Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Short-time Tuesday

At the Bark Park today
Today is the last day of actual classes at my son's HS. The next week and a half are devoted to NYS Regents exams. I'm not sure why they need to close the entire school for this. When I was in HS, a few rooms got cordoned off from the rest of the students and that was it. The Regents exams are specific to NYS, but honestly, if you can't pass the Regents in whatever subject (math, chemistry, etc.) then maybe you shouldn't be getting that diploma either. 

My son complained of a sore throat this morning so I've got him scheduled for a doctor appointment this afternoon. Friends at the Bark Park are amazed that I can get a same-day doc appointment. But that's the difference between adults and kids. Pediatricians realize that kids can't really wait, even if they're 18 years old. He might have strep. Or Covid. Or something else. Better to test early and treat if possible. (He tests negative for strep and doesn't have a fever at the docs so perhaps he's just tired and on the verge of getting sick?)

I do a quick workout, hitting only the important things today: cardio, core, pull-ups. I'm disappointed that my 3-days off haven't allowed me to regain all my pull-up reps; they're just slightly better than last week but at least my forearms don't hurt. Tomorrow I'll do cardio, core and then a version of the DB Shoulder routine. Just probably no more AMRAPs for the DB lateral raises... Well, I had to try.

Last week, I started to feel some discomfort on the back of my lower shoulder caps. It was a weird sensation: slight burning like maybe the skin was stretching. And then I discovered unusual dryness (I have painfully dry skin but not uniformly distributed). So were those patches of skin becoming so dry that they were suffering from micro tears? Or is this somehow related to the medicated cream I've been applying under my arms twice a day for the candida. The dark areas are fading, they've never itched, but now there's a weird dry scaliness to the back of my underarms. Ugh. WTF? Is this eczema? I've never truly had eczema before, regardless of the diagnosis determined from the biopsy sample from the cold urticaria (hives) I get every year on my outer thighs. Now that temps have risen, that rash is gone.

Normal back skin doesn't usually get that dry. I don't have normal skin so I find myself using the Aquaphor body spray a lot. I've also resorted to the "old tech sponge-on-a-stick" to apply soothing creams to my itchy, super dry back when I'm at home. Not quite like the old videos of bears scratching their backs on trees... On a lighter note, I saw this packaging at the grocery today and was amused. Next time I'll actually read the ingredient list to see how much salt and protein you get per serving and what the components are.

13 June 2023
Tired Tuesday

Precor elliptical #1
Program 1
Time: 30 + 5 (5564)
Distance: 2.83
Cal: 313
Avg Hr: 144, 179


20 Hip Bridges
Crunches 60
Piriformis/Hip/Pencil Stretch
60 Dead Bugs
20 Hip Bridges
Elbow Plank 60s
Quick Child’s Pose
Cat stretch 12x
Fire Hydrants 30 x 2
Child’s Pose / Cobra Pose
Bird Dog Planks 60s x 2
Push-Ups 25
Air Squats 25
Upper body stretch
Eye yoga

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