Friday, November 17, 2023

Interval Program Today

I'm not usually sore after the DB Shoulder routine, especially since I only did 2 sets with the heavier 20-pounders. I've done more in the past. Of course, I was younger then. Not that I'm really old, but I'm always taken aback when I see people's photos in the newspaper or speak to folks and find out how old they really are. It's always a lot younger than I thought! People just don't seem to be aging well, or maybe it's just the criminals in the local news? Is it hard living or genetics? Today, I note that my upper back seems a little stiff, but I feel the delts when I'm in the Stretch Cage as I stretch before pull-ups. And pull-ups are hard today.

I was worried about disappointing myself on the elliptical and I did get to the gym late. Again. Surprisingly, the gym is really quiet for a Friday! I can't spend all day exercising so I cut my cardio down to 20 minutes (plus 5 min cool down) and give myself a mental and physical break by selecting the Intervals program. The default settings for Intervals is trough = 4 elevation and 1 resistance, then hill = 10 elevation and 8 resistance. 

The 8 is too hard on my joints, especially my knees so I knock that down to 4, and later, when pedaling backward and feeling my hamstrings, down to 3. The cooldown defaults to whatever elevation was set last with a resistance of 1. I always do my "cooldowns" at an elevation of 7 with a 1 resistance. It's no different today, and I'm pedaling at 170 with spurts up to 236 SPMs. Which is quite different from the troughs where I try to keep myself under 130, and the hills where the goal is to pedal above 150 and more consistently at 176. Because the program doesn't provide for backward pedaling, I change directions halfway through. I can feel my hamstrings at the higher elevation but the sartorius muscle seems fine. It's a good workout and I'm thoroughly warmed up.

I cut another 10 reps from Crunches during the Core routine but everything else is routine. Except for Wall Squats. Because I can't hold the position for 90 seconds. It's probably the Walking Lunges across the Aerobics Room. When I exit, I give a brief thought to a second round of pull-ups, but honestly, I'm done for the day. And the delts are tired anyway. Next week is Thanksgiving and my kid comes back from school on Tuesday. So, I'll probably get a day or two of exercise next week. Probably.

17 November 2023 11:42-12:58
Sunny Friday

Precor elliptical #1
Program Intervals
Time: 20+5 (3734)
Distance: 2.02
Cal: 221
Avg Hr: 139, 200-83


20 Hip Bridges
Crunches 40
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5 alt/ss = 100
20 Hip Bridges
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper stretch w side bends & twists
Walking lunges 41 steps total
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 60s

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