Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Another Gym Post and a few words about PFAS in Dental

Weird weather coming

The older I get, the more sensitive to barometric pressure I become. Yesterday, I was absolutely miserable before it actually rained. Brain fog, headache, fatigue and burning eyelids make me feel as if I'd fallen ill. But it was just the weather! Once it started to rain, my symptoms dissipated and by this morning, I was back to normal. Except that I hadn't been to the gym in 4 days. So I went today, albeit a bit late.

The Senior class was still in session and there were other folks. Wind Breaker was already pedaling away but surprisingly on elliptical #3. No one on #1 or 2 so I'm able to use #1. I still felt sluggish so making mileage was difficult. The amount of steps I climbed were beyond my control as the machine sets the pace. I did manage to hold onto my pull-up reps and added a few more half reps to the last set. The only place I did better was the cross-trainer where I seemed to have pedaled a little faster than last time.

My sciatica still bothers me during push ups, hip bridges, bird dog planks and when transitioning from sitting to standing/walking. But it's less annoying. I had a follow-up appointment with my glaucoma doc on Monday that took several hours because once again, she has brand new staff for a lot of functions. Which meant I was scheduled for tests that hadn't happened or I wasn't told about and so I wasn't prepared for (like not taking a certain eye drop before the appointment, but I won't know that if you don't tell me). We viewed my last Visual Field exam and that was very troubling for the right eye. 

If you're interested, a Visual Field test has you cover one eye while you stare through a lens at a gray-white field where there's a tiny orange dot in the center. You stare at the dot and click a clicker when lights flash in the area surrounding the dot. The lights can be big or tiny and in any area. You do this for each eye. The computer maps whether you've seen the flashes properly or are just clicking randomly. Sometimes you think you see a flash and there isn't any: false positive.

The right eye is the one with greater vision loss in the upper quadrant, shaped like an ominous dark crescent. The last exam showed something completely different: a crescent that was bisected vertically with no vision loss at all on the left side. But the system also detected a high number of false positives, so that test is suspect. Otherwise, it's signaling a problem with brain function and perception. That would be really troubling. So, I'm scheduled for a new exam in a few weeks. Because this one is just too weird.

Yes, those are my
wrinkly fingers

This morning, I watched a post on YouTube about PFAS in dental floss. (Click here for the link.) No one needs extra PFAS in their bodies, especially entering through their gums directly into the bloodstream so close to the brain. I'd read about this when the news first came out, but I wasn't able to determine which floss was considered safe. The video, provided by a periodontist, listed all the suspect brands (a lot of popular ones including one I favor), and the safer ones. I've tried unwaxed floss. It didn't work very well for me as my teeth tended to shred the floss and make it unusable. 

After the gym, I went to the store with my list. And I found ones that specifically marketed themselves as PFAS FREE! It's REACH UltraClean mint floss. I'm hoping it's as good as the Oral B Glide ProHealth (which works well for me, except for the toxic chems). Because gum health has been linked to all sorts of longevity issues, like heart disease and dementia. Good grief.

30 Oct 2024 12:13-2:06
Wednesday — All Cardio
Low Air Pressure Sensitivity
Brilliant Day — Timolol / sciatica

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3
Time: 30 + 5 (5406
Distance: 2.78
Cal: 305
Avg Hr: 150, 188-82
New FB: 52-132

HGPU 15.5

Matrix StairMaster (R)
Manual timer 8+2 cool down
Minimum 5 minutes
Speed 5 (45) / 2 (38) / 1 (29)
Steps 423
Floors 26
Cal 64
Hr 137


Life Fitness X-Trainer #3
Program Manual L1
Time: 12 (+3min cool down) = 15
Distance: 1.38
Cal: 115
Avg Hr: 129-131

HGPU 13.5 + 2/2s

20 Hip Bridges
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20 x 5
Piriformis stretches
Child’s Pose
Cat/Cow stretch 12
Child’s Pose
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2 (tingle)
Push-Ups 25 (minimal tingle)
Arm rotations 20
Air Squats 25
Neck stretch / Eye yoga

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