Friday, June 1, 2012

Dysmorphic Body Image?

I got on the scale today after a relatively moderate workout (still got that dang elbow problem), having done only 30 min of cardio (3.41 miles) and a light routine for back (5 sets each of rows and pulldowns but only at 90 lbs, reverse grip barbell rows but only 12 reps and only 5 sets) and a virtually non-existent bicep workout (3 sets of alternating dumbbell curls with 20 lbs, 1 set of hammer curls, 3 sets of 2 lb wrist curls and extensions). Abs, of course. Lower back extensions (6 sets of 25 reps at 90 lbs). Stretching. And the scale read 105.6 lbs. And I'm good with that.

Not skinny by any means
This isn't skinny, at least to me.
B tells me that she and her friend L have both decided that I've lost too much weight. Really? I ask her where exactly have I lost too much weight? I have big biceps, big shoulders (I'm so happy to have delts!), big calves and thighs. By no means do I have a wasp-waist, nor do my ribs and hips stick out anywhere. I actually like the way I look! Yeah, I'm having a small issue with finding clothes that fit properly, but who doesn't have that issue in some manner or another. In the rest of the world, we Americans are obese! I'm not feeling skinny. I'm not feeling fat either. I'm having a Goldilock's moment, feeling "just right".

Meanwhile, other ladies (in the locker room) tell me how phenomenal I look and wow, exactly how much weight did I lose? I actually have to come home and look at my calendar to see what all my weight entries are because I'm so fixated on the "here and now" that I don't really remember "back then". Shockingly, I've lost 10 lbs since January, which was actually 6 months ago so that's not bad. I'm certainly not "crash dieting"!

I'm wondering why B is so concerned about my weight. She's a skinny, sinewy woman. I've got at least 10 lbs on her and I look like it. I might be "tiny" but I'm certainly no "90 lb weakling". I like my muscularity, and I'm desperate to keep the body I've wanted for so long before the dreaded "change"— menopause hits me. Rumor has it that not only will my bones get porous, but my insides'll shrivel up, and I'll get wrinkly and brittle. I cringe at the thought and work out even harder.


  1. You certainly are not too skinny--you look great!! At least from the neck down, which is all that shows in the photographs. Some of the concern may stem from how your face (may) look. The irony of losing fat and gaining muscle is that while the rest of you steadily looks better, your face steadily looks worse (I've heard descriptors such as gaunt, haggard, corpse-like, and unhealthy, to name a few), particularly if you are "older". It's just one of those things...

    1. Thanks. I've posted a recent self-portrait in my latest post and I don't think I look gaunt, haggard, etc. I have one of those round faces that never looks skinny. I have my own theories as to why B is so "concerned" but it would seem mean to post those particular theories. Suffice it to say that some people don't like change, even or especially when it's in other people. LOL!


High Maintenance

I'm very envious of those folks who can zip in and out of a shower and be done with changing into street clothes in less than 10 minutes...