Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Fall Used to Feel More Festive

Today is Halloween  but it's chilly and damp although not actually raining like it's been for the past two days. I skipped the gym yesterday since I had to take my car to the shop. I'd been dreading the diagnostics because I knew it wasn't just going to be broken wheel bearings. And it wasn't. On the drive there, the check tire pressure light comes on so I have the shop look at that wheel as well, telling them that Mavis Tires says they can't find any leaks so I suspect they didn't look at the stem or the rim. After an hour, I get told the bad news first: the head gasket is leaking oil. Not blown. Yet. Front rotors are warped due to stuck brackets. Need new brake pad & rotors. Bearings need to be replaced. Tire valve stem is leaking. 

And, since my car is old (2010), they have to order the parts. They also don't have any non-electric loaners, and very few of us have the ability to charge an EV at home (unless you own a Tesla, but then you wouldn't be at a Subaru shop). It's going to cost a big chunk of change, but less than buying a new car, or even a new used car. Because dammit, there's still a dearth of used vehicles and most of them are cramped hybrids that cost what I consider new car prices. Sooo, I'll have to bring my car back next week...

It's Halloween but other than some empty spaces in the candy section of the grocery, today doesn't feel very festive. The gym is virtually empty but there's a bowl of one-bite candies like Snickers and Hershey's at the front desk. My triceps aren't sore anymore from Friday's Skull Crusher-Rip Skull routine. Which was more sore than my arms ever were from the push-up challenge. I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed that doing 155 push-ups didn't result in any soreness, not even in the pecs. (Is this a good thing or bad?) 

Cardio was really good, maybe because it's cold. Temps were 37F when I took pups to the park and they were happy to race through slippery, wet leaves. It warms up to low 50s by the time I leave the gym. I feel so good that I accidentally go to 27 push-ups because I'm in a rhythm. I wish pull-ups were that easy! Fifteen reps are good and the next two are a bit of a struggle. I only get to 15 the second time around. I think. Because at this point, after 90 seconds of Wall Squats, I feel kind of blown out and spacey and I'm having trouble keeping track of the count. Bleah. 

My hubs and I did go to the Battle of White Plains re-enactment in White Plains, NY and speak to a bunch of folks about the colonists, wool-dyeing, British regiments, life during the mid-1700s... It was a lot of fun, except that it was raining and cold, and we were mostly outdoors, standing under pop-ups. I'm not sure I want to spend Father's Day weekend at the Battle of Monmouth in Monmouth NJ State Park next summer... 

I didn't buy any Halloween candy for tonight because we never get trick-or-treaters. Besides, I can probably buy the candy half-price tomorrow, if I wanted to stock up on Kit Kats, Snickers, and Heath Bars. Because it's just me and the pups for the next two weeks as the hubs is working through next weekend. The child isn't home until Thanksgiving. And dogs don't get to eat candy...

31 October 2023 11:25-12:49
Halloween Tuesday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 2
Time: 30+5 (5726)
Distance: 2.88
Cal: 322
Avg Hr: 149, 190-85


20 Hip Bridges
Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
DeadBugs 20/20/20/20 alt/ss = 80
20 Hip Bridges
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 27 oops
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga
Wall Squats 90s


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