Monday, March 4, 2024

After Effects

My husband and I went to dinner last night after watching a few silent films accompanied by live orchestral music. The show was a benefit for the Danbury Music Center and was held in the historic Palace Theater in Danbury, CT. While we were there, we saw posters for a William Shatner documentary and we marked that date in our calendar. 

My husband seems to have stopped drinking for the past two months and I am ever hopeful of repairing our relationship. Last year, my brother gave us several gift cards for fast casual dining, something we rarely do. But since we were in Connecticut last night, we decided to eat at Longhorn Steakhouse, only one of two restaurants out of five that I recognized. The other one was Olive Garden, and I'm not really a fan. Still, better than AppleBees. 

Granted, I know that there's a bucket of salt in fast food and maybe just as much in any restaurant meal. I ordered steak tips with mushrooms, a side of Brussels sprouts, and a mixed greens salad. There was soft warm bread on the table that definitely tasted like supermarket pop-in-the-oven rolls: distinct baking powder aftertaste. Bread has an enormous amount of sodium in it, but non-salt bread is disgusting and not worth eating. The steak tips arrive smothered in a wine gravy with submerged button mushrooms. 

The first bites were good, but the meat got chewier and overcooked as time went on. The gravy was so salty I started blotting the meat on a slab of bread. The Brussels sprouts had a bitter char on the outer leaves but were tasty enough once peeled. My husband fared so much better with a perfectly cooked rare ribeye steak, steamed broccoli, and asparagus. One gift card covered the bulk of it (we didn't order any beverages or dessert) so we were fairly happy (my brother gave us three).

I wake up this morning feeling like I've been run over by a train, and there are bags under my eyes. My sleeping habits haven't changed so I'm wondering if it was all the salt in last night's dinner. I'm also playing with the vitamin B3 since taking even the lesser 100 mg tablet has side effects: mild headache but a worse stomachache. I liken it to doing that weight-loss drug since nothing kills your appetite more than feeling a bit queasy. However, after several hours of not eating, the only thing that makes my stomach actually feel better is to eat a little something. I didn't take the B3 yesterday and my BP reading is higher than it's been for the past two days. My husband says it could be the salt. Yes, it could be. 

Or it could be both. I'm skipping the B3 today and taking my reading later tonight. Tomorrow I'll take the B3. It's a matter of eliminating all the variables, right? I have a glaucoma doc appointment on Wednesday and I'll ask her about what I've read about B3 and optic nerve repair. It's better to ask in person than over the phone since I never know if the message gets relayed, and I never get a callback. 

The gym is surprisingly quiet when I get there, but more crowded and noisy when the HS lets out. I feel really tired and it shows: I can't even make it to 2.9 today. Pull-ups are okay for the first dozen, and then they are hard. There are two many people in the free weight area and both Seated Cable Stations are occupied, so I skip that and move directly to the Aerobics Room. I get cold really fast (another symptom of fatigue) and put my hoodie back on by the time I get to push-ups. Walking Lunges and Wall Squats both suck today.

When I exit the Aerobics Room, one of the cable stations is free. Now's my chance to do a few rows since tomorrow I have a class, and on Wednesday I have the doc appointment. Best to get stuff out of the way. Seated across from me is a big, muscular dude. He's wearing a tank and all I can see are his arms and shoulders. Like me, he's very quiet controlling the weights and there's no slamming of plates. There's no noise at all and he's in and out like a ghost. I appreciate that and also always aim to do the same. Like I've said before, if you're slamming the weights, they're too heavy for you. 

I have noticed my biceps lately. Not that I've never had them since I have unusually big upper arms for a small woman. But adding the rows has definitely perked them up -- just a few pull-ups a week hasn't done anything for arms that I can see... Or maybe it's just me. 

At the front desk, there are little postcards advertising the Tri-State 100% natural bodybuilding competition. Oooh, I'd love to check that out. But of course, that's the same day as the William Shatner documentary. And as it turns out, we're not even going to be in the area because we'll be driving to Buffalo to see the total eclipse. Buffalo is directly in the viewing path, which starts in Texas and ends in Maine. My husband is eager to witness this since the next one won't be for another 20 years or so... I'm game. 

4 March 2024 11:45-1:15
Dreary Weary Monday & I woke up with bags under my eyes

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30+5 (5736)
Distance: 2.88
Cal: 322
Avg Hr: NA 146, 183-85?
Fitbit: 55-162


Both Seated Cable stations occupied. Ugh

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
20 Hip Bridges & 10 one-leg
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Arm rotations 20
Walking lunges 36 steps total
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 90s (!!!)

Seated Cable Rows
50 lbs x 15
60 x 12
70 x 12, 12, 15

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