Thursday, June 6, 2024

June Bug Crazies

Bark Park today
In the past two weeks, there's been at least 3 motorcycle accidents in my town, one fatal. In all cases, it was an old guy thinking he was an immortal 20-year old. Okay, maybe 62 isn't old. After all, I'm older than that. But trying to pass vehicles on a notoriously windy 2-lane road when there's a clearly marked passing zone on the straightest section of the road just 1/4 mile away, is plain stupid. He collided with a small bus while passing two other vehicles. Nope, stupidity did not survive that. 

Another one lost control of his bike, probably going too fast, around the rather severely angled section of the road that goes past the park. The sign says 20 mph and we mean it. Seriously. (Admittedly, most of us do that section around 30 while covering the brake.) That one wasn't fatal but it screwed up traffic for the rest of us. Another one freaked out on the parkway and bounced off the stone wall. Not fatal, but screwed up traffic again. What do all these incidents have in common besides motorcycles? Male riders in their 60s, which means old enough to know better when it comes to road safety. Ugh. Okay, rant over.

It has been unseasonably hot and unbearably humid. I spent a lot of time in traffic yesterday trying to return an item to the store so that I could use the refund towards a clock. Yes, I know. We all have phones and watches so why do I need a clock? Well, sometimes it's just more convenient to glance up and immediately see what time it is. And the clock I have in the living room, while not brand new, hasn't aged well. 

The clock is difficult to see from across the room even though it has large digital numbers. That's mostly a problem with the color of the digits (blue against black) and the glare on the face of the device. Parts of the digit placeholder are also starting to fade so that some numbers are unintelligible. Ugh. I've since learned that no one carries physical tabletop clocks anymore. I was trying not to order one from Amazon, but I seem to have no choice, unless I want to go miles out of my way to a mall in the next county. And even then, they might not carry it. Because the store I went to yesterday had clocks on their website which said In Stock. But not in actuality. They apparently haven't stocked clocks in years.

I'm trying to buy more items in person, from a bricks & mortar store. Not just for the convenience of being able to try it on right then and there, but also knowing that what I put on the rejection rack in lieu of a different style or size will actually be returned to the sales rack for someone else. Online items tend to be discarded when they get returned. Just ask Amazon. Or Land's End. And I don't need to add to that mountain of refuse of perfectly fine items that I just can't use or don't like.

Today is hot and rainy. It's a tad cooler under the leafy canopy of the dog park. There's literally no one else at the park, not even cars in the lot. It's warmer and more humid when I get to the gym. Even that seems warm and uncomfortably humid. I can still pedal but have to remove my hoodie after 7 minutes instead of 15. I've been really tired. Yesterday I was shocked by the bags under my eyes. Getting 5 hours of sleep will do that. And I wound up napping for an hour in the afternoon.

I'm still tired today but the bags don't look as pronounced. No timolol for 2 days now. My eyes itch so much less. I'm waiting to see how this affects my BP and HR. The FitBit feels unreliable. It didn't log Tuesday's workout as an exercise day. It tells me that my HR has dipped down to 36 at some point but can't tell me when. And then it continues to buzz my wrist with irrelevant notifications, as if I needed a pat on the head for accomplishing steps. Good grief, I'm a grown up! I don't need all this blather. I've turned most of those annoying notices off, but apparently not everything. And perhaps something I've turned off has affected the device's record keeping? Ugh.

I give my forearms another day of rest so no pull-ups until tomorrow. After cardio today, I grab one of the inclined benches and do my DB Shoulder routine. People do a few reps and then leave. I don't think I'm there for a long time but long enough to see 2 or 3 different folks do their routines and leave. The only people who are still there when I'm done actually have spent almost all their time gabbing. Figures. That's why I don't talk to anyone when I work out: too distracting and I lose momentum, get cold and nothing is done.

I do greatly appreciate the a/c in the Aerobics Room. I walk in and it's empty, cool and dry. Perfect. I get all my exercises and stretching done, but the Wall Squat is unusually unpleasant today. Still, I make it to 2 minutes 30 seconds.

6 June 2024 11:24-1:17
Rainy Hot Thursday sans Timolol
76°F and 77% humidity

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 30+5 (5664)
Distance: 2.86
Cal: 319
Avg Hr: 156, 194-79
Fitbit: 55-152

Skip HGPU 15

Incl DB Press s/s Lateral Raises s/s Rev Incline Flys
10 lbs x 25/15/25 warm up
15 lbs x 25/15/25
20/15/20 x 25/15/25-27 x 3 sets

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
10 x 2 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg each
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Arm rotations 20
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 150s  more difficult today

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