Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Few Thoughts on Legs

Mirror shots are not accurate
Today was a Leg Day and I was hard pressed to come up with more than a few exercises so I stuck with the basics. After a packet of instant oatmeal and a cup of coffee, natch. I did my cardio in two sets as usual (45 min uphill for 5.04 miles, and another 20 minutes of intervals for an additional 2.36 miles with a grand total of 7.4 sweat-drenched miles). My stretch-out side kicks seemed a little tight today in the cage but not enough to worry about. Tonight is kick boxing but I rather doubt we'll make it there since my husband's been traveling a lot for work lately.

I do a warm up set of Seated Leg Curls (15 reps at 60 lbs) and then 2 more sets at 75 lbs. The Smith is free so I do Squats: 6 sets of 15 reps at 95 lbs. I could go heavier and do less reps but I don't want bigger thighs. I just want nice thighs. Heck, I'm lucky they fit into the $2 hot pink jegging-jeans I bought at Kmart a few months ago! Afterwards, I do 6 sets of Deadlifts at the same 95 lbs but with a platform underneath the bar to give me a better stretch. I show my friend B how to do them and she remarks that it's the first time she's ever felt the exercise work her glutes and hams. Which is what they're suppose to do!

She's off to do Calf Raises which I avoid like the plague. I got big calves already. I go back and do another 3 sets of Seated Leg Curls, knock out about 150 twisting situps and lower ab kickouts. I incline the bench to do Weighted Situps and the bench slides further than anticipated. But I'm too lazy to readjust the incline back to 45° from 30°. Man! These are much much harder and I barely squeak out 4 sets of 25 reps with the 10 lb plate. The last 5 reps on each set are killer.

Torso twists followed by a nice boppy stretch-out cool down (Billy Idol, natch!) and I'm done. The scale reads 105.4. I get on twice just to double-check. I'm a bit surprised because I ate well last night. Made fresh salmon marinated briefly in soy, ginger and sake, then pan-seared in butter for 10 minutes, served with pan-roasted yellow sweet potatoes, and lettuce from our garden. My son & I had cherry vanilla ice cream for dessert, adorned with chocolate shell and fresh blackberries. Yup. Work out like a demon, and eat like... a human being. That's the whole point — not to give in to middle-age lethargy and the dreary inevitability of age. Do not go gentle into that good night!


  1. All I can say is... WOW. Thanks for sharing all this, for some reason my link to your blog wasn't working for a while but now that I can connect with you again I'm going to follow your blog more regularly because you are inspiring! Thanks!!


It's Not Just Cardio

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