Monday, March 11, 2024

Sorting Out Effects

While reading about the different flavors of Sleepy Time tea that Celestial Seasonings offers, I discovered that a potential side effect of the super Sleepy Time with chamomile and valerian root might include mild headache and upset stomach. Hmmm. That sounds familiar. That dip in my blood pressure last week might've been due to the few days I took daily 100 mg doses of B3 (niacinamide). No doubt that 500 mg is too much, but I'm not having any ill effects from resuming this lower dosage. And my blood pressure has resumed its slow drop. 

It finally stopped raining and the sun came out, along with 50 mph winds, but my head/ears feel much better. The gym is crowded with more new faces. Ugh. I see a lot of pre-pandemic regulars too. Well, at least I can pedal the elliptical and get a set of pull-ups done. I have a fleeting thought about doing Seated Cable Rows but both stations are occupied with people I've never seen before. I guess Spring is the incentive to get into shape? 

I do my Core routine and either I'm so tired from losing an hour of sleep from "daylight savings" that I have no decent perception of time, or else this is getting too easy. Even Walking Lunges don't suck too bad but maybe that's because I got distracted by another regular who entered the Aerobics Room just to do Walking Lunges as well... Wall Squats still suck but not as bad as I remember. Maybe I need to graduate to 105 seconds? 

I'm excited that temps might hit 60F on my birthday on Thursday, but of course, I'm not at all looking forward to the biting insects that follow heavy rain and moderate temperatures. It's cold enough at night to warrant a fire so I did haul more firewood into the house. I saw a cool t-shirt online and it'd be wearable if it came in a V-neck, but alas, it does not. It describes exactly how I feel! 

Google is acting weird again and made me open this blog site in Chrome for me to upload my own damn photos. Because it wanted to install cookies on Firefox and I wouldn't let it. (Just the same way that Stop & Shop supermarkets offered me a chance to be on their customer advisory board, but insisted that I accept tracking cookies on my browser. Uh, that's a firm negative.) I guess Google's annoyed I'm using Firefox and Duck Duck Go. This happens every few months, and then, just as mysteriously, it all resolves and I can post as if nothing has happened or changed.

11 March 2024 11:51-1:08
Gale Winds Monday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30+5 (5868)
Distance: 2.92
Cal: 329
Avg Hr: 160, 186-76
Fitbit: 55-156

HGPU 18 (last 3 are halfway)

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
20 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Arm rotations 20
Walking lunges 38 steps total
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 90s (!!!)

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