Friday, February 15, 2019

Whacking Yourself Happy

Whacking the Nexersys kickboxing machine using the Follow Me program is akin to meditation, although it's far from restful. It does, however, force you to be "in the moment." If you let your mind wander, you'll miss the blows or combination of strikes the machine calls for in each round. You can't look around either. No, it's best to keep your sight focused straight ahead because some combinations arrive at lightning speed. Most of the time you'll lunge back and forth to execute the jab, cross, knee to the body, power hook and lead elbow.

The first few Beginner rounds will serve as a warm-up although you probably won't get sweaty until the 5th round. The maximum number of rounds anyone is allowed to do is 7, according to the small paper sign affixed to the bottom of the monitor. It's an arbitrary gym rule designed to allow fair use and access. But I haven't seen anyone on this piece of equipment, except me. After 7 Beginner rounds, I towel my face, shake out my arms and hands, and sip more water. I don't see anyone waiting to use the Nexersys so I proceed to tap in 7 more rounds but at the Intermediate level.

The machine is finicky and has definitely seen better days. During the Beginner rounds, the screen went dark 4 times, sometimes even without me actually effecting a strike. I get the Hitting Too Hard warning screen only once though. The screen never goes black for the 7 Intermediate rounds, but it also doesn't always register a Lead Sweep or Kick. Three rounds into Intermediate and my lungs are burning. Wow, am I out of shape!

During round 5, I find myself happy that there's only two more to go. It's the quirky combinations. If the program goes haywire and throws odd sequences at me non-stop, then I get a bit confused and don't necessarily make all the strikes, not that I don't try. But the erratic sequencing is quite exhausting. Normally, the program paces its blows and kicks in a rhythmic fashion. It's slower for Beginner rounds and appropriately quicker in the Intermediate and Advance levels. But this machine is old and beat-up, with parts and computer sensors that need replacing but aren't manufactured anymore. It's a dinosaur.

Behind me, I can hear someone punching the heavy bag. People are chatting beside the calf raise platform and leg press machine and I tap my earbuds to raise the volume. I don't want to hear B discussing whether she's jealous or not with her new gym hubby. When I'm whacking the Nexersys, I'm not really thinking about anything. I'm focused on executing the strikes properly and not hurting my hands or toes in the process. Today, my left foot takes a beating, especially a few of my smaller toes. No wonder the nails look a tad discolored. Ugh.

I'm still able to knock out hammer grip pull ups when I'm done, but my right elbow is sensitive. Back in the car, I swallow vitamins with my 16 gm protein RTD. At least I'm not hungry anymore. And I feel calm and clear-headed, like I've been meditating. I've tried meditation at home. I always fall asleep, probably because I need more sleep. For the moment though, I'm happy.

Rainy Friday

10 min elliptical
Calories 93
Miles 0.82
HR 155-187 (87)

T, Y & I Raises
5lbs x 15 x 2

Mid Band Pulls 15
High Band Pulls 15

Nexersys FM
Beginner 7r
Intermediate 7r

Cage Stretch

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