The same tech who arrived for the Wednesday afternoon appointment and swapped out our DVR, returned Thursday morning to run a new line from the outside box to the modem. The modem works fine so he didn't swap that out. Everything works fine except the DVR doesn't get an internet signal, which was baffling because the WiFi, phone and basic internet functions all worked. Eventually, we determined by a process of elimination, that two Ethernet wires that connected to ports in the wall and seemingly led to nowhere in particular (except maybe other rooms in the house) was causing feedback interference that was degrading the signal needed by the TV, DVR, and set-top box to transmit basic television programming. Oh jeeze! That feedback seems to have also fomented deterioration of our DVR, which is, as the tech and I both agreed, just plain weird. Especially since those wires have been connected to the "system" forever. But now everything works. For now.

Summer break started Friday and my husband got home late Thursday night. So I sleep in, and then go to the gym. I get on an unfamiliar cross-trainer. It's stiffer than I like, and for most people this means just a slightly harder workout. For me, it means my right foot goes numb quicker, and eventually I feel the tingling in my left foot as well. I hate having numb toes but once I get off the cross-trainer, normal sensation is restored. Yaaay! Still, it beats having shin splints which is what happens when I've tried running, jogging, trotting. That and horribly sore painful knees. It's only gotten worse over the years. But you're nuts if you think I'd ever consider joint replacement surgeries.
The gym is crowded even though it's past mid-morning. The first set of pull ups always feel difficult, and makes me question my abilities. Got to shut that voice up! I knock out a 100 push ups, sets of crunches and planks, glancing over at the Smith to see if I can grab it before someone else gets to it. Because all the small benches are in use, I start with Smith SLDLs. By 120 lbs I'm kind of tired, but I toss on a 5 lb plate on each side of the bar. I know I'm not getting a full 12 reps. I'm worried my form will break down and I'll hurt my back so I only get to 8. It's enough. As I'm changing the plates, a chubby Latina asks me if I'm using the station, and I'm annoyed although she's perfectly pleasant. Maybe because I usually don't ask if something's in use. I just do something else until I see that a station is free. But most people have time constraints.
Finally the DB area is free and I snag a small bench to drag back to the Smith. I must be getting old because I'd rather do 12 reps at 120 lbs followed by 25 reps at 90 lbs, than muscle through 130 lbs for 6-8 reps. (I calculate this weight assuming that the bar is a mere 30 lbs because the Smith bar is counterbalanced. It's certainly not 45 lbs.) Perhaps I just don't see the benefit, and I'm too leery of shoulder injuries. A bad shoulder would sideline me from Kickboxing and all sorts of other lifting.
I toss a coin in my head between doing Smith Split Squats or DB laterals superset with Reverse Flyes. Ultimately, I'd rather do shoulders and I'm happy that the DB area is totally vacant. As I work through my sets, the area starts to accumulate people and I hate crowds. Especially when everyone's flailing DBs about. A big Viking blonde grabs 3 different sets of DBs to use for her arm and shoulder routine. She puts a lot of energy into it, and I'm glad when she properly returns the 5, 10 and 15 lb DBs to the rack. Then she's at the cable station doing lateral raises. I've never seen her before. It'll be exciting to see if she sticks to it and progresses.
I don't want to do 6 supersets, but I do anyway. Want has nothing to do with my workout. It's a matter of whether I can. And whether I have time. Today I have the luxury of not having to meet the school bus. The heavier DBs make my forearms ache a bit. I feel a brief sharp prick and hope that's not something serious, like a tendon. No, it's too much on the surface, not deep in the tissue. Whew!
I do another set of pull ups just to see if I can since my forearms are really tired. 26 reps is good. I know I can do another set after the elliptical because my arms will be recovered by then. As much as I want to do Intervals, I choose program #3 instead, because the backward pedaling helps me keep sciatica at bay. A few quick stretches at the Cage and another set of pull ups. Yes! I like to think that I inspire others to do unconventional workouts. That assisted pull up machine is worthless for people hoping to achieve the strength to do just one pull up. I'm glad I don't work at a gym: it'd be hard for me to keep silent and sell the programs and products.
I don't rest too much between sets because I don't want to lose momentum, or cool down. But I feel as if I've been at the gym an inordinately long time because people come and go. Because they have other things to do. I have other things to do as well. Like buy groceries. My fridge is unusually bare this week because waiting for the repair tech and my son having 3 school half-days has meant not having time to shop properly. When I get home, I find my son and husband both glued to their laptops, barely looking up as I lug my gym gear and groceries inside. Hhhmmm... good thing I bought fried chicken at the supermarket so we can all have a quick and easy late lunch.
Friday Workout
(6.17 miles total cardio; 25,246 lbs moved; actual workout time 1:53; session length 2:29)
Steady State
Calorie : 144 CAL
Distance: 3.62 mile
Speed : 7.24 mph
Lap/Rep : --
Duration : 00:30:03
Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 00:00:30
Set 2 : 00:00:30
Set 3 : 00:00:30
Set 4 : 00:00:30
Set 1 : 30x15
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 100x12
Set 4 : 120x12
Set 5 : 130x8
Set 1 : 30x15
Set 2 : 80x15
Set 3 : 100x12
Set 4 : 120x12
Set 5 : 90x25
Set 1 : 20x12
Set 2 : 20x12
Set 3 : 20x12
Set 4 : 25x12
Set 5 : 25x12
Set 6 : 25x12 SuperSet with
Set 1 : 20x20
Set 2 : 20x20
Set 3 : 20x20
Set 4 : 25x20
Set 5 : 25x20
Set 6 : 25x20
Calorie : 288 CAL
Distance: 2.55 mile
Duration : 00:30:05