Friday, October 11, 2024

Use It or Lose It

It's been a while since I last did Wall Sits. Or the Interval program on the elliptical. So I included them in my workout today. Luckily, I got to the gym earlier and managed to score elliptical #1. (Wind Breaker showed up 15 minutes later so he got to pedal #2.) I forgot to charge the FitBit last night so I didn't wear it while exercising. It has the unfortunate tendency not to recognize exercise activities; probably a wonky algorithm that expects MWF and this week wasn't that. 

When I get home, I have to manually log Thursday and Friday, and of course, there's no way to adjust the steps for today. Thank goodness I turned off that annoying "reminder buzzer" when it thinks you've been stationery too long. Sometimes it would buzz in the middle of me trudging up the dog park hill, so that tells you how accurately it ascertains movement.

I finally did Intervals correctly: slowing my pace to roughly 90-100 SPM during the rest troughs and as fast as I can go for the peaks. That means getting as high as 240 for a few seconds before slowing to just above 150 SPMs (strides per minute)... I cut 10 minutes off my cardio session just because this is a lot more taxing than those other programs. During the 5-minute cool down, I pedal backward to work posterior muscles better. I've been better at this, but of course, I was younger then and did Intervals more frequently.

It's early enough that the free weight area isn't too crowded but there are people there. One of the two Nautilus benches is in use along the DB rack, where most of the benches reside. I find the other N bench in a cage with the Olympic bar resting on the side squat guards. My thought is that the last fucker was too lazy to put the bar back on the rest affixed to the frame. So glad I'm still able to curl the bar up to my face, which is the level at which the rest stays are. An old guy in the next station seems surprised that I'm able to do that. Whatever. 

I drag the bench out from the cage because it's just in the way. I don't need the cage; let someone else use it for squats or whatever. I position the bench sort of in the center of a clear area with space to walk around me to the BB rack or other equipment. Then I grab DBs and do my routine. Cuz I don't care about what other people are doing, as long as they don't get in my way or bother me. It takes me a good half hour to do all my sets. The Senior Class is just finishing, and there's still three or four old women kibbitzing next to the instructor. He's gathering chairs to stack and cart away, and offering advice. 

I grab a mat and do my list. No surprises. Bird Dogs and Hip Bridges still activate tingling numbness in my right foot and toes. At the end, I decide to add back Wall Sits since it's been weeks. I only make it to 90 seconds before my quads are screaming too much. I used to be better at this too, but again, use it or lose it. I'd better start using before losing too much! 

Imagine my surprise when perusing the local newspaper and seeing an ad for the Wallflowers performing a charity concert next month. With Jakob Dylan, who gets his stunning looks from his model mom. I remember when he went solo and wasn't impressed with the results. Of course I look up when he got back together with the band and it's been over a decade. WTF? (Can we reference John Lennon's Life is what happens when you're busy...) So I listened to the last two albums they put out (Glad All Over, Exit Wounds), courtesy of YouTube, and was pretty happy with them. Now if only Pa Sheehy would get back together with his band, Walking On Cars. His solo stuff is nice, but nothing like Monster, one of the all-time favorite songs in my workout list.

I did go to $5 Movie Tuesday to see the new Joker movie. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen, but it was unexpectedly sad. Beautiful cinematography. Superficially, I'd agree with the NY Times' Manohla Dargis who asked what the point was. But I'm more in agreement with another review, that the Joker Pas de Deux is actually a good movie. Just not the one we expected. And expectations and it's corollary, disappointment are the key to this movie. 

Click here to read Dan Selcke's astute assessment. What is unsaid is that the future Harley Quinn ignites hope in sad, mentally ill Arthur Fleck. She makes him feel loved. He discovers that he's human after all. She's disappointed and rejects him. She wants the ultimate anti-hero. He's has nothing left and is ultimately killed. This is not the origin story of the fabled arch-villain Joker. But the kid that kills Arthur might be...

11 Oct 2024 11:28-1:12 pm
Friday — Mix
Brilliant Day — Timolol / sciatica

Precor elliptical #1
Program Intervals
Time: 20 + 5 (3584)
Distance: 1.96
Cal: 210
Avg Hr: 133, 210-110 (!!??) seriously?
New FB: low battery

Incl DB Press s/s Lateral Raises s/s Rev Incline Flys
10 lbs x 25/15/25
15 lbs x 25/15/25
20/15/20 lbs x 25/15/25 x 3 sets

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 20 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25 (minimal tingle)
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga
Wall Squat 90 sec

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