Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Recovery Doesn't Feel Like It

I skipped the gym yesterday because I had too many errands to do with my son in tow. The big trip was down to the Scout Shop to purchase a new shirt for him. I can't get the glue off his old shirt which he'll most likely outgrow by next year. Unfortunately, the next size up is an Adult Small. Whatever happened to Youth XL? The new shirt comes to his knees and he'll have to tuck all that extra fabric inside his pants. Oh boy... Can't wait for us to sew on his new Boy Scout patches. I'm kidding. I hate sewing. The old Cub Scout ones are all tucked away in his sock drawer.

My dog ruptured his ACL over a week ago, but he's getting around, although he can't climb into the bay window anymore. I put folding tables on the futon he normally climbs up on to keep him off. And I've stopped stocking the bird feeder because it's just torture for him to know that the squirrels and/or feral cats are lurking under the feeder, and he can't get into the window to bark at them. So seed, no birds, no squirrels and/or cats. The vet suggested several surgical options but only recommended one called TTA(Tibial Tuberosity Advancement).

From the website: Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) requires a linear cut along the front of the shin (tibia) bone. The front of the tibia, called the ‘tibial tuberosity’ is advanced forward until the attachment of the quadriceps is oriented approximately 90 degrees to the tibial plateau. This is another way to accomplish the same mechanical advantage offered by the TPLO that renders the knee more stable in the absence of the CrCL. The TTA and TPLO share similar advantages and disadvantages. Similar to the TPLO, the cut in the bone is stabilized by the use of a specifically designed bridging bone plate and screws. The decision between TPLO and TTA is based purely on the opinion of your surgeon and their personal technical experience. To date, no published data supports one technique being superior to the other.

Of course, there is always the option of just letting the dog limp around with his injury. He's on a daily dose of Metacam (a NSAID for dogs), and joint supplements. Because the recommended treatment doesn't repair the ruptured ligament. Instead, they change the angle of the damaged area of the tibia. I'm not quite sure how this stabilizes the knee joint. But the dog is suppose to be able to regain use of his leg with this. Doing internet research reveals information that suggests non-surgical care may be another option, especially since our dog is 13 and is finally just recovering from his "traumatic" trip to the vet. Having to take him thrice weekly for post-surgical rehab is going to make him a wreck. Check out here.

I don't really have any symptoms from my three-week bout with sinusitis, but I seem to have a lingering headache I can't explain and my right ear is plugged most of the time. It's very annoying. I'm also really tired. And that's unusual for me, although I seem to recall a similar effect the last time I was laid low. Apparently, recovery is a lot more than just the cessation of symptoms. Today I do my two 30-minute sessions of cardio, but I don't kill myself to make time. My head still hurts intermittently. I get a pain inside my sternum while pedaling the Life Fitness Cross-trainer and I don't like how high my heart rate is. Yes, I'm worried that my BP is too high as well, but there's no accurate way for me to check other than the unreliable monitor on the cardio machines.

The dramatic changes in temperature and humidity have me scratching like a snake trying to molt. I'm not warmed up enough to sweat while I pedal the Cross-trainer, and it's torture. I want to rip my skin off because of the pin-prick itchiness all over my back, arms, legs. It's a relief when perspiration finally trickles down my face because that moisture quenches the burning sensation. I know, my nerves and skin are all messed up. I was like this as a child too. Made my mother crazy because I wouldn't, couldn't wear anything scratchy, or too hot, or too rough. Which basically meant anything with lace or mesh under the skirts to make them fluff out. Nope, no girly-girl clothes for me!

I do pull ups and push ups, crunches and a plank. The plank is a lot harder than I remember, but I haven't done them in a long time. The pull ups would be easier if I started with sets of 15 instead of sticking to 21 reps. And push ups? Well, my first set was 100. And I only had time for one more set. I made it to 80. I suppose I could've really pushed myself to 100, but that takes time. And with a 2-hr limit in the child care room, which includes changing and showering time, well... I just don't have the luxury of time this week.

Besides, I have plans to take my son to the movies today. Today is $5 Tuesday and two movies are playing that we want to see: Dead Pool, and Zootopia. And we see both of them. We'd see both of them again, although I was a bit surprised that the Disney movie, Zootopia made references to Breaking Bad. After all, Dead Pool is the flick with the R-rating! But they were both really good, extremely entertaining in completely different ways, and I laughed during both of them. So did my son. Although he did shield his eyes during the gratuitous nudity scenes.

Tomorrow I'm going to whack the machine, and then take my son to lunch with a friend of mine. We'll both be celebrating our birthdays this month. Mine was last week. Hers was a few days ago. At least my sciatica has been fairly quiet. We'll see how it reacts to kickboxing tomorrow.

Tuesday Workout
(5.84 miles cardio)

Steady State
Calorie :   127 CAL
Distance: 3.4 mile
Speed :    6.78 mph
Duration : 00:30:00
Set 1 : 112x21
Set 1 : 100 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 00:01:30
Set 1 : 80 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 50 Lap/Rep
Calorie :   268 CAL
Distance: 2.42 mile
Duration : 00:30:00
Set 1 : 112x21

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