Thursday, October 10, 2024

Watching Myself Age

The logs are all split and now just need to be stacked somewhere somewhat accessible. I skipped the gym Tuesday and Wednesday but did wheel several loads of split wood from the back of the house to the front where I have some pallets, and some half-filled wood racks. The wild roses and Oriental Bittersweet grow as long as temps are moderate so even as leaves are changing color and falling, and tall grass browns, wicked thorny vines reach out for as much sunlight as they can reach. 

I needed to trim some back from the path because no one needs to be grabbed by prickers while wheeling a heavy cart of wood. And for the first time ever and I've owned these items forever, I noticed how heavy my parrot-beak loppers were as I held them over my head to snip. It's not like they suddenly amassed weight. I must be weak?! I just used these a few months ago to decimate the heavy vine growth overtaking the forsythias and privet hedges and not once did it occur to me that they were heavy. WTF?! Definitely doing the shoulder workout tomorrow!

I've also made an unpleasant and somewhat disconcerting discovery about my face. Well, not my face but my eyebrows. Okay, not the brows but the skin under them. What? For years I've watched pigments in my skin darken around my eyes (due to all the glaucoma meds according to my doc), freckles appear across my nose, and splotches appearing on my cheeks. Chinese old people tend to develop large patches of brown blotches on the face. I'm washing my face and wondering why my eyebrows look odd. I peer closer and realize that there are brown spots under the ends of both my brows, making me look as if I'm wearing makeup, or eyebrow pencil. What? And why?! 

Okay, I confess that I'm not diligent with my sunscreen application, and honestly, who the heck thinks to sunscreen their eyebrows? I have been trying to fade the obvious melasma areas with OTC vitamin C cream, which necessitates sunscreen use. But of course, I hadn't applied any C to my eyebrows. I guess I really do have to make a dermatology appointment now because this is getting silly. I'm guessing this is just melasma, but maybe it's not. I'm not a dermatologist so what the heck do I know? Neither my mom nor my grandma had this, but my mom never went outside without full makeup, so that's probably sunblock enough. But I also don't remember my grandma having a blotchy face and she loved sitting out in the sun...

I make it to the gym today. Wind Breaker is on elliptical #1 so I clamber on to #2. There are very few people exercising. It's really quite a brilliant sunny day, although a bit chilly this morning. Only October and my finger tips are already splitting apart from the cold and lack of humidity. Put on my winter parka to combat the 40F temp, but the dogs really love the briskness. The forecast says temps will peak in the 60s and there might be a frost warning for tonight. I brought the aloe vera plant in last night because I don't think it'll survive. It has been fairly happy outside, but seems very prone to sunburn, which I find odd for a succulent. As in, direct sun seems to damage the leaves with burnt spots and then they wilt. But it works well when I accidentally burn myself in the kitchen.

I do my All Cardio routine, starting out a bit sluggish but gain energy as I progress. I should've restrained myself when I get to the last cardio machine because I think being a bit too exuberant cost me half a rep at pull-ups. Yeah, it was the third set, but still... The Aerobics Room feels cool, and is empty when I arrive. My sciatica still bothers me during Hip Bridges, Bird Dogs, and push-ups. 

The right foot is numb and my hip tingling as I leave the Aerobics Room, but I can "walk it off" so I don't worry too much about it. I also suspect that my right leg is longer than the left one. Asymmetry isn't unusual in humans, but it is a PITA. It might be due to mild scoliosis so maybe the hip is off kilter. But it is certain that the right leg is always a length in front or behind the left one when I'm not looking at them but feel certain that they're parallel with each other. Hmmm...

10 Oct 2024 11:52-1:51
Thursday — All Cardio
Brilliant Day — Timolol / sciatica

Precor elliptical #2
Program 3 Clunks!
Time: 30 + 5 (5468)
Distance: 2.80
Cal: 309
Avg Hr: 147, 186-78
New FB: 55-130


Matrix StairMaster (L)
Manual timer 8+2 cool down
Minimum 5 minutes
Speed 5 (45-50) / 29-36 (2-1)
Steps 431
Floors 26
Cal 65
Hr 126


Life Fitness X-Trainer #3
Program Manual L1
Time: 12 (+3 min cool down) =15
Distance: 1.47
Cal: 117
Avg Hr: 127-134


20 Hip Bridges (tingle)
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2 (tingle)
Push-Ups 25 (tingle)
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

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