Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hair of the Dog

The phrase "hair of the dog" is fully realized as "the cure is the hair of the dog that bit you" and is derived from the Middle Ages when folks believed that being bit by a rabid dog was cured by rubbing said dog's fur onto the wound. I'll bet no one actually got cured. Yet, as early as 1546, the phrase was used to denote a hangover cure made from more alcohol. (It's probably how you encountered the rabid dog to begin with.) For my purposes, the hair of the dog means more heart-pounding exercise to relieve the stiffness from mild DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness).

Today's cure for yesterday's workout is an intense 12 rounds of kickboxing the Nexersys machine. I'm very conscientious about doing a proper warmup before I get down to business. Again, temps are slated to rise into the 90s with little relief from the humidity until the remnants of Tropical Storm Barry pass through. I easily bust a sweat by round 3 Beginner level. I consider 7 rounds a good, solid warmup. The moves are very basic (cross, jab, dig, body, kick) although the pace is erratic -- the machine is old and needs a lot of maintenance with parts that don't seem to exist anymore. The Nexersys company wants to sell you new equipment, not service old, discontinued models.

I'm wearing gym shoes that have ridiculously long laces in spite of double-knotting them. The floppy laces are distracting so I tuck them into the criss-cross over the sneaker tongues. My bangs were too long and kept falling into my eyes. Too annoying. I cut them off this morning and once again, I look a bit like a 5-year old who's gotten a hold of a pair of scissors. Oh well. At least they're not in my face anymore!

It's been 6 weeks since I last whacked the kickboxing machine so I've forgotten the moves and combinations that comprise the Intermediate level rounds. I only do 5 rounds because I'm out of practice and feel a bit unconditioned! By the third round, I'm drenched and breathing hard. I also miss a few blows because the sagging Cross pad (opposite my left side) partially blocks the screen. The glare from the big windows behind me doesn't help either. After 12 rounds, I'm as sodden as a drowned rat. My lower back hasn't bothered me at all during this session, and I try to get a good mat stretch in before I dry off, stiffen up and lose my flexibility.

When I get home, I look online for milkweed seeds or seedlings. Monarch Watch seems to be a reliable organization and their Milkweed Market sells seedlings as well. There's no way to know how much those voracious little caterpillars in my yard will need to eat before pupating. A caveat on the page for ordering actual caterpillars states that they will need about 18" of milkweed to pupate. Hmmm. I wonder how I'm supposed to figure out how many leaves that equals and if this means common or swamp since the swamp milkweeds have thin, narrow leaves. (All my swamp milkweed have been stripped bare, flowers and all, so there'll be no seed pods either.)

I only have one common milkweed with thick broad leaves, but there are several plants down the road by the intersection. It's regularly whacked by the town mower so I've not seen any in bloom there for several years. But since milkweeds are perennials, there always seem to be a few plants in the damp shade. Milkweeds don't like being transplanted as their deep taproots are extremely sensitive. I've uprooted a few small plants to feed my caterpillars. Tomorrow I'm going to purchase some rooting hormone and see if I can't establish a sanctuary spot in my yard. I hope I still have caterpillars tomorrow.

I still have plans to do HIIT cardio and a Push Day routine. And Friday will still be a Cardio Plus Day. Because I can. 

Whacking Wednesday

10 min x-trainer

Calories 93
Miles 0.83
HR 151-186 (145)

T, Y & I Raises
5lbs x 15 x 2

Mid-Band Pulls 15
High-Band Pulls 15
Cage Stretch

Nexersys FM
Beginner 7r
Intermediate 5r

Quick Mat Stretch

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