Monday, July 29, 2019

Maybe My Sister Was Right

Because I'm a bit obsessive and like to research things I'm interested in ad infinitum, I've been watching a lot of different YouTube videos on the Myers Briggs personality types, as well as reading online articles. My sister surprised me by telling me that she knew for sure I wasn't an INFJ, but an INTJ -- the more logical and analytical type.

She's not wrong, but I think I waffle between the two depending on my situation. I'm definitely sensitive to people's negative energy and find myself being "psychic" by reading body language and expression to know what they need. But only for people I'm emotionally attached to.

As someone who has always felt like the perpetual outsider, it's been a tremendous relief to finally find my tribe. This doesn't really change who I am, or how I approach things, but I'm less anxious about my decisions now. Weird, right?

I had a good interview on Friday, or at least I think I did. Here's my INFJ type trying to "people-please." Where I run into trouble is the required online employment survey I take over the weekend. It's designed to suss out what kind of employee you'd be. I suppose I should've just answered the multiple-choice questionnaire with the obvious correct answers, but part of me overthinks and wonders if there's a more nuanced distinction between asking if someone should be fired for stealing $5 worth of goods vs $10 vs $20.

The answer should probably be "Yes, fire their ass for any infraction." But instead, I think "Well, $5 is like milk or candy or a box of cookies, so I think they should get a warning and some sort of probation, but not fired." It's probably the wrong way to think so I've most likely failed this survey. If I answered "Yes fire them no matter what" does that read as being disingenuous, as someone who knows the right answer to pass the survey but might not be totally trustworthy?

See what I mean about overthinking? We'll see if I get a call-back for a second interview. If I get this job, I'd still be able to work out at the gym, and I'd still be able to take my kid to school and all his activities. I have my fingers crossed.

My son is already awake when I get up which surprises me because he went to bed after I did. Which means he barely got any sleep. He eats two bowls of cereal before we leave for the gym, but I know he's going to be really tired. And cranky. I do my HIIT cardio while he plods along. At some point, his phone's battery runs down and he's not able to watch videos anymore. That makes the 20 minutes on the Step Mill an interminable bore for him. But he plods along.

As tired as he is, he's still able to do his pullups, pushups, core exercises as well as the Smith Incline Press and Seated Cable Rows. Those last two movements make his forearms sore and he declines to do anything further with weights. I don't blame him, and I don't push him. However, next time I'll bring my hoodie if just to drape over the bench. I used a towel today and suffered a mild pink abrasion on the back of my right shoulder blade while I did my high-rep sets. Even though my skin is rough and extremely dry, it's also very sensitive and somewhat delicate. (No wonder I got scabs on my tailbone when I did situps. I don't do those anymore!)

I plan to take him to see The Lion King tomorrow. Hopefully, it won't be too crowded for the noon showing. I've heard the CGI isn't able to make the animals very engaging because, well, real animals just don't have those expressive facial muscles. I guess we'll find out. I'm easily entertained though. I liked MIB 4 after all and it wasn't a great movie, but I laughed.

Monday Combo

Norwegian 4x4
5 min w/u (4 min on / 3 min off) x 4
5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30, 33
Calories 287
Miles 2.63
HR 127-190 (78, 83)

Cage Stretch
Child 8
Child Push Ups 30

Crunches Legs Up 50
Bicycles 50
Crunches knees bent 50
Horizontal Scissors 50
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s

Smith Inclined Press with Child
Bar (30) x 12
50 x 12
Child 70 x 12, 12, 12
70 x 25, 25,25

Cable Rows
70lbs x 12
85 x 12, 12, 12

20 Step Mill
Level 3
Calories 113
Total steps 714
Floors 44
HR 127

Mat Stretch

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