Monday, October 26, 2015

The Best-Laid Plans

I got up this morning, took an omeprazole pill with some water (which didn't sit well), fed and walked the dog, got my son up, dressed and fed before walking down to the school bus while it was a nippy 34°F. I had some green tea for caffeine, but no coffee since I can't drink it black and I'm due to see the doc for my annual at 11 am. But that's enough time to do part of a workout so off to the gym I go. 30 min on the elliptical, stretch the hamstrings, knock out most of my push ups and planks before time is up. I don't have time to do the One-Leg Push Ups. Oh well. I still have to change and shower and drive to my appointment. The scale says 108.2 lb which really surprises me considering I've actually been snacking a lot over the weekend. I even manage to have a small glass of sangria without repercussions.

The doc tells me it sounds an awful lot like my gallbladder, and reminds me that in 2012 I'd had an ultrasound showing some small gallstones. This explains my inability to eat fast food: I can't process the fat in it. Everything else is good, my BP is a weird 112/80 which is pretty damn close to what it was in HS (110/70). She's concerned about my weight loss though. That part doesn't really bother me. She sends me down the hall for a STAT ultrasound to see if my gallbladder is inflamed. If it is, I have to have surgery right away. What?! It's a good thing I haven't eaten since last night. The ultrasound takes a surprisingly long time because there are images of aorta, liver, stomach, pancreas and gallbladder, although it all looks like grainy black and white undersea footage from the '50s.

I go back to the doc's office and wait. She tells me that the report says my gallbladder appears normal. So no urgent surgical needs. She wants to see the blood work because elevated liver enzymes indicate gallbladder in spite of the ultrasound. It doesn't explain the odd soreness all along my right side, or why I feel pressure in my throat when the ultrasound tech presses on a certain spot on my liver. My doc says after the lab work she'll have a better idea of how to proceed, but she's leaning towards an endoscopy to see just what the heck is going on in there. Oh jeeze.

I'm not feeling great because I haven't eaten since last night but I have a few errands to run first. I stop at the bank, and then the tailor to drop off some clothes that need repair. It's 2:30 pm and there's a lot of traffic and especially school buses from the local high school and middle school. I wait to make a left turn onto a secondary road. A car at the stop sign on the secondary road is directly perpendicular to me, also waiting to make a left. I have right of way and I turn when it's clear. And he turns and hits my car. And keeps driving!
Door panel and wheel well
Inside door frame

Two different guys in different trucks tell me that they saw the whole thing. I pull over onto the shoulder and put my flashers on. I'm fuming so I get out of my car and start pacing, and cursing. A guy trails the other vehicle and makes him come back to the scene of the accident. It's a tiny old man with inch thick glasses, and good god, a walker. He looks like Moleman from the Simpsons. He had no idea he's hit me. Didn't see me. I'm incredulous. The "helpful" witness is a tad creepy, trying to "console" me by trying to hug me and pet my hair. I'm not a Yorkie! He reminds me of a chubbier, smoking Kripke from Big Bang Theory. And just as creepy. Yep. I text my husband and call the police to send an officer because I need a police report for insurance purposes.

Looks better than the other guy
Rear bumper out of alignment
My car has damage to the door panel, door frame and rear bumper. The other guy has smashed his headlamp and front bumper. He didn't know he hit me? He's 89 yrs old, and I hate taking away people's freedoms, but he shouldn't be driving. It was a bright sunny afternoon with good road conditions, and good visibility. I've seen Seniors drive through red lights, drive into the Exit Only, and one guy tried to PASS MY NEIGHBOR ON THE LEFT, WHILE SHE WAS MAKING A LEFT INTO A DRIVEWAY. And he's still on the road after he t-boned her car this summer.

When I get home I'm on the phone with the insurance company and then I have to meet the school bus. I only manage to eat the soothing yogurt and maple syrup after 4 pm. And then I make kale and pork for dinner. I saw a crock pot recipe for boneless pork roast that actually turned out pretty good: 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1/2 cup water, sliced onions under and atop the pork roast that's been pan-seared. Cook on low for 8-10 hours. Add carrots for the last hour. It's fork tender and tasty after 11 hours. I make my own BBQ sauce with ketchup, molasses and a touch of apple cider vinegar.

Now if only my abs would stop being sore. I'm tired of not being able to do pull ups, especially since I got so good at them! Tomorrow is whack the machine day, and I'm soooo looking forward to it.

Monday Abbreviated Workout

Perf Prgm1
Calorie :   294 CAL
Distance: 2.59 mile
Duration : 00:30:05
Set 1 : 100 Lap/Rep
Straight : 00:00:30
Elbow : 00:00:30
Straight : 00:00:30
Elbow : 00:00:30
Set 1 : 45 Lap/Rep
Bird Dog
Left : 00:00:30
Right : 00:00:30
Left : 00:00:30
Right : 00:00:30
Set 1 : 45 Lap/Rep
Elbow left : 00:00:30
Elbow right : 00:00:30
Straight left : 00:00:30
Straight right : 00:00:30


  1. Hmm I am glad your doc is on top of your GB issues. Mine was gangrenous when they took it out. I only had ever had 2 attacks, and the second one put me in the hospital for a week (surgery ten days after release from hospital.) Surgery is no fun, but every day is a happy day without your gallbladder! Hope they figure out your issue asap.


High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...