Friday, March 5, 2021

Deceptively Sunny

I always check the weather app on my phone before I get out of bed. There's reason to pause when it states that the temp is 34F but the wind chill makes it feel like 7F. That's a lot of arctic air, courtesy of the polar vortex whipping down from Canada. And while the skies are blue and the sun feels great, I know that I'll need to layer my clothes, bring extra gloves, and stuff HotHands inside my pockets. 

The dogs and I spent a good half hour alone in the park before other dogs and their owners arrived to play. I'm the only one dressed for the weather, with YakTrax on my Bogs, a fleece hat under the thick pile hoodie under the down winter parka, and chemical hand warmers heating my snow gloves. I feel okay. The other two dog parents are sheepishly cold because they are severely underdressed. A third dog shows up just as my pups and I are leaving. Her owner's wearing a mask: someone at the sports rink where he works has tested positive for the virus so everyone must take precautions. He won't even go into the heated shed and stands apart from all of us (we're all spaced apart several feet anyway), so he's aware of all the protocols.  

It was hard to leave the warm house again to go to the gym once I got the pups home and fed. I arrived at the gym well past noon. It was no surprise that both ellipticals were occupied and I got on the Life Fitness cross-trainer instead. There are only 3 of them available and 5 minutes after I got on, the other two were claimed. I'm cold for the first 10 minutes because it takes me that long to build up any semblance of warmth. I only do 20 minutes with an additional 5-minute cooldown: it's a bit more taxing since arms are in motion here whereas they're stationary on the elliptical. 

I haven't decided whether doing the cobra stretches actually helps my sciatica although numerous online videos claim that they offer relief if the problem is nerve compression due to a bulging or herniated disk. I don't know what my issue is other than the arthritis diagnosed via x-rays. I'd have to go to a chiropractor or physical therapist 3 times a week for 6 weeks (and pay $25 per session) before health insurance would authorize a more definitive MRI. When I did go to the chiropractor, I didn't really feel much difference, and the fact that his physical therapist wears the mask under his nose while talking and treating several people at once, kind of creeps me out. High schoolers and seniors sitting within a few feet of each other and this guy working between them, basically maskless. Uh, no...

I did hip thrusts (yoga term would be bridge pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) and it seemed as if my sciatica was a lot worse the next day. It could be a coincidence. My sciatica doesn't bother me much when I'm at the Bark Park, gingerly making my way up and down the icy side-slope while on Poop Patrol. But the Reverse Inclined Flys and subsequent Rip Skulls did aggravate it today. These aren't even leg movements! But alas, the legs are necessary for core stabilization and that seems to be enough to inflame those nerves.  

Someone said next week might top out at 60F. Next thing you know, I'll be griping about biting bugs and stroke-inducing heat... 

5 March 2021
Arctic Wind Friday

LF x-trainer
20 min + 5 cd
Program Manual 1
HR 126-159
Cal 203
Distance 3.05

Crunches x 60 x 2
Piriformis Stretch
5 cobra pose (5 sec count)
Plank 60s
Fire Hydrants 25 x 2
Bird Dogs 60s x 2
Bent Knee Glute Kickbacks 25 x 2
Plank 60s
5 cobra pose (5 sec count)
Pushups 50
Mat stretch et al

DB raises supersets
lateral standing 15 lbs x 15 x 4
reverse inclined flys 15 lbs x 20 w/u
20lbs x 20 x 3

Rip Skulls
30 lbs x 12
35 x 12, 12


  1. Cobra stretches and hip bridges can help a lot with sciata...IF done correctly. If done incorrectly it can make sciata worse. Same as for any yoga pose that can help, or exacerbate, a given injury/imbalance. Sometimes the difference between correct and incorrect is not that evident.

  2. Agreed. And sometimes there are other considerations, like head below heart poses that make one's back feel good (Downward Dog, Child's Pose) but are absolutely contraindicated for sufferers of glaucoma.


Five Days Off But Not a Vacation

I finally made it to the gym today, although a lot later than usual. I had a horribly stressful morning, with driving gingerly after last ni...