Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Feeling Yesterday

The automated call came at 4:45 am announcing that school had been cancelled due to icy roads. My hubs still had to go to La Guardia for work, and later to Boston. My son actually got up before I did and went out to our unheated garage to pedal on the elliptical for 30 minutes. He says his arms still ache from Sunday's workout with my hubs, but that hasn't stopped him from video gaming. I, on the other hand, definitely feel my Pull Day with some stiffness in my lower back. Weirdly, I also feel my lower abdominal sides, which is probably from those few sets of One-Arm Seated Cable Rows. Glad to know that the exercise actually worked those muscles! 

Of course, what concerned me the most this morning was the deep yellow hue to my pee. At first I got paranoid, wondering if the lower back stiffness was in any ways kidney-related. But after the morning cup of coffee and subsequent bathroom time, I finally remembered that I'd made roasted beets for supper last night. I knew beets can make your poop purple. I'd just forgotten they also discolor your pee as well. My hubs swears by the instant powdered Superbeets® that he mixes with water and drinks every morning. I've tried that once or twice. It's mild tasting, but I can't say I feel any better because of it. My hubs says you have to let it build up in your system before you feel any effects. It's suppose to improve energy levels and your heart health. I'm not quite sure I believe it although the internet positively overflows with websites calling beets a super food. Hmmm...

I had added the beets to the salad along with avocado chunks, carrots and baby spinach leaves. I've never cooked beets before and relied on a Bobby Flay technique: wash and trim beets, coat in olive oil, wrap in tin foil and place on baking sheet, bake at 375F for 40 minutes. Peel and slice when cooled. Next time I'm going to try a different technique that calls for peeling the raw veggies first, then coating with olive oil, salt & pepper and thyme, and roasting in a pan. My hubs and I both like beets, but my son left his behind on the plate. Oh well...

We got a few inches of really wet snow, so I mostly swept the walkway and shoveled around my car. Then salted everything because it's dropping to 9F tonight. I'm sure there's going to be a lot of icy spots. I still plan to hit the gym though. I'd like to whack the machine and get myself loosened up. Today, I read that the Mayo Clinic recommends a workout include 5 elements. Click here to access the Run Hundred website which lets you sample music by BPM (beats per min) tempo. It's run by Chris Lawson, a music DJ who is also into fitness and puts together cardio playlists.

I'm just pleased that my routines seem to incorporate all 5 elements. Not quite sure about the balance part. Maybe I should toss Pistol Squats back into the mix?

1 comment:

  1. It was 8* here yesterday morning, so I can sympathize. At least we missed out on the precip that was scheduled to hit us.

    The cold is really hitting DH's and my joint pains hard. We wanted to lift last night, but it was below freezing in the garage, and we just hurt.

    Looks like my current training incorporates 3/5 of the Mayo ideal. And if I make it back on the bike, it'll be 4/5.

    Gonna be a busy weekend for us, cutting more wood. Then next week time to finish the new gravel pad for the new wood, and to split all that we cut and bring home.


Five Days Off But Not a Vacation

I finally made it to the gym today, although a lot later than usual. I had a horribly stressful morning, with driving gingerly after last ni...