Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday the 13th

Me at 55. Or almost.
Today is Friday. The 13th of March. Tomorrow is my 55th birthday. Egads. The 15th is the Ides of March, famous for Caesar's assassination. I'm happy that it's at least sunny even if temps have dipped back into the 30s. I'm less happy that the massive potholes haven't been fixed yet. Instead, traffic comes to a crawl as cars and trucks pick their way through what looks like minefield craters in the asphalt. There's the very unhelpful road work sign specifying "rough road" ahead. Oh, really? Grrrr. But this is just weather. What's more annoying are the distracted drivers. I'm sitting in my car in the parking lot, checking my phone because I never look at it while driving, when a car pulls in in front of me. The driver eventually exits the car which is only barely in a spot. It's a middle-age woman with unnaturally-poised hair, large glittery sunglasses, skin tight jacket and jeans, and an oversized pink cell phone in her hand. She's laughing as she stumbles toward the strip mall. Before I saw her, I was all set to blame the elderly or the immature. Maybe I should blame menopause?
Who parks like this?

There's also a lot of car carriers on the road today. I got sandwiched between two, and another passed us in going the opposite direction, all with brand new vehicles wrapped in white plastic. I guess Spring is really here. Today is Leg Day but I've decided that I'd really like to fit back into my clothes so I get on the LifeFitness Cross-trainer for 30 minutes. Then I get on the Precor elliptical for 30 minutes. Eventually I get to the Smith machine where I realize that it's been shifted back. This means that the marks in the rubber flooring that I use to position my feet are in the wrong places. Once I adjust myself, squats are much better.
The parking lot was so crowded when I got to the gym it looked like someone was giving away free money. Then as soon as 11 o'clock came around, everyone left and the gym was fairly empty. Nice. An old skinny guy seems to be watching me from across the gym, stretching out on the Mats. Eventually he comes over to the free weight area, and like an idiot, he sets his bench barely a foot from the Smith. Which makes it impossible for me to swap plates because he's swinging his arms with DBs like a looney. I stand there for a moment when he realizes he should move his bench over another foot or two. I like it when I don't have to say anything. But honestly, most people are completely clueless as to what's around them, or how they impact their surroundings.

The Squats feel much better than they have in the past. Maybe because I've already decided not to do SLDLs or Split Squats today. But GHRs stay in the routine. And then some abs before the Mat is free and I can knock out some Dive Bomber Push Ups, and a few Pistol Squats. I'm going to revise my workouts a little, just because I want to fit into my clothes this Spring and Summer. 

Friday the 13th Workout
(6.43 miles total; 8,725 lbs moved)

Calorie :   150 CAL
Distance: 3.89 mile
Speed :    7.73 mph
Duration : 00:30:11
Calorie :   286 CAL
Distance: 2.54 mile
Duration : 00:30:19
Set 1 : 30x12
Set 2 : 80x12
Set 3 : 120x12
Set 4 : 140x12
Set 5 : 160x12
Set 6 : 130x12

Set 1 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 3 : 12 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 100 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 20 Lap/Rep
Set 2 : 20 Lap/Rep
Set 1 : 115x7

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High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...