I still had to drag my son out of bed to hit the gym today. He fell asleep on the ride and yawned periodically throughout our workout. Maybe he's getting taller? My husband and I theorize that kids have greater sleep needs when they're doing that growth spurt thing. (I'll have to measure his height at the end of the summer.) I did HIIT cardio and he merely pedaled on the elliptical. At least he was moving. I had him cross his legs and try to keep his torso rigid while doing pull-ups, telling him that even if he only does five, that'll be great. He manages to squeeze out 8, but the last rep was a struggle. I know the feeling. He knocks out his pushups, but I can tell he's not feeling very strong. (I'll let him sleep in tomorrow since he's got a pool playdate in the afternoon.)
Core is easy but I wish he would stop being so exuberant with his crunches. I'm worried he's hurting his neck but no matter what I tell him, he refuses to soften the movement. I've never seen crunches performed this violently before. Back in the weight room, the Smith is vacant so we do Inclined Presses. I do my three sets of 25 at 70 lbs while he struggles with fewer repetitions. This is hard for him. But he's in better shape than I was at his age.
I remember how disappointed my father was that summer when he decided (at my mother's insistence) to teach his kids some martial art techniques. We struggled to do just ten push-ups and ten sit-ups, but we all made it to yellow belt. However, my father lost interest in teaching us when my sister's classmate showed more promise. She was a lot bigger and more athletic than all of us put together because she hadn't been raised to spend her childhood studying quietly. I don't know whatever happened to her, but she didn't continue with martial arts either. My father did tell me that if I worked hard (due to my innate flexibility) I'd probably be able to achieve a black belt in 18 months. But as a teenager, studying under my father was the last thing I wanted to do, so that never happened.
We do a few sets of Seated Cable Rows. My son is still perplexed by it because he's used to rowing on the erg machine where your legs push your body back as you row. Then we move to the other side where the Lat Pull Down station is and I change out the bar for a neutral close grip handle. Again, he's still learning where his muscles are and how they work. And I've been doing this for years, so of course, I pull heavier weight for more reps.

Thankfully, she leaves before my son and I are ready to put our mats away. I see a few regulars in the gym like Maroon, Stinky Butt, and Crunchy Granola. The sun is blazing outside. I'm glad my car a/c works.
July 10 Wednesday Combo
Norwegian 4x4
5 min w/u (4 min on / 3 min off) x 4
5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30, 33
Calories 293
Miles 2.67
HR 134-186 (97)
Cage Stretch
Child 8
Child Push Ups 30
Crunches Legs Up 40
Bicycles 50
Crunches knees bent 50
Horizontal Scissors 50
Side Planks 2 x 60s
Bird Dogs 2 x 60s
Smith Inclined Press
Bar (30) x 12
50 x 12
Child 70 x 10, 8
70 x 25, 25, 25
Cable Rows
70lbs x 12 x 3
Lat Pull Downs
Child 60 x 12
85 x 12
Ch 85 x 12 x 2
100 x 12
115 x 12
15 Step Mill
Level 3
Calories 116
Total steps 741
Floors 46
HR 133
Mat Stretch
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