distance: 0.82 mile
Duration : 00:10:00

Follow Me
Lap/Rep :  15 Lap/Rep
Duration : 01:00:00
Calorie :   181 CAL
Distance: 1.63 mile
Duration : 00:20:00
Set 1 : 112x31

Photos posted for actual stats:

5 rounds Beginner

5 rounds Intermediate

5 rounds Advance

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