Wednesday, August 25, 2021

August is Hot

This is week 3 of my sciatic disability and I can finally say that I feel a tad better. Sitting in a car is still the most unpleasant activity, but I can tolerate sitting elsewhere for short periods. Standing and walking are still the best medicine besides taking ibuprofen (and gabapentin when I'm trying to sleep) and going for chiropractic adjustments. 

This morning I felt good enough to completely ignore the discomfort and manually clip all the 6-foot high spears of mugwort, aka sailor's tobacco or wild chrysanthemum that have grown into an impenetrable forest at the end of the driveway. The stems are too woody to weed wack without suffering from flying splinters and 84F is too hot to wear safety goggles. I'm already wearing boots, long pants sprayed with DEET, and a long sleeve hoodie impregnated with permethrin. My drenched clothes immediately go into the washing machine because nearly microscopic tick nymphs are abundant courtesy of all the white-tails that lurk at dusk.

Of course, my left glute is sore when I finish. I can still change my clothes and drive to the gym though, but I keep the treadmill walk short. I finally figure out how to set a timer for the manual setting but find the "cool down" two minutes very annoying as the speed and incline drop to a flat crawl. I'm not used to a cool down like that. 

I'd been toying with the idea of adding core exercises back once I can get up and down from the floor without grimacing, but I think that's going to wait for another week. I even think about doing a few pull-ups, but once again, the fact that my entire left leg from the glute to the toes is throbbing makes me think I'm jumping the gun. I can wait.

25 Aug 2021
Sciatic Blazing Wednesday

True Alpine Treadmill
Time: 20 min Custom + 2 min cool down
Speed 2.5
Incline 3.5
Distance: 0.86
Cal: 79
HR 77, av 101, high 127

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