Thursday, November 21, 2013

Slacker Leg Day

I took yesterday off and actually stayed in bed reading until it was damn near noon. I'd already had my coffee and oatmeal, although I did soup it up a bit by adding a scoop of whey powder to it, figuring it would hold me until I'd gotten all my errands done. I even took a half dose of pseudoephedrine and drank a lot of herbal tea. Today I feel better, although I'm still blowing snot out of my head. And instead of staying home, because I had to drive my son to school for his extra gym class anyway, I packed all my gym gear, put on my gym clothes and went to work out.

I'm still sick so I figure I'd do a slacker Leg Day routine but I tend to make that up as I go. I toy with only doing one cardio session but because the first one felt pretty good, I opt to do number two as well. I don't pull great mileage, but it's still over eight, and that makes me really happy. If I had to leave the gym suddenly at this point, say due to a call from the school nurse, or because the power grid failed throughout the entire Northeast (hey, it's happened), well, I can say, at least I got this done. The Smith machine is free and that makes me happier.

I remember that I was going to video the speed squats so I put my cell on the floor in front of the Smith. When I review the footage for speed squat sets one and two, I realize that the overhead lights are causing a glare problem. By the time I've done regular squats, I've figured out that I can gingerly place my cell on the ledge of the cardio platform and see if that's better. I do my last set, speed squats of 25 reps with just the bar and the footage looks decent. I toy with the idea of getting a video of my Smith machine Stiff-Legged Dead Lifts, but suddenly there's a convention of old people hanging about the cardio platform. I have to check last week's log to see what I should be doing and decided I'm going to do better. And I do. I get three sets of 12 instead of 10. That makes me feel really good.

I'm tired by the time I get to the Cage and although my stretches are good, the kicks are cursory. Only Seated Leg Curls and Seated Leg Extensions to do. I don't have the energy or the mind to do more than three sets, matching the weight from last week, but not the volume. I knock out sit ups and crunches, then head to the Mat to do Dive Bomber Push Ups, the single 20 second plank and more stretches. I'm soooo done. The gym scale reads 110.4 lbs and I'm good with that considering I'd completely drained my water bottle. Depending on how I feel tomorrow, I might be back for more cardio and to whack the Nexersys. That's worth getting up for!

Slacker Leg Day
35 min Interval 7 = 4.35 miles + 35 min Hill 5 = 3.81  Grand Total = 8.16 miles Yay!

Smith Machine Squats: 25 @ bar (30 lbs) fast as I can go Butt to Heels / 12 @ 60 lbs fast as I can go Butt to Heels / 12 @ 80 lbs / 12 @ 100 lbs / 12 @ 120 lbs / 12 @ 140 lbs / 12 @ 80 lbs / 12 @ 60 lbs fast as I can go Butt to Heels / 25 @ bar fast as I can go Butt to Heels 

Smith Machine Stiff-Legged Dead Lifts: 12 @ bar / 12 @ 60 lbs / 12 @ 80 lbs / 12 @ 100 / 3 x 12 @ 110 lbs Yay!

Cage Stretch

Seated Leg Curl: 12 @ 97.5 lbs / 10 @ 127.5 lbs / 12 @ 120 lbs
Seated Leg Extensions: 12 @ 90 lbs / 12 @ 120 lbs / 12 @ 135 lbs

Flat Bench Twisting Sit Up: 125
Ab Crunch Station: 100

Mat Stretch with 2 x 12 DBPUs & 20 second plank, splits and other stretches

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