Thursday, March 21, 2024

Just One Day So Do Everything

I've been remiss in exercising for the past 7 days. While my kid is home for break, I've scheduled appointments for the orthodontist, ophthamologist, and the dermatologist. He's taking the train back to school with friends, but the train leaves at 11 AM so I'm not making the gym tomorrow either. Today is the only day, and it's surprisingly cold and windy. Seems like March came in like a lamb and is leaving like a roaring feral big cat. A wintry mix is forecast for the weekend and I'm glad the kids will already be on campus by then.

Because I haven't exercised and we've eaten out a lot this past week, my hypertension readings have risen. Alarming as it should be! I'm also returning to my previous schedule of taking the 100 mg of B3 separate from my other vitamins (taken right after exercise, washed down with a 30 mg protein beverage). I'm not seeing any bad side effects so far. 

The gym is relatively empty when I arrive and I haven't formalized exactly what I'm doing today other than cardio and a set of pull-ups. Cardio is fairly routine considering I haven't done anything even remotely aerobic in a week. Except, my left forearm starts to twinge and ache as I'm pedaling, which is weird because my hands are grasping the side handles in a relatively neutral position. That's the same spot that bothers me while doing pull-ups, and I stop at rep 15 because although I should be totally healed after a whole week, apparently this joint & tendon are not. I'll have to remember to rub some Penetrex into it before bed tonight.

The Seated Cable Row stations are empty so I immediately claim one. Realizing that today is the only day I'll be exercising, I decided that I can also do DB Shoulders immediately afterward. Because why not? It takes a lot for me to bail out of a workout due to fatigue. Yeah, I'll be exhausted tomorrow morning and not want to get out of bed, but today I'm good. I guess that's why that woman told me that she's so impressed with the fact that I just keep going. I tell her I get tired later. What I don't tell her is that I do a lot of sets and reps to make up for the heavier weights I could be pushing, but don't due to my glaucoma. 

I have a follow-up glaucoma appointment next week and I hope my pressures have remained in the low teens. My brother had his check-up and reported much lower IOPs than he's ever had, due to, he claims, a new supplement he found online. Otherwise, he'd be scheduled for SLTs. My brother believes that zebra fish (which only live 3 years) never suffer from eye diseases. I believe that they don't live long enough to develop them. He thinks they have some sort of magic eye biology. Ugh. The supplements are pricey and online reviews seem skeptical. There's nothing in the listed active ingredients except standard vitamins like A, B, C, zinc... He's convinced it's the other ingredients like spirulina, blueberry extract and lutein that's making all the difference. I remain skeptical. 

After pushing and pulling weights, I go to the Aerobics Room, which is freezing cold. There are a few people already there doing their own routines. I get all my "chores" done and am glad to shower and leave. The locker room has a flyer up announcing a new class for seniors that will begin next month, 3x a week starting at 11:30. It promises to incorporate cardio, stretching and strengthening (all the things I already do without needing to pay $50/mos in addition to the monthly fee). I wonder how popular it'll be because now I'm busy calculating how to avoid this new crowd of old people.

21 March 2024 11:20-1:31
Arctic Thursday after a week away

Precor elliptical #2
Program 3
Time: 30+5 (5824
Distance: 2.91
Cal: 327
Wildly Inaccurate Avg Hr: 168, 207 maximum
Fitbit: 56-158

HGPU 15 (left forearm)

Seated Cable Rows
50 lbs x 15
60 x 15
70 x 15 x 3

Incl DB Press s/s Lateral Raises s/s Rev Incline Flys
10 lbs x 25/15/25 warm up
15 lbs x 25/15/25
20/15/20 x 25/15/25 x 3 sets

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
20 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Arm rotations 20
Walking lunges 38 steps total
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 90s (!!!)

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