Friday, September 29, 2023

Soreness and Fatigue Are Two Different Things

When I got home on Wednesday, after my push-up marathon, I had done a few errands and then suddenly I was so tired I fell asleep on the sofa with the dogs. Lucky for the pups, I woke up in time to feed and walk them. I haven't napped in years! And then I got a text from my kid that his school is being ravaged by Covid, and BTW, he's probably got it too because his throat feels like someone punched it every time he swallows. Ugh. 

I gather up soothing throat lozenges, teas, vitamin C and zinc, elderberry syrup, double chocolate cookies for comfort... Since we're planning on visiting in a few weeks, I decide to get my flu and booster shot now instead of waiting until October.

I'm surprised that the local CVS says they're booked for the next two weeks so I go to one of the RiteAids (there's at least 3 within close driving distance). It's completely void of customers. I ask about flu and booster shots. The flu can be a walk-in but the booster needs to be scheduled online. So, while I'm filling out the forms for the flu shot, I whip out my phone and schedule a booster shot appointment, for 8 pm that same day. Then I ask the pharmacist if I really have to come back at 8 pm since I'm already here, and there's literally no one else there. 

A young couple suddenly appear and they have appointments, but they wind up seated in the waiting area for a good half hour. I actually get my shot, leave the store and buy some dog food next door, drop that off at my car in the big parking lot, then come back to the RiteAid to buy an at-home test kit to include in the care package to my kid. The couple are still in the waiting area. I'm a little surprised but I'm not going to ask any questions...


I feel tired this morning, and have a slight headache. It might be the booster, or it might be the weather since it's been raining since last night, knocked the power out at 3 AM (the generator kicking on woke me up) and has caused a lot of the major roadways to close due to flooding. The dogs still need to run about so we go, and we are literally the only ones in the entire park but that's okay. After 25 minutes, the dogs are ready to come home and be toweled off so they can sleep in their soft comfy beds.

My lats are sore but not any more than last time. I would've expected triceps and pectorals to also be afflicted, but nope. My left tricep is sore because I got both shots there, but it's not debilitating. I get to the gym late and it's not very busy. I do a super easy cardio session at just 25 minutes and then an ugly set of pull-ups. But I did get pull-ups done. I found an old sleeveless shell (in my pile of old clothes) with huge gaping arm holes. Luckily, I'm wearing a sports bra that I'm not too embarrassed to show. The Aerobics Room is empty and I do all my core exercises, skipping the extra time for planks and not doing wall squats at all. After all, this is my recovery day. Last time I got a booster, I was super tired and slept a lot so I'm fine with babying myself today. 

I did get a little bored and shot a video of push-ups today because it was quick and not too tedious. Filming the push-up challenge might be asking too much... Also, I might not have installed all the latest extensions and the video might not load properly. I'll just have to post and see if it works or not.


I've been wearing a pair of plaid flannel cargo pants that my son outgrew. He wore nothing but flannel cargo pants for most of grade school, until LLBean stopped selling them. I'm literally the size of a kid so my boys flannel shirt, cargo pants and Mickey Mouse hoodie shouldn't surprise anyone. I once read someone's observation that middle-aged Asian women tend to dress like teenage boys and I guess that's probably true...

29 Sept 2023 11:20-12:27
Post Double Vax Friday w/ Torrential rainfall

Precor elliptical #1
Program 3 EZ workout
Time: 20+5 (3678)
Distance: 1.93
Cal: 209
Avg Hr: 135, 160-80


20 Hip Bridges
Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
20 Hip Bridges
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-UPS 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga

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