Friday, July 19, 2019

Every New Opportunity

I got to the gym by early afternoon after I had spent a few hours shopping for a variety of items: rooting hormone, drain cleaner, a big bag of potting soil, Scotchgard, a new kitchen faucet with a dish detergent dispenser. Luckily, Big Box stores pretty much carry everything; it's just a matter of asking every third person with an orange apron as to where an item might be located. Because sometimes the item you're looking for has been relocated but no one has informed the staff. Everyone is super nice though.

I leave everything in my car when I go workout because the gym is halfway between home and the stores. I also have to change into gym clothes because like I've mentioned before, I'm not comfortable running about shopping in anything except street clothes. Yeah, I'm old-fashion like that. The gym is virtually empty. Not even sleepy teenagers! This weekend promises an unpleasant heat-wave where temps climb over 90F and stay there. Ugh. Which means the gym is really humid in spite of the a/c. Still, I'm perfectly happy to do my workout without crowds.

I see a few regulars and they don't bother me. I'm known as the "girl who doesn't talk to anyone," or at least that's what B has told me in the past. Although I'm civil, I don't talk to B anymore. It's true: I'm hard to get close to but I'm loyal to a fault. If I'm your friend, you can call me at 3 am and I will talk you down from the ledge. I will carry your secrets, care for your pets, remember your holidays. Until you wrong me. Usually more than once. And then, well, you're dead to me. And now I don't feel guilty about being that way. It's just the way I am.

Have I mentioned that I don't like crowds? That I'm ridiculously sensitive to my surroundings whether it's temperature or just the vibe of the room? That I find small talk at the gym a waste of time and energy? That I've often called myself a chameleon because I easily pick up and mimic accents if I'm immersed for just a short time? That I'm a compulsive perfectionist but also a realist who overthinks every situation and will consequently talk myself out of all sorts of opportunities.

Let me explain why I'm rambling. A few days ago I applied for an online position (editing and research) and part of the application included taking the Briggs Myers questionnaire. I'd filled it out once before, in college, when a friend was taking a psych class. The results puzzled her because what she knew about me didn't correlate to what the test told her. I wish I could remember what those results were, but it was damn near 40 years ago. The results of this recent test are a lot less puzzling: INFJ. (I also just realized that readers of my blog might not see the links I've posted since I switched design formats. Ugh! On my end, the links are underlined, but may not be in actuality. I'm actually going to fix that right now.)

I look it up and find several YouTube videos explaining and differentiating between the 16 different Myers-Briggs personality types. I found myself laughing aloud and nodding my head vigorously. I've finally found people who understand me. This makes me inexplicably happy and I feel lighter. Is it weird not to feel so weird anymore? Do I live in my head? Absolutely. That's why it's taken me over 2 hours just to put this blog post together. Seriously.

I felt light enough to actually fill out an application at the local pharmacy: they're looking to fill a few positions and what's the worst that could happen? That they say "Sorry"? I'm okay with it. I'm not sure why. Normally I'd actually examine every scenario (in my head, naturally) to its conclusion and save myself the trouble of being rejected. I don't know how this is going to turn out. It's an experiment of sorts. And, of course, I'm taking notes.

This angle makes my legs
look long! Lol!
My gym workout was pretty good. Three sets of cardio, two sets of hammer-grip pullups (because I did a set yesterday and last night my right elbow hurt), all my core exercises, plus walking lunges and seated leg curls. Sweat is streaming off me so I'm glad I brought a hand towel to keep from being too gross. My stomach growls during minute 13 of cross-trainer pedaling, and my nostrils have the sensation you get when you've been dunked in the pool. My lips taste like the ocean. I don't actually feel sore either, or at least not until I get home and try walking up the stairs. Oh well...

Yesterday, I also discovered these amazing Croatian cellists. My son turned me on to Lindsey Stirling (Roundtable Revival is one of my favorite videos of hers), and 2Cellos was in the suggested column. It doesn't hurt that they're so passionate when they play, and also kind of hunky. Seriously, when you hear the word "cellist" don't you think of a dowdy, bespectacled person in a tux?

Another Blazing Cardio Friday

30 min elliptical + 5cd
Program 3
Miles 2.87
Calories 319
HR 145-198 (97, 86)

Cage Stretch

Crunches 50/50
Leg horizontal scissors 50
Bicycles 50
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s

20 Step Mill
Level 3
Calories 114
Total steps 720
Floors 45
HR 131


Walking Lunges
28 x 2 = 56 steps

15 x-trainer
Manual level 1
Miles 1.57
Calories 117
HR? 127-140 (97)

2:1 Seated Leg Curls
15lbs x 12
30 x 12, 12, 12

Quick Stretch

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