Thursday, July 30, 2015

Are They Really That Stupid?

Today was whack the machine day and I got myself prepped by affixing little squares of moleskin to my knuckles before I drove to the gym. I only have enough time for a 10 minute warm up and then 14 rounds, a quick stretch and then shower and change. As an extra precaution, I take my wedding band off and put that in my purse along with my diamond engagement ring. Both are fairly small as far as rings are concerned (I wear a tiny size 3.25), but both are made of platinum, which means they're heavy and dense. I've been having trouble with the last two knuckles of my left hand lately. I tape my hands and then entwine them in cotton wraps before stuffing them into my old pink Everlast kickboxing gloves.

Lighting is everything
My left hand still hurts intermittently, especially the index proximal phalanx and the ring and pinky knuckles. The tighter I clench my fist, the better my hand feels though. Unfortunately, I find myself grimacing from a sharp pain on the the front of the index distal phalanx. I've managed to slice the skin open with my thumbnail, and I can't figure out why my thumb is so far out of position when I clench. Between rounds, I grab the roll of white tape I keep with my gloves and tear off a piece to wrap around my finger tip. Problem solved. Now I can punch again. Except an old man has decided to ride the mountain bike simulator closest to the kickboxing machines. He has to walk around me to get there. There are three bikes and he could easily use a bike further away. Instead, he gets on the one closest to the machines. He pedals so slowly I'm not really sure why he isn't on one of the recumbent bikes on the cardio platform.

After 10 minutes he's done. And dismounts on the side closest to my machine. Some people live on auto-pilot. I'm in the middle of a round and go to jab. The pad just barely misses his face because he's pretty much walked right into the side of the machine, and I pull my punch at the last minute, as soon as I saw that I might actually hit something not machine. I also let out a rather nasty expletive, because Goddamnit, are you really a f*cking moron?!

The rounds go much better after he's left the vicinity. I'm not a mean person, but if you're at a gym and clearly someone is punching and kicking a target, you need to walk around them. I'm always aware of people walking behind me or around me because I don't want to step back and land on someone. Today I'm not wearing my hoodie so sweat just pours off my ponytail like I've been caught in a rainstorm. I feel pretty good, except for the cut finger and those knuckles. The pinky proximal phalanx is feeling a bit bruised as well. That part of the hand shouldn't even be making impact but force gets dissipated through the bones. Taking the wedding band off didn't help. I'll keep it on next time. I'm going to try binding the left hand tighter and see if that helps. And maybe trim my already short nails a little shorter.

Whack the Machine Workout

Warm Up
Calorie :   95 CAL
Distance: 0.84 mile
Duration : 00:10:00

Lap/Rep :  14 Lap/Rep
Duration : 00:56:00

photos posted for actual stats:

5 rounds Beginner Follow Me

9 rounds Intermediate Follow Me
round 3 is where I have to tape my finger
round 6 is where I almost knock an old man out

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