Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Holding Back

The day is sunny and a tad cooler, which is perfect for the last day of summer before school starts tomorrow. There are very few kids in the Child Care Room when my son and I arrive at the gym. There's no one on the LifeFitness Cross-trainers so I pick the one at the end of the row. It's the easiest to access but no one likes it because the attached TV monitor is permanently set to NBC. 30 minutes gets me a bit over 3 miles. I'm trying to minimize the time I need to log 5 miles for the day and I know I won't get as much mileage on the Precor elliptical.

"Shaggy" is working out at the cable station adjacent to the Cross-trainers and across from the Cage where I plan to do a quick stretch. I also use it for my hammer grip pull ups since it's the only place that I can actually position my hands around the bars comfortably. I'm a completely different person when I'm in "workout mode" than when I'm taking my son to the supermarket. I'm very intense. I don't chat. I don't make eye contact, and I might actually growl if you get in my way.

I think Shaggy has been trying to get me to notice him. I can see him hovering in my peripheral vision as he rests between sets. When I'm done on the Cross-trainer, I stalk over to the Cage, cutting him off in mid-stride. I don't say anything and I don't smile but I'm pretty certain my intentions are quite obvious. I toss a few side kicks and stretch my hamstrings while trying to slow my breath. Push ups are easier if I'm not panting to begin with. Shaggy beats a hasty retreat.

Having learned my lesson about performing body weight exercises in the correct order, I start with Push Ups, then do Hammer Pull Ups for three sets. I'm probably slacking though because on the last set of Push Ups, I can do 30 without pause, just slowing my pace after rep 20. If I paused at 30, I probably could've gotten 5 more reps. But I don't. And on the last set of Pull Ups, where I feel myself slacking on the last two reps, I suddenly feel a rush and almost whack my chin on the bar because I'm coming up unexpectedly fast. Oops.

When I eye the Smith machine to ascertain that no one is using it, I notice that Shaggy is doing DB curls a few feet away. As I drag the Inclined Bench out of the Smith rack, he again retreats. Hmmm. Maybe I did growl after all. My form is better on the Inverse Rows but I find it difficult to keep my neck and head straight and still as I touch my chest to the bar. The last two reps of the last set I'm only able to get within an inch of the bar. This movement is still hard on my forearms and elbows, but not as much as pull ups. Maybe I should try Smith Bent-Over Rows next time?

I drop onto the Mat momentarily and knock out some crunches and pulse-ups before heading back to the cardio platform. It takes me 22 minutes to get 1.76 miles on the Precor. Then a quick lower back stretch and off to shower. The gym scale reads a surprising 109.4 lbs and I'm actually on-time to get my son from the nearly vacant Child Care Room.

My son needs a hair cut, but the barber cuts it too short for my son's liking. I tell him it just means he doesn't need another cut until it's time for camp to start and that appeases him. Meanwhile, I'm going to take him to the local MMA dojo this afternoon to see what a regular kid's class looks like, and then we have an appointment next Monday to visit a kung fu school one town south of us. No commitments though.

Wednesday Abbreviated Workout

Calorie :   143 CAL
Distance: 3.37 mile
Speed :    6.72 mph
Duration : 00:30:00
Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 40 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 30 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 8 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 8 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 8 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 111x12
Set 2 : 111x12
Set 3 : 111x12
Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep
PulseUp : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 50 Lap/Rep
Calorie :   192 CAL
Distance: 1.76 mile
Duration : 00:22:00

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